By Samantha R.
As I was walking down the hall to get the kitchen for a glass of water. As my mouth is dry as the desert floor. I walked down the spooky dark hall I heard a crack of lighting and then I heard something fall the roof of my house what is it. I froze on the spot. It was like I was paralyzed and I couldn’t move it had startled me so much. As I got my power to move again I creep down my stairs and in the kitchen. As I open the fridge I felt a cold breeze. I turned around and my back door was left a jar. I walk out and as rain pelted on my head I saw a lump on my lawn. I wasn’t sure what it was. I walk closer and as I did a weird present came over my body I felt like something was trying to tell me something. In my head I heard the word elphay.
As the sun rose I woke up on my front lawn I don’t remember anything after hearing that word. It was like someone put that sleep stuff on me. And the last thing I did remember is being in the back and rain hitting my head and staring at the lump in the lawn.
As I walk to school I was trying to figure out what the word meant, if it is a word? And on the way I saw my best friend Sandy. He is the best and always helps me when I need it. He has blond hair and he is just the best. "Hey John what’s up?""Nothing!" See I told you he is the best he always asks me what wrong if I look sad. "What the matter you look puzzled?" "Yea, I am, I keep thinking of this word, I don’t know what it means, I hate when I don’t know something.""What is the word?" Sandy asks. "It is elphay, it>really wired.""Were did you see or hear this word?"" I didn’t that what wired, I heard it in my head and like it is like someone or thing was trying to tell me something I was getting a glass of water last night, and I heard something fall on my roof. Then I was creeping down my stairs and then I saw that my back door was left open and then I remember seeing I lump on my lawn but I couldn’t see it clear enogh because it was raining. Then the next thing I know I am a wake on my lawn.""John that doesn’t tell me were you heard the word!""Right sorry, when I saw the lump on my lawn I heard and saw the word in my head.""Ok, first of all the word means help and it is in Pig Latin, I think you have gone nuts!"
Later At school I could stop thinking about my night and how Sandy said I was nuts or going nuts. I need to know if I am really going crazy?
After school I walk home by myself because Sandy stayed late for a D.T and then I remember the lum in my back yard. As I walked closer I saw it was I blanket, a black fleece one. But is only a blanket? As I walked closer I heard that word again. I was getting freak out. I grab the blanket with one hand I grip it tight. I pulled and fell down I was afraid to turn around and look but some thing was pulling me. I turn and opened my eyes, and screamed as loud as I could. I passed out.
Later I awoke in my room. Sandy was there and the first thing he said when he saw me awake was "sorry I didn’t believe you at first but I do know I heard the same thing you did.""Was that what I think it was?""Yes John it is a body!" I phoned the cops and they’re on their way.
When the police got here they said, "this is the body that was stolen form a grave yard. We have been looking for this guy possible woman for awhile. If you kids find anything more like this please phone the department. And her is the reward of finding this body." 1,000,000 dollars! "What am I or we going to do with this?" "I have no clue John, but do you want to go to the mall?"Sure."
As I was walking thought the mall I was wonder about the person who stole that body and if they will ever find him or her? And if the do I want to know but for now I want to for get about my mystery!
WOW! Elephay!