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This is a picture of our experimental wheel diameter/traction increasers. So far they work ok. Wanna take a guess at what they are?? Yep, vacuum cleaner drive belts stretched around the colson's. They increase the radius by 1/8", just enough to give me the edge when driving on asphalt.
Another picture of the rubber treads..
Here we see the beloved Astroflight 112D charger and Power Source. They range in cost from about $220 to $250 depending on where you get them from.
A wolf...
A side picture of Iron Wolf, the front stage of the drivetrain's chains are not tensioned as you can see. The back side chains are tensioned nicely. Kinda hard to tell from the picture, so bare with me..
Picture of Iron Wolf from the top. The weapon motor is not installed, as we still didn't drill the holes for the mounting assembly. Notice the batteries I am using for now. They are el cheapo cordless drill battery packs, only 14.4V and this thing still has enough power to move 300+ lbs of barbels across the floor..
Yet another pic of the mean machine..
A bench press my dad threw together for us. When we're not building machines spawned for destruction, we're pumping iron. Grrr..
The front side of Iron Wolf. The new brackets we put in for the casters are much beffier (NOTE: they are not permenantly welded in, as we may still be in the need of design changes which will conclude in us removing them).

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