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Created: 1990

1993, 1995, 1997,
2000-2005 inclusive, 2007












Number of Players









   a) Discussing a call



   b) Inadvertent Whistle



   c) Penalty Option



Game Times & Forfeits



Length of Game






Injury Stoppage



Starting the Game



End Zone Dimensions



Overtime Rules





Flags & Flagging






Putting Ball in Play






Defence – 1 yd restraining zone






Conceding a Score



Running and Passing



Laterals and Fumbles



Kicking Tees









On-Side Kicks






Field Goals



Ball Striking Goal Post



Deflected Kicks



Interception in End Zone





E.   PENALTIES (Listed Alphabetically)







1.         Each team is allowed to sign a maximum of 18 players, in accordance with separate guidelines set out by the league.


2.         Minimum age requirement shall be 19 years of age as of the first game of the season.


3.         Students currently enrolled in high school are ineligible.


4.         Students currently enrolled in post secondary courses who are not participating in any post secondary intramural tackle football program or varsity tackle or flag/touch program are eligible.


5.         Players must play a minimum of THREE (3) regular season games to qualify for the playoffs. A player must be on the field for at least one play to get credit for appearance in a game.


6.               Teams may not add any players to their roster after midnight on Thanksgiving Monday.


7.         Any team discovered to be using an ineligible player will be subject to discipline, which shall include at minimum forfeiture of the game(s) the player participated in the week prior to the discovery of his ineligibility.


8.         The league is not responsible for any loss or injury incurred while participating in            league games or activities.





1.         No player shall wear or use equipment or clothing which, in the opinion of the official, endangers or confuses his opponents.  This includes any type of shorts or pants with pockets or belt loops.


2.         Each team must have jerseys of the same colour and each jersey is to be numbered without duplication.   Should the teams in a game both have the same basic colour, the official may request that the visiting team go "skins" or put on jerseys or T-shirts of a different colour.  Jerseys must be tucked-in at all times so as not to impede the pulling of the flag.


3.         Shoulder pads, elbow pads, padded football pants or helmets are not permitted.


4.                  Footwear must be worn and must have a minimum of 7 cleats per shoe.  NO METAL CLEATS ALLOWED.


5.                  Rip flags, flag belts, goal post protectors, scrimmage markers, side-line pylons and kicking tees will be provided by the league. Rip flags will be 35 cm (14 inches) in length and 2.5 cm wide (1 inch) and made of nylon material similar to that of the flag belt.


6.         Teams are responsible for providing their own footballs for kicking and throwing.  Only official CFL and  NFL footballs are permitted and they must be brown in colour. Rubber footballs and junior-sized footballs are not allowed.


7.         A designated team of the first game of the day is responsible for setting up the goal post pads and sideline pylons 15 minutes prior to the game.  The referee should check to see that the field has been properly set up before kick-off.   A designated team of the last game of the day is responsible for returning the equipment to storage.  Directions to the storage area will provided at the August Representatives meeting.


8.         The home team for each game is responsible for the score keeping. The winning team is responsible for ensuring that the score sheet is placed in the flag box at the end of the game and that the score is reported via e-mail or voice mail to the league statistician by the end of day on the Tuesday following the game.



1.         There shall be a maximum of 7, minimum of 6, players per team on the field at all times.  


7 on OFFENCE hereafter referred to as TEAM A

7 on DEFENCE hereafter referred to as TEAM B


2.         Each team may designate up to two (2) captains prior to play and these players and their numbers must be made clear to the officials.   ONLY ONE CAPTAIN WILL BE ALLOWED TO CONSULT WITH THE OFFICIALS ON ANY DISPUTED CALL/PLAY.


3.         The league will provide a referee and linesman for each game.  The linesman will count 4 steamboats out loud while holding upright his right arm until said steamboats are completed.  The linesman also marks the line of scrimmage, calls off-sides and informs the referee of any fouls he sees. He also keeps a record of the score, scorers, interceptions and sacks. 


            a)         The decision of the officials can only be disputed when backed up by the rules under which the league is governed.  A captain is entitled to an explanation of any decision but prolonged argument is not allowed.  Time out may be requested to qualify the rules.  If the decision is in favour of the disputing team, that team will not be charged with a time out.  If the decision is not in favour of the disputing team and it has no more timeouts, it will be charged with a delay of game penalty.


b)                  Inadvertent Whistle:  This may occur when an official believes that a player has been flagged, but he hasn’t;  when an AFFL Rule differs with a Football Canada rule; or when an official misinterprets an AFFL rule (i.e. whistling a forward lateral as dead prior to it being touched by a player or hitting the ground).


If an inadvertent whistle is determined to have occurred, the “penalized” team shall have the option of taking the result of the play or repeating the down from the original line of scrimmage.


If a foul occurs during a down during which an inadvertent whistle occurs, the penalty shall be administered as in any other play situation if not in conflict with other rules.


            c)         In the case of any offence, a captain from the non-offending team shall be given the choice of penalty or option(s) provided.




a)         Starting times of all  regular season games shall be exactly as indicated on the League schedule, Each team shall have 15 minutes grace from  the start time to field a minimum of 6 players to start the game.  Failure to do so will result in a forfeit by the offending team.  If the minimum is reached in this time period, the time shall be deducted from the first half and the offending team shall be penalized 20 yards on the opening kick-off.  Exception:  For teams switching fields for a doubleheader, the grace period will not commence until 5 minutes after the scheduled start time. No time will be deducted nor penalty assessed for that time period.


b)                  There will be no time deducted or penalties assessed for any playoff game that does not start on time because of a team having to switch fields for  a doubleheader.  If a team cannot field enough players by game time, however, then the same process as outlined above in a) takes effect.


c)                  If a player on a team with only 6 players must leave the game due to injury, the team must forfeit.  If a team forfeits because of injuries occurring in the game in question, the team will not be fined or penalized.


d)                  The score of forfeited game as per a) shall be 21 - 0.


e)      The score of a forfeited game as per c) shall be :


i)                    14-0 if the non-offending team was losing at the time of injury

ii)                   14-0 if the non-offending team was winning by 13 points or less at the time of injury

iii)                 The score of the game at the time of injury if the non-offending team was winning by 14 or more points


 f)         Any team that forfeits 2 games as per a) during the regular season shall be disbanded by the league.  The disbanded team shall be penalized according to the rules laid out in the Constitution.  Any players on the disbanded team that wish to continue playing will be distributed among the remaining teams that are interested in adding to their rosters by means of a draft, the format of which will be determined by the Executive Committee.


5.         Games will be 81 minutes in length, consisting of two 38 minute halves, with a  5 minute break in between.   At 30 minutes, a warning will be given that there are 3 minutes remaining until 6 plays.  At 33 minutes, the Referee will announce there are 6 plays left. Kick offs and converts do not count as plays. Also, the half or game cannot end if a defensive penalty occurs during the last play of the half/game or, in overtime, during the last play of the offensive team's possession. In this case, a penalty down is awarded.  The Referee will be the official time-keeper.


6.         Each team is allowed two (2) timeouts per half which may be called at any time by a designated captain of either team. Each timeout is one (1) minute in length. The game clock will not commence again after the timeout until the ball is snapped. 


7.         The game shall not be stopped for any reason without the permission of the official.   If the official stops the game because of an injury, the injured player must leave the field for at least one play. The only exception is if the team only has 6 players.  The game will not be stopped for injury until the official whistles the play dead.  The official will keep track of all injury time. If a player on a team with only 6 players must leave the game due to injury, the team must forfeit.  If a team forfeits because of injuries occurring in the game in question, the team will not be fined or penalized.


8.         Prior to the start of the game, the captains of both teams shall meet with the officials at centre field.  The official shall give the visiting team the option of either:


A)        Kicking off or Receiving the kick off




B)        Choosing which goal area to defend


At the start of the second half of play, the home team shall be offered the choices listed above.


9.         END ZONE DIMENSIONS shall be the edge of the track at all fields with a track around them (unless otherwise marked), and 20 yards deep at all other fields.


10.              OVERTIME


a)      There is no overtime for regular season games or round robin play-off games.

b)      Overtime is only played if an elimination play-off game or any of the championship games ends in a tie at the end of regulation play.

c)      In the event that the score is tied at the end of the second half of such a game,  each team will be given the opportunity to score using the following procedure:

·        The winner of a coin toss (home team calls), shall have the option of choosing the end or taking possession of the ball first.

·        The first team shall scrimmage the ball at the 35 yard line of the selected end and has 3 downs to attempt to score by a touchdown, field goal or rouge. Teams may attempt either a one or two point convert after a touchdown.

·        The second team will then scrimmage at the same 35 yard- line and proceed as above.

·        If the score is still tied after the first round,  the procedure shall be repeated, with both teams having equal opportunities to score until a winner is determined.

·        The blitz rule IS NOT in effect in overtime.




1.                  Each player will be provided with a belt and two (2) rip flags.  The belt must be worn around the waist with the rip flags attached at each hip on a velcro strip.   There must be no impediment to accessing the rip flag.   To stop play, the rip flag must be pulled off the ball-carrier and held above the defender's head so as to signal the official. The ball is then placed in accordance with the spot where the flag was obtained by the defender. If the rip flag is pulled prematurely or is missing before the completion of the play, the play may be stopped using a one (1) or two (2) handed touch.


2.         Team A has 5 downs in which to score a TD, FG or rouge, unless penalty downs are awarded.   If no points are scored or Team A punts the ball, Team B shall take over possession.


3.         Team A has 20 seconds to put the ball in play once the official whistles time in.

Penalty:            L10, DR


A second consecutive time foul is, in effect, delay of game

            Penalty:            L10, LD


4.               Team A shall have 4 steamboats in which to put the ball in play before Team B can cross the scrimmage line. The steamboats are not complete until the last syllable in the phrase "4 STEAMBOAT" is finished.  Team B shall not cross the line of scrimmage until completion of said steamboats or until the quarterback releases the ball. (Exception: see BLITZING).


5.               Team B must line up a minimum of one (1) yard off the line of scrimmage to defend Team A.



6.         SCORING


Touchdown (6 pts) is scored when the ball is in possession of a player in his opponents' goal area, or when the ball in possession of a player breaks the plane of the goal line, even in the air.


1 Point Convert  is scored after a TD by a scrimmage play from the 5 yard line  by running or passing the ball successfully into the end zone or kicking it through the uprights.


2 Point Convert  is scored after a TD by a scrimmage play from the 10 yard line by running or passing the ball successfully into the end zone.


Field Goals (3 points):   is scored when offensive team successfully kicks the ball through the uprights during one of its downs


 Safety (2 pts) is scored when the ball carrier crosses his own goal line and the ball is called dead while he is in his own goal area as a result of either conceding, being flagged, fumbling the ball or failing to complete a lateral. After a safety, the ball must be kicked off from the 35 yard line of the team that was scored against in accordance with the kick-off rules listed below.


Rouge (1 pt) is scored when Team A kicks the ball into the opponents goal area and the ball cannot be advanced out by Team B, either because the ball goes out of bounds or the receiver is flagged. However, a rouge cannot be scored on an on-side kick-off


A ball kicked out of bounds in the receiving team's end zone, on either a kick-off or punt , shall constitute a rouge.   The receiving team shall take possession on their own 20 yard line.



7.         CONCEDING A SCORE:  A player in possession of the ball in his own goal area may concede a safety or a  rouge by kneeling on the ground or stepping out of bounds in his end zone.


8.         RUNNING & PASSING: All players on the field are eligible to pass, run or receive the ball

with the restrictions listed below.


Jumping and Spinning: The ball carrier may spin around or jump (sideways or backwards only) to avoid being flagged.


Forward Passes- Must originate from behind the line of scrimmage.  If it goes out of bounds in Team A's goal area, it shall be a safety.   Only 1 forward pass is allowed per down. A second forward pass will be ruled dead at the point of origin.  No forward passes are allowed by a team receiving a kick-off or punt.


Laterals- A lateral is a pass that is thrown to a receiver who is even with or behind the passer. May be performed anywhere on the field and are allowed without limit.


Quarterback- The QB may not cross the line of scrimmage with the originally snapped ball, unless he is being BLITZED.  He must first pass or lateral to a teammate and then receive another legal pass or lateral to be able to run with the ball.  Should the QB cross the line of scrimmage in a non-blitz situation, it's ruled offside, the ball is dead, LD.


Fumbled/Missed Snap-  The QB can recover without interruption to the steamboats.  The pass rusher(s) cannot cross the line until steamboats are complete or until QB releases ball, unless they are blitzing.  A blitzing pass rusher may down the fumbled or missed snap, at which point the ball is dead and the line of scrimmage becomes the point at which the ball was downed.




a)         If Team A FUMBLES the ball towards Team B's goal area, the ball is dead immediately when it touches the ground and is placed at the point of fumble.  If Team A fumbles toward their own goal area, the ball may be recovered by the player who fumbled.  The ball becomes dead when touched by any other player or when Team B pulls his flag after he regains possession.


b)                  If Team A LATERALS the ball and the intended receiver does not catch the lateral, the ball is dead and placed where it touches the ground or goes out of bounds. If the lateral is knocked forward by the intended receiver, it is dead where the  intended receiver first touched it.


c)         A FORWARD LATERAL shall be declared a dead ball once it is touched by the intended receiver or hits the ground. If it is intercepted before touching the intended receiver or hitting the ground, it is a live ball and play continues.



10.       KICKING TEES: The kicking team may employ a tee for placement kicks,

but the tee may not exceed 1" in thickness. Tees for kick-offs

are provided by the league.


11.       SUBSTITUTION:  Players may be substituted freely at any time

during the game prior to the officials whistling time in.

12.    KICK OFFS:  Kick-offs shall originate from the kicking team’s 45-yard line (subsequent to any penalties).  There shall be a 20-yard restraining line and all kick-offs must travel at least 20 yards to be considered legal.  There is no such thing as no-yards on a kick-off.  The no yards rule only applies to punts (see below). 


However, the kicking team may not down the ball. Penalty: Unsportsmanlike Conduct: 10 yards POF.  If the ball is downed in the end zone,  no rouge is awarded and the ball comes out to the 20 yard line, with the penalty tacked on from that point.


If the ball goes out of bounds before travelling the necessary 20 yard distance, the kicking team will re-kick 10 yards back from the original line of scrimmage. If the ball goes out of bounds after travelling 20 yards or more  , the receiving team shall have the option of either taking the ball at the point it went out of bounds or having the opposing team kick again 10 yards back from the original line of scrimmage. This  penalty is successive until the ball can be put into play.


After a Safety,  the ball must be kicked off from the 35 yard line of the team that was scored against with the same restrictions as above.


13.       ON-SIDE KICKS


  • Can only be attempted 2 times per game and team attempting it must indicate to ref and the opposing team that it is doing so.  Once confirmed by the ref, it cannot be rescinded.
  • No rouge can be scored on an on-side kick.
  • An on-side kick may only be attempted by a team if it is trailing in the game or if the game is tied.
  • The ball is spotted at the kicking team’s 45 yard line after a touchdown.
  • The receiving team must advance the kick to or beyond the 20 yard line or the kick will be deemed successful and the kicking team will regain possession.
  • If the kicking team flags the receiving team before the 20 yard line, or the ball becomes dead (failed lateral, kick-off goes through end-zone, dead ball-point of foul penalty) before the receiving team reaches the 20 yard line, then the kicking team takes possession at its own 35  yard line.
  • If the receiving team advances the ball to or beyond the 20 yard line, it will take possession at its own 35 yard line or the point it is flagged, whichever is greater.  An on-side kick-off return for a touchdown will stand.
  • As with a regular kick-off, if the kicking team intercepts a lateral, it will take possession where it are flagged and are eligible to return the interception for a touchdown.

14.      PUNTS:  Usually occur on 5th down but can be attempted at any time (Quick Kick). On a punt, the ball may not be recovered by the kicking team.


Return of punt - The receiving team must be given no less than 5 yards when attempting a return.   In the case of extremely windy conditions, this zone may be nullified at the official's discretion, as per CAFA rules. If the 5 yard restraining zone is violated, a NO YARDS penalty will be called (L20 POF or L10 from original line of scrimmage, DR)


Blocked Punt- Is a punt that is blocked at the line of scrimmage but does not travel beyond it. The touch of the ball shall be disregarded and the receiving team may recover, with the no yards rule still in effect.  The ball is live.  If a punt is blocked on 5th down, the ball automatically becomes possession of the receiving team at the completion of the play.  The kicking team may recover the ball but may not advance.  The receiving team may recover and advance it until they are flagged, go out of bounds or score.


15.       FIELD GOALS: Usually occur on 5th down, but may be attempted at any time. 


FIELD GOAL PLACEMENT:  Snaps for all placement kicks must travel perpendicular from the line of scrimmage to the point of placement.  Team A has 4 steamboats to complete the attempt before the defence can cross the line of scrimmage.  Once the holder puts the ball upon the ground, it may be lifted from the ground in order to attempt a fake, at which point the steamboats are ignored and the defence can rush the ball carrier.  Even after moving the ball, Team A could attempt to score by means of a drop kick.




a)                              If the ball rolls out of bounds in the end zone, a rouge (1 pt) is scored.


b)                              If the ball is fielded in the end zone, the receiver may attempt to get out of the end

zone or concede a rouge (1 pt).  The kicking team must give the receiver a minimum of 5 yards to field or recover the ball, or NO YARDS will be called. If the receiver is flagged or steps out of bounds before getting out of the end zone, a rouge is scored.


c)                              After a missed FG rouge, the ball will be placed on the 35 yard line or the original

                  line of scrimmage if the attempt was from greater than 35 yards, at which point the

receiving team will scrimmage on offence.


d)                              If the receiver successfully makes it out of the end zone, the ball is placed where

the receiver is flagged or goes out of bounds, if he does not reach the opposing team’s end zone (which would result in a touchdown). The receiving team takes over possession at that point.


e)              If the ball is blocked, stops or goes out of bounds before reaching the end zone, or is

fielded before reaching the end zone, the ball is DEAD and no rouge is scored.   The ball will be placed at the 35 yard line or the original line of scrimmage if the attempt was from greater than 35 yards, at which point the receiving team will scrimmage on offense.


16.      BALL STRIKING GOAL POST- Any kicked, passed or lateraled ball that strikes the goalpost

            before touching the ground. It is considered a dead ball.


Ball striking opposition goal post in the air on a kick-off or punt. The ball is dead and  shall be put in play at the receiving team's 10 yard line.  A ball that rolls or bounces against a goalpost  in these situations is considered a live ball and is subject to the rules pertaining to the particular type of kick..


Ball striking goal posts on kick from own area- If the ball strikes the goal posts on any kick originating from Team A's own goal area it shall be declared a dead ball. If it lands

back in the field of play, the receiving team will take possession at Team A’s 35 yard line.  If it lands in the goal area, it will be ruled dead and the receiving team will be awarded a safety.


Ball striking goal posts on a forward pass - If a legal forward pass hits either Team A’s or B’s uprights, it’s a dead ball, LD, ball placed at original line of scrimmage


Ball striking goals posts on a lateral  A lateral that hits Team A’s goal posts will be ruled dead and will be spotted at the one-yard line.


17.       DEFLECTED KICK-OFF OR PUNT: This is a kick that is touched by a defender, but travels beyond the line of scrimmage.  The ball must be recovered by the deflector or it is ruled dead upon being touched by another player.  No yards is disregarded upon the deflection.


18.       INTERCEPTION IN GOAL AREA:  Upon intercepting a pass, the     player in possession of the ball may attempt to advance the ball out and his team will take possession where he is flagged.  He may also voluntarily step out of bounds in goal or concede in goal without penalty.  If he does so, his team shall take possession at their own 20 yard line.


18.       BLITZING


a)                  The defence will be allowed to “blitz” the offence on one of the first four downs of an offensive series. This means that the rusher(s) can charge the quarterback as soon as the ball is snapped.

b)                  There is no blitzing allowed on the last play of a half or the last play of the game.

c)                  Only a maximum of TWO (2) defenders can blitz. Offside will be called if:

·        More than two defenders cross the line of scrimmage before 4 steamboats have been counted.

·        More than two defenders cross the line of scrimmage before the opposing quarterback has passed the line of scrimmage

·        More than two defenders cross the line of scrimmage before the opposing quarterback passes, laterals or quick-kicks the ball.

d)                  Referees will signal offside as soon as the rusher(s) crosses the line of scrimmage before 4 steamboats have been counted. At the completion of the play, the defence will be credited with a blitz. If the defence has already blitzed, an offside penalty is called.

e)                  Any offside penalty occurring prior to the defence using its blitz will automatically be counted as the defence’s blitz for that offensive series.

f)                    The quarterback CAN run past the line of scrimmage with the ball if he is being blitzed.

g)                  The offence is not allowed to block blitzers in any way. Conversely, the blitzer(s) cannot impede the centre or any other offensive player in any way. Both incidents will result in an illegal contact penalty







LD-     Loss of Down

DR-     Down Repeated

L#-      Loss of x amount of yards

POF-   Point of Foul


Note:  In cases where the penalty exceeds the distance from the  POF or line of scrimmage to the goal line, the penalty assessment will be half the distance to the goal line.




Abusing or threatening an official- Any player who threatens or verbally abuses an official shall be ejected from the game in progress (which carries an automatic 1 game suspension)  plus 3 additional games (regular season, playoffs or subsequent season)


A second similar offence (during current season or any subsequent one) shall result in immediate  and permanent expulsion from the league.


Any player guilty of physically abusing an officially shall be immediately and permanently expelled from the league


Ball Caught while player is on ground-  Any player that receives a pass, kick or lateral while on the ground may not advance past the point of reception.   A player is considered down if one knee touches the ground or if he is lying on the ground. The ball is dead.  The official shall whistle the ball dead on any play during which the ball carrier slips, trips or is forced to the ground.


Blocking- No player on Team A shall interfere with the path of their opponent at any time.  A clear, direct path for the  defendants to the ball carrier must always exist. L10, POF


Charging, Straight-Arm or Lowering of the head- A player in  possession of the ball may not use any of these tactics to advance the ball.   The official may eject the offending player from the game if eh deems the action severe enough to warrant such a decision. L20, POF


Diving – Occurs when the ball carrier dives through the air to gain more yards or to score.

Dead Ball, POF





Ejections/Suspensions-             Ejections can occur as a result of officials’ abuse, fighting, objectionable conduct, charging, unnecessary roughness, tripping, tackling or kicking.


In all cases of ejections, a written report must be submitted to the League President by the Referee within 48 hours of the game. The offending player/team has the option of filing a report within 48 hours as well. If it is deemed necessary, the Discipline Committee will review the matter and a decision on any further action in addition to the penalties outlined for such offences will be rendered by the following Friday.


Penalties for ejections, in addition to the penalty outlined for the ejectionable offence, are as follows:


In any one season:


1 ejection – Additional 1 game suspension (regular season, playoffs or subsequent year).


2 ejections – Additional 3 game suspension (regular season, playoffs or subsequent year).


3 ejections – Suspension for one calendar year from the date of the offence that resulted in the 3rd ejection.


Fighting-  A player will be considered to be fighting only if he punches or kicks another player, or if, in the opinion of the official, he commits any other act which could potentially cause serious harm.  This includes, but is not limited to, headbutting, kneeing, chopping, gouging and pushing a player with excessive force into the bleachers or goal posts.


1.         Any player guilty of fighting shall be :


A)        Ejected from the game in progress (which carries an automatic 1 game suspension)

B)        A further three game suspension (regular season, playoffs or subsequent 



2.         Any player guilty of fighting a SECOND time (in any one or subsequent year) shall be BANNED FROM PLAY FOR ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF OCCURRENCE.


3.         Any player guilty of fighting a THIRD time (in any one or subsequent year) shall be PERMANENTLY BANNED from play.



Goal Posts-  The goal post assembly may not be used by an offensive (Team A) player to gain advantage.  Any Team A player that touches (i.e. swings around, pushes off) a goal post will be deemed an ineligible receiver and any completed pass to said person will be considered incomplete.


Holding- L10, POF


Hurdling – Occurs when  a ball carrier attempts to jump over a defender or leaps forward through  the air. Dead Ball, POF.


Initiating a fumble- An attempt must be made to pull the rip flag from the ball carrier's belt.  Intentionally stripping or attempting to strip the ball from the ball carrier is not permitted.  L20, POF


Illegal Contact Occurs when a player on defence or offence flagrantly interferes with an opposing player. This includes, but is not limited to, holding, jamming, pushing, pushing off and tripping.  L10, DR


No Yards-  Occurs when the a member of the punt team does not give the ball receiver a minimum of 5 yards to receive the ball. As soon as the receiver touches the ball, defenders can enter the 5 yard restraining zone.  If the non-offending team accepts the penalty, it has two choices for a penalty against the offending team:


L20, POF  OR  L10 from last point of  scrimmage, DR


Objectionable Conduct- Is defined under the following headings:


1)         Language, Gestures and Actions-  The use of profane, obscene, insulting language or gestures and/or threats TOWARDS any player, official or spectator by any player or occupant of the bench. Any flagrant fouls, as interpreted by the officials.


2)         Demeaning remarks- Any act committed with the intention of  degrading or debasing the character of said person(s) or lowering the dignity or reputation of said person(s) by a

player or occupant of the bench towards another player, official or spectator.


Penalty:          1st offence-     L20 from point of last completed play.



Accumulation of objectionables during any one season will result in suspensions as follows. Suspensions are applicable  to regular season, play-offs and subsequent season games.


3 objectionables – 1 game suspension

4 objectionables – 3 game suspension

5 objectionables – 6 game suspension


Offside-            L10, DR


Offside Pass-   LD


Pass Interference- is defined as one player interfering with another opponent, preventing a catch by the intended receiver or a potential play on the ball by a defender(s) covering the  intended receiver.  The ball must be considered “catchable”, in the official's opinion, for this infraction to be called.


By Team B:      Team A gains possession at point of foul and Down Repeated


If it occurs in the end zone, Team A gets a  Down Repeated at Team                                         B's 1 yard line.


By Team A:      The ball is returned to the original line of scrimmage, and Team A suffers a L10, LD.


If contact does occur and the ball is not catchable, an Illegal Contact penalty could still result, at the Referee’s discretion.  L10, DR


Pick- A pick is any play in which a player of Team A interferes with a player of Team B in order to impede his coverage of any other Team A player or to gain some advantage. 

L10, point of last scrimmage, DR


Pushing out of bounds- A player may not push the player in possession of the ball out of bounds. The official may eject the offending player if he deems the action severe enough to warrant such a decision.   L20, POF


Time Violation/Delay of Game- Occurs when Team A fails to put the ball in play within 20 seconds of time being blown in, or when either team requests a timeout for a rule check, has no timeouts remaining, and is unsuccessful.


1st offence- L10, DR (applies to Team B for rule check)

A second, consecutive offense is, in effect, a delay of game.  L10, LD. (Team A, rule check)


Tripping, Tackling or Kicking- L20, POF.  The official may eject players from the game if he deems the action severe enough to warrant such a decision.


Unnecessary Roughness – includes flagrant acts of tripping, tackling, kicking, forearming, and clothes-lining the ball carrier or intended receiver. The official may eject the offending player if he deems the action severe enough to warrant such a decision. L20, POF


Unsportsmanlike Conduct-  occurs when a player swears at the result of a play, excessively trash talks, excessively celebrates a touchdown, unnecessarily kicks or throws the ball or opponents flag, or any similar such action. L10, point ball held at end of play or subsequent kick-off.


Warding Off- Occurs if the player in possession of the ball uses his arms or hands to impeded the pulling of the rip flag. Dead Ball, POF