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Churches of Iroquois County



This is St. John's Catholic Church located in the little town of L'Erable, Illinois. I remember this church as being beautiful on the inside. When my sister and I stopped to see the church and cemetery in 2000 we weren't able to go inside to see if it still looked the same as when we were kids.

Every year the 3rd week of June, my parents loaded up the car with kids and food and we headed to L'Erable, Illinois to attend the Rabideau Reunion. It was held on the church grounds. I regret that I was so young and didn't appreciate all the "old folks" and get to know them. I remember a lot of good food, getting to serve beer from the kegs that were never empty, and lots of people sitting around enjoying the day.

This is the Methodist Church in Watseka, Illinois.

This is the Christian Church that was located on the corner of 3rd and Hickory Streets in Watseka, Illinois. It was across the street from my sister's house. One of my brothers was married there. For years I went to Brownie and Girl Scout meetings in the basement. Unfortunately the church burned down in the early 60s.

This is the Calvary Lutheran Church in Watseka. My family attended this church from the time they moved to Watseka. I remember attending Sunday School, Bible school, Saturday School, and catechism classes in the basement of this church. Yep , I said Saturday school. Every Saturday from Sept.-May from 3rd grade to 8th grade we had classes at the church from 1PM -3:30. We had text books, workbooks, pre-tests and tests on the Bible, Luther's teachings and memorization of his writings and bible verses. We also always practiced the songs we would sing for church the next day. img

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