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Foreward :-Raven..the man has come into the CWF with an impact last week gaining a win over Booker T. This week, the Tag Team Champion in the AOV, will be going up against three other men. Sting, Batista, and Test. This Sunday on Smackdown..those three men..WILL..feel the raven effect. -: End Foreward

“Scene One”
Cow Place
Time: 12:13 A.M.

The scene opens up inside of the arena, showing the view of a long line all leading up to a table. The camera pases by many CWF fanatics and many people who wish to be a wrestler. Then, the cameras gets towards the front of the line. And Raven is seen sitting next to JEff. A large AOV logo is behind them. The camera still cannot see what they are doing. Finally, it reaches them and walks behind the counter. They are signing pictures of themselves. The picture has Jeff on one side and Raven on the other..AOV logo behind them, Tag Titles over there shoulder. It's in black and white. And mobs of people are here to get a signature.

'MISFIT' Raven : " Why would somebody want a black and white picture of us? "

'XXXTREME' Jeff Hardy : " Because we look..DAMN good. "

'MISFIT' Raven : " Oh, Ok. Raven then looks up at the next person in line. Ok, what's your name? "

'OOGLY' Olga : " My names Olga! And I vant a peechure signed by you! "

'MISFIT' Raven : " Alright..writes..To Olga..I Signed This Picture For You. Good Luck, The Man Who Will Kick Batista's Ass on Sunday. RAVEN Here you go Olga. "

Olga snatches the paper and reads it as she walks off. She lets out a huge belly laugh as the rugged women walks off. Then a teenage boy walks up.

'SOME KID' Tim : " Yo man, I want one made out to my lil brother, John. "

'MISFIT' Raven : " Ok, writes..Yo John..This Is Raven here. The Man That Will Teach Test..What It's All Aboot!Here you go man..hope he likes it. "

Once again, the boy takes the paper and as he walks out, he reads it and laughs to himself.

'XXXTREME' Jeff Hardy : " Dude, what the hell re oyu writing on there that makes everyone laugh? "

'MISFIT' Raven : " All I do is write the truth. I put that I would kick Batista's ass on one, then I put I would show test what it's all aboot. I mean. I was looking forward to writing one..Sending Sting Back To the Comics.. I mean, those guys ain't got nuttin on me! They can't defeat this. "

'XXXTREME' Jeff Hardy : " Well, don't get to good at it because they'll all want to go to you! And no money for me! We need to do this eaqually. "

'MISFIT' Raven : " Well, I'll tell you what to write..haha. But, you're only facing one guy so. It ain't as good. "

'XXXTREME' Jeff Hardy : " YEah, haha, very funny. My match is much more difficult than yours. I'm fighitng Al Snow. The undefeatable. The true..untouchable. And you're fighting three jobbers. "

'MISFIT' Raven : " Yeah, but none of them realize that they are only jobbers. And that they've got no chance in hell of defeating me. Especially after all of my fans that will be there. "

'XXXTREME' Jeff Hardy : " Oh, yeah, and how many fans do you have? "

'MISFIT' Raven : " Heh, more than you..Look at my line compared to yours. It's waaay-ay-ay-ay longer. And I'm sure that Batista and those freaks don't have anybody. Who wants a picture of some big, ugly, dork, with a retarded name? That goes for all of them. String, Quiz, and Batista. Or whoever they are. They've got no chance in getting any fans, or any wins against me. And you can trust me on that one. Batista thinks he's cool because he slipped away barely with a win over the big dumb freak, Kane. And sting and Test..I haven't even seen those jobbers on TV. They just don't know what they're in for. And after I finish killing all three of them, they'll all be back to the Dark Matches. While I rise and shine to glory in the real card. I've had one dark match my career. And it's going to be my last. I'm heading to WrestleMania and Vince is going to know that as well as I do come Sunday. I can't even believe Vince put me in a match like this to start with. Three jobbers against one real man. Only the two toughest guys..if Batista could be considered one, have even confronted about the match. The others..are scared of being in the ring with the most Hardcore male in the industry. I practically created hardcore. ECW..Raven Rules. The Clockwork Orange House Of Fun Match..that shit ain't fun..but it prove's a point. A Point that says I can out-wrestle anybody..with weapons. I can do it better than anybody in the CWF..and if you don't believe me..step into my Clockwrok Orange House of Pain..I mean Fun..and you'll see why. Quote The Raven..Nevermore!

“Scene Two”
AOV Lockeroom
Time: 2:10 P.M.

The scene opens up and Raven is seen laughing with Jeff Hardy. The two are watching a video clip over and over of him wailing the steel chair into the skull of hayabusa.

'MISFIT' Raven : " Shows him right. Dave, Test, Sting, I hope you all are watching this Television because what I did to him..can easily be done to you guys..minus the chair and twice the pain. Ask Hayabusa how it felt to be smacked upside the head with a chair. His shot dind't hurt at all, barely knocked me down..but my shot to one thing. DAMN! He was knocked and had to be dragged back to his lockeroom. He didn't stand a chance. Neither do you three. And whenever I'm done with you three jobbers. You three low-ranked, jobber fighting, dark match guys..I'm going to go straight to Hayabusa. And Haya, at WrestleMania..I'd watch oyur back..and your head because you never know when the Raven will strike. But when he's bloody. And when he's brutal. But..he's never done..untill a fatality. And Hayabusa, I'm just one step closer to that fatal blow which could come at anytime. Same goes for oyu three bastards that will so call "wrestle" me on Sunday. You won't even have time to lay a finger on me. The bell will ring and the next you know, you'll be pinned to the mat..for a 1, 2, 3 count! Let's make a quick run through of who I'm fighting again.. "

'MISFIT' Raven : " Test..the testicle. I wonder why you call yourself that? You've prolly got zero testicles. You've got nothing boy. Except for a dirty slut hanging around your ankles calling you a giant dick. She should've called you Ovary or something like that. Because that's what you really are..a pussy! I mean, you're not even at the arena. You're in some bar, driking beer, and can't even get horny off of that ugly hoe, Stacy. What a life man. How about you just kil yourself? But, that'd be suicide. How about I do the job for you. Since it'll be the exact same pain come Sunday. It'll be so much pain that you are going to wish you are dead. Remember test, guns don't kill people..I KILL PEOPLE! "

'MISFIT' Raven : " Sting, String, Badda-Bing. The comic book Hurricrap wann-ber. Marvel's retard. The dumbest wrestler I know, I think. The guy who wants to be spiderman so bad that he paints his face, and where's a scorpion on his outfit. He's probably not even a scorpio. But why name yourself Sting? A Bee stings, a pinch stings, ant bites sting. Scorpion's sting. But you're not cool enough to be a scorpion. You're probably one of those harmless little bumblebees that fly around and annoy people, which you do quite well. Then they sting you in your arm..then you kill them. So, you hit me once while I'm pinning Test..then I kill you in a way..and pin you. That's how it's going to go down. If not a bit more brutal and more painful. I'm going to let you know why a Raven is deadly..I'm not like Bite or nothing..I'm Raven. Specific and down to the facts. A raven..a deadly scavenger..waiting for blood and death. "

'MISFIT' Raven : " Now, onto the next big dope..Batista. The man with a name that has no meaning, and neither does he. He beat Kane! OH MY GOD! What an accomplishment. He can't beat Raven..what a fact! He's not going to get near pinning me, unless I let him. I'm going to give him a taste of what victory feels like, then I'm going to kick out, prounce onto his ass, and kick it from corner-post..all the way around the ring! And by time I'm done with him..he's going to wish his mommy was outside of the ring..not that imposter Mom, Heyman. EAT THE PAIN! That sure is a scary phrase..that'll take me right out of my socks! I'm going to eat some pain! Holy Crap! Batista, you aren't anything like me..and you aren't half the wrestler I am. You can't defeat me, and I'm going to prove it..unlike you. You can't prove your words and meanings..I can, and I will. I will show you, String, and Quiz what a Raven can do. And what I..will do. It's going to be all about eating that pain of yours..because you sure will..lemme try it once. EAT THE PAIN...NEVERMORE! So it has it shall pass!


The cameras then fade out as the light flickers off. Fade up CWF Logo..STATIC.