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Finally Hospitality in Hamilton

Interview with a Future CFL’er


Holly is going to be six in September – in fact her birthday falls on the labour day classic game which as we all know is quite the event in Calgary.  Hopefully, the Stamps will do something for her like perhaps say Happy Birthday or send the mascot to say Happy Birthday.  Holly is a season’s ticket holder and has been to several Grey Cups.  She will be attending this year’s Grey Cup in Edmonton.  She is an avid fan and one of her goals is not only to play football (not with girls) but to sing the National anthem at a game when she is a little older.   


  1. What is your favourite thing about the games?


Fireworks because of the colors, the horse running down the sidelines because the lady has a nice shirt and the horse is friendly to kids.  Ralph (mascot) is fun too as long as he doesn’t come too close, especially when he dances with the cheerleaders.  I really like the cheerleaders cause they have nice outfits and they are good dancers (obviously we realize Holly has not had much to compare with in the way of cheerleaders).


  1. What about the Tailgate parties?


Pretty good, you get good food at them


  1. What do you think about our standings?


Not very good, Saskatchewan has a stronger team this year.  The Stamps have not woken up from last year and they are tired.  Wally needs to teach them more.


  1. What are your thoughts on the next game with the Argo’s?


We must go in prepared for this game to beat those Argo’s – we’re gonna kick their butts – we’re strong enough I know we are.


  1. What is your second favourite team?


Ti-cats – I look forward to wearing my Tiger outfit and saying the Oskee Wee Wee chant.




  1. What do you think of Wally?


My advice is that he needs to teach them more – we can beat Toronto, I know we can.  Wally is the best coach ever.


  1. What about the Grey Cup?


We’ve got the Cup and we’re gonna keep it!


  1. What are you looking forward to in Edmonton at this year’s Grey Cup?


Klondike Kate and singing songs on stage especially the Unicorn Song.


  1. How about a joke?


Okay, Why did Cinderella get kicked off the football team?


Because she ran away from the ball!!! 






This one time at Grey Cup.  It was in Calgary and Ty and I took over this bar the Dakota.  We named it the Hamilton Hospitality Suite for Calgary.  It is know home of Fans of Canadian Football whenever were in Calgary.  We meet so many people even those bad one’s from BC just kidding guys.  I would like to say thanks to the bar owners and hey to Oskee Pee Pee.  If you were there you had fun but, I’m not to sure the people walking by did.  Especially the girls.


If you have a crazy Grey Cup story send it in.








Let me take you back to Grey Cup 1998 in Winnipeg.  It was a surprisingly warm Winnipeg night and people were getting ready for the great Grey Cup parade.  This parade was going to be the first held during the night and seemed to be a record-breaking parade for people attending.  The streets were lined up four or five people deep and every one was excited about the start.  Dale and I staggered to our spot (it was another long day of drinking) in front of some Calgary fans (Calgary and Hamilton were competing that year) fully dressed in Tigercat attire.  Black outfits with rubber balloon Tigercat helmets on our heads and some drinks for the parade neatly stashed in our pockets.  The parade began and we settled in to enjoy the festivities.  However, about half way through Mother Nature hit as I have a bladder like a Hamster.  Looking down the street I could see that there was no end to this parade and my chance of waiting until the end was about nil.  I looked back to see a Subway and possible restroom.  I handed Dale my Tigercat flag and told him to hang loose as I took care of business.  I stumbled and pushed my way through the crowd and hit the Subway for some much needed relief.  Once done I then negotiated my way back through the crowd to where I thought we were standing.  But once arriving back I saw the Calgary fans but no Dale.  I looked around for my drunken buddy to no avail when finally one of my Calgary friends politely pointed out my flag flying down the street and Dale in the parade.  I quickly hurried to catch up with Dale to find him in the middle of the Tigercat cheerleaders (imagine that), T.C. and Pigskin Pete.  Dale handed me my flag and off we went as part of the parade.  And that my friends was the start of the annual parade crash.  The following year B.C. did not have a parade (lucky for me as I was sporting a broken knee cap) but in Calgary we managed to wrangle about 20 to 25 people to participate with us.  But that is another story.










This is Hamilton's own Pig Skin Pete, Beezer, Cathy, Pete and Terry, notice the ARGOS SUCK BUTTON


This could be you send in your pictures and you could be fan of the month.  All CFL related pictures will be added to the site and the best one of the month will be on the front page of the website.





Well fansofcanadianfootball the football season is almost half over and Leslie and myself have yet survived another Stampede.  It looks like our Stampeders are finally starting to turn things around; it was a pretty dismal start to the season (0-4) but the last 3 games the stamps have started to gel as a unit.  This Thursday, Aug 8th, the Argos were in Cowtown (ARGOS SUCK), it was a great night for Football, over 31,000 people packed the stands at McMahon Stadium as the Calgary Stampeders went on to pound the Argos 31 to 11.  That night there was another milestone for Wally Buono, he recorded his 150th regular season victory as head coach of the Stamps, this is an all-time record for the most wins with a single team.  With the win this places Wally second behind Matthews for the all-time record for regular season wins.  This is Wally’s 13th season as head coach of the Stampeders.  His overall record stands at 165-80-2-2 with a 3-3 Grey Cup record.

Raymonn Adams (#23) was the CFL Special Teams Play-of –the-Month, Adams had 18 punt returns for 148 yards, averaging 8.2 yards per return, he missed 1 field goal return for 26 yards.  The Stamps have another key player, second-year cornerback Da’Shann Austin, the 24 year old is making quite the name for himself.  On Aug 8th Austin broke through as a kick returner.  He returned 3 kick-offs for 81 yards and added a 19-yard punt return.  He was also key on defence with 3 tackles and 2-pass knockdown.  Let’s hope Da’Shann keeps up the good work.  That’s it for now folks, the Stampeders next game is Thursday Aug 15 when Calgary travels to Montreal, after that Friday August 23rd the Stampeders will be taking on Winnipeg.

Remember fansofcanadianfootball WE STILL HAVE THE CUP UNTIL NOV 24TH




Bye for now Leslie and Geri (THE REDCOATS)



The season that could have been....and was so far...


Can you say disappointment any better than 'Argos'??


What started off with great hope and fanfare has come crashing down to bitter reality with yet another starting QB with a leg injury, the 3rd one in half a season!


The great unproven potential of Stanley Jackson remains unproven still, the hyped talent of Micheal Bishop is still unable to win games unless the enemy misses 5 FG's. Will he be good someday? I think so, but not this year.


And our 'Saviour' Reggie Slack is back...Not! Another leg injury which may be season ending to crush his comeback dreams. Just what he needs, more painkillers to deal with.


The flashes of competance we saw against Ottawa and Sask were strangely missing against Calgary, and now we may never know how good he could have been against a porous Ticat defence on Labour Day.


The much improved attendance numbers and the money spent on promotions, that for the most part were successful, will all be forgotten by the football fans of Toronto as they were treated to a horrible game last Friday.


Past precedent shows that when the Argos had horrible home games against the Lions in 2000 and the Riders in 2001 attendance plummited afterwards. Can Garth's plans overcome that? Personally I doubt it.


I'm as hardcore a Argo fan as you'll find anywhere, yet I'm so disappointed now if there was a home game next week I might reconsider going as a act of protest, a boycott if you will. Casual fans wouldn't be so forgiving in fickle Toronto. I fear a massive drop might be the Last Straw for Sherwood.


Right now Argo fans on CFL chatboards are calling for Etch's head on a platter. I can't blame them but I wonder how much good that would do? Would not replacing the OC with someone like John Jenkins, who's still on the Argo payroll as a scout, might counterbalance the Run-Happy offence that is the lowest scoring offence in the league?


I don't have the answers, but I feel a symbolic gesture like that *may* retore a modicum of fan confidence, otherwise many of them, myself included, will continue to feel that the season is over. Perhaps Pinball as HC? He did go 6-2-1 when he took over mid-season in 2000, who knows? He could hardly do worse, and I'm sure HE wouldn't publically say he was 'satisfied' with a 7-point game like Coach Etch said after that debacle.


Labour Day is coming up and I don't have tickets....and I don't even want to go.


 I'd rather watch the West game on TV instead.


I can't ever recall saying that before


Argo Dave Toronto Rep



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