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Finally Hospitality in Hamilton


   Okay, so here we go again. Blame the economy, the language, the taxes, or just plain blame me, but for whatever reason, I find myself once again south of the border, stuck talking sports with a bunch of CFL ignorant people. The talk around the water cooler eventually turns to the Stanley Cup, the World Cup, the Davis Cup, even the Major League Baseball Contraction Cup (Minnesota VS Montreal), but as soon as I mention the CFL, the conversation comes to a screeching halt.


   Blank stares, giggles, ridicule, and that deer-in-the-headlight look, can only mean a serious lack of education. How dare they ridicule my game, don’t they know that my game has been around twice as long as there New Football League (NFL). And so it is with this bitterness in mind that I submit my second installment to the newsletter, a comparison of the two gridirons.


It’s played outdoors


   Football is supposed to be outdoors, it’s only natural, even in cold climates, and I do know a little bit about cold climates.


Three versus four


   The NFL is such a boring alternative to the fast paced action of the CFL. A back that can get 3 yards per carry is sure to get the first down in the NFL. The CFL’s passing game is much more exciting, and demanding.


Wider is better


   The wider playing surface means that a screen game is encouraged. Again this leans towards the air game, without limiting it to long bombs.


Points for accuracy


   Kickers need to be held accountable for, and rewarded for their boots, good, or bad, enough said.




   This one is a no-brainer. The CFL’s loyal fan base (try not to think about Toronto) is far more superior than our fair weather friends to the south. Down here, if the team is up, then attendance is too, but if the team is down, televised track meets start to look good.


Beer versus Near-Beer


   Must be tough to down twelve in a row, take three leaks (after standing in line for an hour to use the trough), and still be able to walk straight.


   The facts are in, and clearly the CFL has a better product. And so the argument drags on. When all is said and done, I do manage to win over at least one or two converts who are willing to give it a try. I guess that’s all I can expect from a country that still legally gives odds on the Bud Bowl, now if only we could strengthen our dollar; maybe we could convince some really good college players to…nah! Until next month, Go Als Go.


Doug Pfeffer






This one time at Grey Cup.  It was 1998 our first Grey Cup in Winnipeg and I must say what a fantastic Grey Cup.  Ty and I were leaving the hospitality area; I think to crash the parade when I saw a Canadian Mountie.   I thought he was fake so I was climbing all over him like a jungle gym.  This poor guy never made a sound, he didn’t even move.  Lets just say, later that evening he walked by and just started laughing.  It wasn’t until that moment I realized he was real.


If you have a crazy Grey Cup story send it in.








On June 22, 2002 the Tigers Lair (the group who will be holding a Hamilton Hospitality Suite in this years Grey Cup) held its season kickoff BBQ at Gage Park.  It was a great day and very successful.  There was something for everyone to enjoy.  Face painting and TC for the kids, Hot Dogs and Hamburgers on the BBQ, music bands and comedians as entertainment, draws for game tickets and contests on who could throw and kick the farthest and even the mayor Bob Wade made an appearance.  But to top it all off many of the Hamilton Tiger-cats came out to sign autographs and pose for pictures.  With the likes of Danny McManus, Darren Flutie, Archie Amerson, Andrew Grigg, Rob Hitchcock, Sean Woodson and many others to talk to and pose for pictures any football fan had no choice but to go home happy.  It was a great event for a great cause.  It is very exciting to have Hamilton represented in the Grey Cup this year and the Tigers Lair has done an incredible job of putting it together.  The group’s leader Christa Chamberlin hopes this BBQ is an annual event and I am sure many Tiger-cat fans are hoping the same thing.  Well done Tigers Lair on hosting a great event and we look forward to attending many more.



By Tydoggz








He has been an Argo Fan all his life and here he is enjoying the Argo Fan day.  He even attended the Grey Cup in Montreal.  Well, done Seth.


This could be you send in your pictures and you could be fan of the month.  All CFL related pictures will be added to the site and the best one of the month will be on the front page of the website.





During the Argo Fan Day, we at had the distinct pleasure to sit down and talk with the owner of the Toronto Argonauts, Sherwood Swartz.  We discussed his thoughts on fan day, how the marketing of the team is going and his outlook for the 2002 season.  The following is a synopsis of our discussions.





The Argonauts were publicly criticized by former league commissioner Mike Lysko about their past history of marketing techniques.  Fans and critiques across the league have also questioned the controversial hiring of entertainment guru Garth Drabinsky as their marketing consultant.  However, Sherwood Swartz feels the marketing of the team is going well thus far.  He states season ticket sales are going well and there has been “many new, first time subscribers.”  He is also quite pleased to say “many people that haven’t purchased tickets in years are coming back and buying season tickets.”  He feels this is a promising sign and a step in the right direction.  Sherwood mentioned that their new marketing scheme and providing entertainment such as; Amanda Marshall, Shaggy, having an Austin Powers night with Mike Myers and a memorial tribute for victims of September 11 has been positively received.  He is quite excited about the extras the Argos have to offer fans this year and was quick to say there is many more announcements to come.


About Fan Day:


Fan Day was held June 16 at Mississauga and about 300 – 350 people turned out for the festivities.  It was an overcast day with slight showers but Sherwood felt it was a great turnout despite the weather.  He stated there was “more people in attendance this year than others in the past, which is a good indication of things turning around.”


Outlook For The Team:


Sherwood is confident that the Toronto Argonauts will have a good squad this year.  He feels anytime a team “can sign someone like Joe Montford they have no choice but being good.  He attributes the major off-season signings (Montford, Morreale, Ivory, Davis, etc.) to the “spirit of the team.”  He feels this team has a good spirit that welcomes players.  He also gives credit to a good management and coaching staff and of course, Mike “Pinball” Clemons, who in Sherwood’s opinion is a “smart business man who is very likeable.”


It was great to see Sherwood mingling with fans throughout the whole day being very accommodating and pleasant.  With the leadership of himself and staff it is easy to see the Argonauts are well on their way too not only being successful on the field but off the field as well.


By Tydoggz




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