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THIRD AND NINE                                                                                                           November 2002
















Ty Reidy and Dale Weaver

Fans of Canadian Football


Welcome to Third and Nine, the exciting and interactive newsletter from Just like the website this newsletter is made by the fans of Canadian football for the fans of Canadian football.  Inside you will find articles written by fans across the world expressing their thoughts and opinions on this great game and sharing many experiences they have had while following their favorite teams, players and games.  Also, you will find upcoming news and reports on related Canadian football events happening in your city.  Upcoming issues may also include interviews on players, management, and fan’s and maybe even the sausage and beer vendors where you have the chance to have your questions asked and answered. 


If you wish to participate in upcoming issues by submitting articles for other fans to enjoy please e-mail us at for details. 


But for now sit back, relax and enjoy newsletter and if when you are done send it to some friends for them to enjoy.  Then come to and go to the fan forum where you can discuss articles you have read or share your own thoughts and opinions on this great game with fans across the world.






Inn on 7TH – 10001 107TH street


Friday, Nov. 22, and Saturday, Nov.  23


Doors Open 4:00 p.m.


Watch for special guest bartenders

       The Box J Boys

       Fans of Canadian Football


Entertainment by BJ the DJ


Contests and Prizes Galore!


Performances by CFL cheer/dance teams


Player Appearances and TC


Watch Grey Cups of old on the big screen


First five people through the door on Opening night will receive a Tigers’ Lair T-shirt


Friday – enter to qualify - Test your CFL knowledge - $5 entry fee for main event “What’s My Yard Line” CFL trivia challenge


Saturday - Check back to see if you qualify and register for a playoff position


“What’s My Yard Line” Kick off – 8 p.m. – hosted by Angelo Mosca

Cash and Merchandise Prizes





 Collecting buttons is a definate past time of many Grey Cup party goers.  Almost evreyone you see is displaying at least one button on one part or another of their body.  It is a way to display your team loyalty and the fact you are a CFL fan.  Buttons can be as simple as your favourite teams logo to saying what you think of your arch rival to stating how drunk you got at Grey Cup.  Whatever the button it is a way to open up conversation with many CFL fans and meet new friends.  In fact buttons have become just as much part of Grey Cup tradition as the parties you can see them at.

Meet Doug and Steve or better known as the ButtonBoyz.  These two gentleman realize the importance buttons play at Grey Cup and are here to ensure you are not without one when the part begins.  These two gentleman have been designing, trading and selling buttons for several years and know what it takes to make the perfect design. 

1. Who are the ButtonBoyz and how did you originate?


 The original Buttonboyz were Doug and Steve. We got the idea for Buttonboyz at Grey Cup 99 in Vancouver. There seemed to be a real market for buttons, everyone wanted them but there was no one selling. We thought hey???? "what a great way to pay for the anual pilgrimage" and presto the buttonboyz were born!


2. How many different types of buttons have you made? Which one is your favorite and why?


At Grey Cup 2001 Montreal we had an assortment of 110 different buttons. In total including the Worlds in Edmonton, 3 Grey Cups and outside sports we have made about 1000 different types.


 My favorites are any football buttons, Canadian Girlz kick ass and the I am Canadians, the suck series....


 3. What is the most popular button you have?


 Definetly anything with a canadian flag on it!!! And of course the Stamps Suck! Being a Die Hard Eskie fan I can't help myself, We such a patriotic bunch!!!


 4. What do you think is the appeal of buttons for Grey Cup goers and how do you corporate that appeal when designing buttons?


 I think the buttons have just become a part of the Grey Cup Culture, fans love them because they are uniquie not over priced. The buttons speak to what fans believe vs a mass marketing money grab. Call it made by the fans for the fans if you will.and not a mass produced item, ours are all hand made. We will nver get rich off buttons it's very much a labour of love.


 5. How many Grey Cups have you attended?


 Edmonton 2002 will be my EigthTeenth Grey Cup!


 6. Best Grey Cup you have attended thus far and why? Best Grey Cup party and why?


 I had the greatest time in Winnepeg 1998. I thought the city really got behind it and made it the event of the year!! The most fun was the party after the game at the convention center. I remember being among 5,000 Drunk CFL fans at 2 in the morning singing O'Canada! What a riot!!!


 7. Most memorable or humourous thing that has happended to you or you have seen happen to someone else at Grey Cup?


 Wow so many crazy things... Mike from Toronto getting tackeled on the field in Vancouver after his TiCats won the Cup.... Winnepeg Lightning (anything they do) Gettin goofey with the Box J Boys.... Singing at the Spirit of Edmonton...


 8. How much are your buttons and where can we find you or reach you to buy?


 If you need some for the Grey Cup you can reach me at of 1-780-475-5564. Price really depends on quantity but orders over 100 with unlimited coplors are a buck a button.


 9. Who will win the 2002 Grey Cup?


 Edmonton Eskimos!!!! no question!!!





                WHAT’S IN THE NEWS?



About Third and Nine (Dale and Ty)


Tigers Lair Grey Cup Agenda


The Button Boys from Edmonton


The cup is ours 19 more sleeps (Redcoats)    GOTO


Real men were Kilts (Box J Boys)   GOTO


Argo Dave’s views from Toronto  GOTO




Tigers Lair off to the Cup  GOTO


Views from the Penthouse (tydogzz) GOTO