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Deion Herd

Here are our lovely deions!! We are so excited to recieve these lovely critters, and hope they enjoy their new home!

Gender: Male
Role: Healer
Body: RR
Feet: lR
Ears: Dr
Tail: ff
Wing: nD
Price: 20c


Gender: Male
Genes: db, dn
Color: Sea Green
Extra: Horns
Note: This narous was falling out of the sky when this deion was flying and caught the narous in his mouth.

Sparky (Seeri)
Gender: Female
Role: Beta
Body: Cc
Feet: dR
Ears: CC
Tail: d*D
Wing: Fd
Extra: Horn, and light powers
Price: 20c

Gender: Female
Body: Rr
Feet: DD
Ears: Hd
Tail: dD
Wing: nn
Extra: Spines, two tail, spikey fluff
Price: 30c

What a CUTE baby pic!! :P


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