Name: Muddle
ID ep003m
v. 1.1
Additions: claws, vampire fangs, straight horn
Redrawn by Lady Juliette on 5/15/03
Chocolate with taupe eyes, horn, vampire fangs, claws
Current Stats, as of 7-5-03:
Life Points 125
Strength 40
Speed 40
Intelligence 30
Cunning 35
Defense 45
1 RP Exp.
Growl -- lowers opponent's defense by 10% of original value each time used
Nip -- 35 damage (augmented by vampire fangs)
Bite -- 50 damage
Stats as of 5-1-03:
Name: Muddle
ID ep003m
v. 1.0
Chocolate with taupe eyes
Life Points 115
Strength 40
Speed 30
Intelligence 30
Cunning 30
Defense 45
Growl -- lowers opponent's defense by 10% of original value each time used
Nip -- 30 damage
Stats as of 2-22-03:
Name: Muddle
ID ep003m
v. 1.0
Chocolate with taupe eyes
Life Points 105
Strength 35
Speed 30
Intelligence 30
Cunning 30
Defense 40
Growl -- lowers opponent's defense by 10% of original value each time used
Nip -- 30 damage
Original Stats:
Name: Muddle
ID ep003m
v. 1.0
Chocolate with taupe eyes
Life Points 100
Strength 30
Speed 30
Intelligence 30
Cunning 30
Defense 40
Growl -- lowers opponent's defense by 10% of original value each time used
Nip -- 30 damage
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Layout (c) 2002 Snowflaked, A.K.A. Erika L. E-mail Me! |