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Henry Lee Lucas "Deadly Drifter"

The "Unlucky Ones"

Quotes: " I have no feelings about killing (him). It was just like I drink a glass of water." ~ Lucas " I had a knife in my hand, but I don't know if I got the pocketknife from my pocket or just had it in my hand. When I hit her with the knife, she fell to the floor, and I looked at the knife in my hand and the blade was open." ~ Lucas on killing his mother, Viola " That was the best part of my life. I built myself an apartment there and worked as a roofer on Moore's crew. I bought a car and had what furniture I could buy for the house. I had a TV and stuff like that." ~ Lucas on living with the Moore's in Stoneburg, Texas " ... I stuffed all of her in there (pillows) exept her legs." ~ Lucas on killing Becky Powell " I enjoy dead sex than I do live sex." ~ Lucas " I've been meaning to ask you... that time when I cooked some of those people, why'd I do that?" ~ Ottis Toole - friend of Lucas " You wasn't a cannibal. It's the force of the devil, something forced on us that we can't change. There's no reason denying what we become. We know what we are." ~ Lucas

