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Freckels was a rescue, who had been terribly abused, but with alot of love & careing he became a wonderful, loving pet. He overcame his fears and went on to get his CD (Companion Dog) Title in Obedience! Which people in my obedience club said would never happen! He passed his CGC (Canine Good Citizen) test and became a wonderful Therapy Dog. He also started in Agility. But, my time with him was to be short, he developed a brain tumor and went to the Rainbow Bridge.

She was a delight to own, her first time out in the show ring in 6 to 9 puppy class, she Wowed the Judge & the crowd. She went Winner's Bitch for a 3 pt Major. Her show career was short lived, after that show she broke a leg. All healed well. But her life was to be very short. She is with Freckels over the Rainbow Bridge.

Ch Dee-Kay's Wild Apache Tears

Apache was my first Bred-By champion, she finished at the age of 10 months