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... just what I was feelin' at the time...
Thursday, 23 March 2006
Oh The Life Of Matt...
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: Run - Snow Patrol
Well, I am TIRED of being sick. It's been forever since i've been well for more than 4 days in a row. If it wasn't for that, things would be rediculously good at the moment. Matt's happy. Allison's good too. I'm glad I decided to ask her out. mmm-hmm. oh, and Sunday was our 1/2 year anniversary, so i guess that means she likes me. And I'm excited, because we're going to Pensacola on Saturday for a hockey game. Sweet. I'm not entirely enjoying school simply based on the fact that I missed so much since I was sick. Other than that I'm doing pretty well and I'm enjoying being 21. Hiccup. Goodbye.

Posted by fl5/diabloblanco at 8:04 PM EST
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Tuesday, 3 January 2006
So this is the new year
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: Threesome - Fenix TX
New Years was awesome. Probably one of the best so far. Not only did Allison surprise me by coming over to spend the change of the year with me, which was amazing, but I also got the dime! That means an entire year of good luck. Which is something i welcome.

So 2006 is all about getting my life in line. I have a lot to accomplish, and I'd like to get things done. School is about to start up, and every semester I can't help but think about how much longer I have until i can finally graduate. Especially now that I'm seeing people I know graduate. But in a few days, I'll start back (with proof of payment), and this time will be good.

Posted by fl5/diabloblanco at 10:51 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 3 January 2006 10:54 AM EST
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Tuesday, 20 December 2005
Things Are Going My Way
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Build Me Up Buttercup - The Foundations
So yeah, despite my current financial situations, my life right now is pretty awesome. It feels like everything is falling into place like it should. I honestly have never been this satisfied with the way things are going. I'm starting to take care of myself better, i'm going back to school in January, and I have an amazing girlfriend. As always, I'm sure I can find lots of things that are going wrong, but the things that are going right are so good that I don't even notice them. And it's almost Christmas... my favorite holiday ever. Not to mention that February is getting closer and closer! 21 in 56 days and counting. So for someone with such bad luck, I think I might just have beaten my odds. Yeah... life is good.

Posted by fl5/diabloblanco at 8:54 AM EST
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Friday, 19 August 2005
Goin back to Tally...
Mood:  party time!
Well, summer is over, and it's time to go back to school. I accomplished my goal of making a bunch of money, and now it's time to spend it all. Excited to get in my own place again. Now, if I only had a job!

Posted by fl5/diabloblanco at 7:06 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 8 March 2005
Mood:  special
Now Playing: What Must I Do - Lil' Zane
Woo-hoo!!! I'm finally doing things to my truck! It feels good to finally start. I just put my new taillights on during lunch, so all the lights are now complete. Next is the speakers, since I got my CD player back this weekend. I've been thinking about what I want to do for a sub enclosure, but am stuck between carpet and fiberglass or paint. Most likely I'll make it carpet, since I'm planning on re-carpeting the floor soon. Also thinking about 2-toning the carpet with the existing grey and maybe a charcoal. All I know it that I'm gonna have to save up, because the subs I want are $80 a piece. (12" Rockford Fosgate) That's kinda cheap for subs, but not for me. Plus, I figure the box will cost me about $20 to make. Most of that money going towards carpet or whatever I'm gonna use. The tricky part, though, is finding enough room to put the speakers in so that they have enough room to breathe. My other speakers are gonna be expensive too. All together I'll probably spend $150 just to replace the stock speakers. So the total is up to what? $330. Not too bad for a system, and I'm not even gonna try for an amplifier.

Posted by fl5/diabloblanco at 2:05 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 20 December 2005 8:57 AM EST
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