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... just what I was feelin' at the time...
Tuesday, 3 January 2006
So this is the new year
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: Threesome - Fenix TX
New Years was awesome. Probably one of the best so far. Not only did Allison surprise me by coming over to spend the change of the year with me, which was amazing, but I also got the dime! That means an entire year of good luck. Which is something i welcome.

So 2006 is all about getting my life in line. I have a lot to accomplish, and I'd like to get things done. School is about to start up, and every semester I can't help but think about how much longer I have until i can finally graduate. Especially now that I'm seeing people I know graduate. But in a few days, I'll start back (with proof of payment), and this time will be good.

Posted by fl5/diabloblanco at 10:51 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 3 January 2006 10:54 AM EST
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