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Posters Banner

Propaganda and pinup posters were a substantial segment of World War II illustrative art. Here are a few examples, starting with the quasi-pinup recruitment posters (row 1) for the services. Even the posters recruiting women were of the pinup variety, implying that there was a lot of glamour involved in going into the Waves, WACS, and so forth.
The second row displays some of the more traditional recruitment posters. In the third and fourth rows you'll see many of the morale-boosting patriotic posters, those reflecting the Nazi scare at home, and many exhorting us to save scrap, buy War Bonds, etc.
The final row consists of two Nazi propaganda posters we found in a book written by Abba Eban, Heritage: Civilization and the Jews. The first one is a caricature of a Jew partially obscured by the flags of the allied nations; the translation of the text is, "Behind the enemy, the Jew". The text on the second one reads: "They give their blood, you give your work to save Europe from Bolshevism".

Click on a thumbnail to see larger.
Behind the enemy, the Jew They give their blood, you give your work to save Europe from Bolshevism
We found these posters all over the net (except for the Nazi posters); if you want to see more, along with explanatory notes of why some were developed or what they meant, here's one good source; WWII: Posters of Persuasion. We'll add more links as we find them.

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