Disneyland Paris Character Guide Translator
The list consists of: English - French - Pronounciation.
Useful Words and Phrases
Do you speak English? = Parlez-vous anglais? = par-lay voo oñ-glay
May I have your autograph please? = Votre autographe s'il vous plaît? = Vote-rah autograph seel voo play?
May I take a photograph please? = Une photo s'il vous plaît? = Ooone photo seel voo play?
Thank You very much! = Merci Beaucoup! = mehr-see boe-coo
Sorry! = Pardon! = par-doñ
Hello = Bonjour / Salut = boñ-zhoor / sa-loo
Goodbye = Au Revoir = oh ruh-vwar
Excuse me = Excusez-moi = eks-koo-zay mwa
Do you have a map? = Vous avez une carte? = vooz av-ay oon kart?
Help! = Au Secours! = oh suh-koor
Can you help me? = Pouvez-vous m'aider? = poo-vay-voo may-day
I'm lost = Je me suis perdu = zhuh muh swee pehr-doo
I don't speak French = je ne parle pas Francais = zhuh nuh parl pa froñ-say
How do I get to Disneyland Paris? = Pour aller à Disneyland Paris? = poor al-ay a Disneyland Paris
Can you show me on the map? = Pouvez-vous me montrer sur la carte? = poo-vay-voo muh moñ-tray soor la kart
Words you may need to know
Weekdays (Mon-Sat) = Du Lundi Au Samedi
Open = Ouvert
Closed = Fermé
Daily = Tous Les Jours
Days of the Week
Monday = Lundi
Tuesday = Mardi
Wednesday = Mercredi
Thursday = Jeudi
Friday = Vendredi
Saturday = Samedi
Sunday = Dimanche
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