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I'd like to reccomend a few websites...
follow the links below....

Where It All Began!!
Where Parrotheads Phlock for Fun...
Information For All Officers
For One Who Made The Ultimate Sacrifice! Rest in Peace Robbie.

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the rest of the site...


The Best of The Best

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Site created by my friend,
Ana Powell AKA Wild Angel...
please click the castle
below to visit her site..

The State of Florida
City of Jacksonville


My name is Patrick Sleffel, I am the father of two. My son Patrick IV is a succesful Mortgage Broker and my daughter,Trish recently celebrated her second wedding anniversary. She is a Nationally Certified EMT, EMD and is continuing her education, working in one of the local hospitals Emergency Department. I received my first training as a Police Officer and graduated 1st in my class in Columbus Police Academy 1985 in Ohio. As well I am crosstrained as a EMT and graduated 1st in my class EMT School Pickaway-Ross Joint Vocational School in 1997.

My other trainings include :
* Graduated second in my class from Floyd Regional Police Academy of Georgia in 1988
* Graduated 1st in my class from Brevard Community College Police Academy of Florida 1990

As well I have received accomodations as follows:
* Best all around recruit Rome Police Academy * Awarded five times "Officer Of The Month" Rome Georgia Police Department

On October 14, 2001 I (was) retired from the Floyd County Police Department in Georgia. My retirement was brought on after an injury sustained in the line of duty. I answered a "domestic disturbance call" and as a result was severely injured. I almost died on the job, doing what I enjoyed most, willing to sacrafice all that I am for a stranger. Now I find myself in a battle for what is right with my former employers, Floyd County Police Department. It seems as if nearly dying in the line of duty does not qualify for compensation or recognition. Doing "the right thing" never seemed to cross their mind.

In light of my recent situation I am given to a new way of thinking for those officers that do not rush to calls. The ones that just take a report and forget the caring part, compassion being a stranger to them. I could have done the same that night and saved myself the hell I have been through since. The time this Web Page has been up, I have received literally hundreds of contacts from people from over 100 countries worldwide, civillians and Police Officers alike, that appreciate my brand of Law Enforcement. The kind of officer that treat all people equally with fairness. The kind of officer that goes into any situation as if it were their mother, sister or even their child in jeopardy.

After our world was shaken in the 9/11 tragedy alot of people realized that our Police, Firefighters and EMTs are heroes. They leave their homes on a daily basis never knowing of they will return home again to their families and loved ones. Or how their lives may change in a matter of seconds. Its all in the hands of fate. The bravery of these Emergency personnel is mirrored by the families that support them.


I find myself wondering where do cops in my situation turn to... where do we draw the line in the unfair treatment and practices that belittle what we do... we uphold the law and protect the people... but who protects "US"? As long as politics and money are more important than peoples lives, none of us are safe.

I am a proud member of the United Federation of Police Webmasters, as such it is my duty to bring to light the injustices that have been brought upon other Police Officers. If you have been treated unfairly and wish to get your voice out there for all to see and hear... email me and I will post your story with the others that are already there...


I have created a blog to introduce other people in my position and their stories. There are alot of us out there...and here's our voice!
Click here to go to the blog area and see what others have endured in the line of duty...
Here's Your Voice

Recently I was honored by becoming a member of The U.F.P.W, United Federation of Police Webmasters, Thank You Mike Chilton for this honor! To visit Mike's site follow this link Just4Cops .

There has been a special outpouring of support in this endeavor. One that deserves special mention here on my site. This gentleman's name is Dr. Robert Roerich. He has done studies on Police and Military suicides overseas and his whole page is dedicated to police. His involvement in such issues spills over into a personal level and he has reached out to me at this time. A special thanks goes out to Dr. Roerich and here is a link to his website...please visit...

Roadmind University Online