Jarr Tour Diary

Hey, all!
I guess you are wondering what has been up in Flybanger - land lately. Nothing! Naw, just kidding... after a much needed break (Flybanger has been doing over 200 shows a year for at least three years now.), we are ready to get back into the gig-playing saddle. Our first show after our little hiatus will be at Studebakers Nightclub in Burnaby, BC. on the 12th of October. Usually, we play 'Studes on some crazy occasion like our past annual halloween shows, but this time it will be to hang with our old friends and fans to show you guys that we haven't forgotten about you. As you all know, Flybanger is endorsed by our good friends at Jagermeister, and they sent us a bazzillion Jagermeister/Flybanger shot-glasses, so the first four or five hundred people in the door at Studebakers will receive one. (Just the shot-glass, folks! We drank all of the Jagermeister they sent!) We will follow up the gig with three more shows on Beautiful Vancouver Island. We rock the Sugar Nightclub in Victoria, BC. on the 23rd of October, the Voodo Lounge in Campbell River on the 24th of October and our old stomping ground the Queen's in Nanaimo on the 25th. I can't wait! Flybanger is most definately a "live" band and its been way too long. Garth and I went to see our old friends in Noise Therapy last night and man did it light a fire under our asses! There are more tour plans in the making, so keep your eyes peeled for western Canadian dates in November (Thats all of the hints I can give right now!). I can't wait to see you all soon to drink Jagermeister's like we know what we are doing...


Hey, all! Lots going on in Flybanger-land lately! Mostly lots of hanging out at the beach. HAHA!!! (Sorry if you have to work a real job.) We are currently rehearsing for a tour of Canada, set to start in September or October. We can't fuckin' wait! As cool as the beach is, we love Canada and love touring and we miss all of you crazy mofo's out there. Went to a cool gig at the Anza club last night. Ocean 3 ripped it up! Love those guys. Watch them over the next little while and try to tell me that they won't go far! Hung out with Mr. Chi Pig of SNFU fame, too. A long time personal hero and friend of mine, Mr. Pig also sang on two songs for our Headtrip To Nowhere release - Weapon and Best Friend, which is a kick-ass song that was not included on the album. (Nothing to do with Mr. Pig) SNFU just got back from seven weeks in Europe, and are currently in the studio working on thier latest masterpiece. Check out both of these bands on the wwweb soon! I would like to take a sec to thank our streetteamers, who have done an awesome job on our now defunct BandBitch streetteam! Also, anyone who has our album and listens to it, whether you stole it, burnt it or bought it - thanx! You keep us strong. Flybanger will see you all on the road soon. 'Till then...


I don't know if I've ever had more fun on the road. It was the last night of the Pain and Suffering tour for the Flybanger wrecking crew. Let me start by saying thanx to our fantastic road crew - Dan Simpson, Daniel Johnson(WV in the house!!) and James Schaeffer. You guys rock my world! Thanx for the great job babysitting! I was pretty sad to leave the tour, but happy that we made so many great new friends. I think at one point, everyone from Stereomud and Endo were on stage with us - Garth on Corey's shoulders, Joe(Endo) banging on his snare drum with John from Smud. The reason I say "I think" is that Corey wouldn't stop pouring shots of Jack Daniels down our throats. You should have saw him sing This Is Bliss with Garth!! I would like to thank Stereomud and Endo for being so damn cool to us - we had a shitload of fun! Oh, I also have to shout out to my new bro, Eli, we had a lot of... laughs together. See you all on the road again soon...

June 4th - Kenmore, NY

The Backstage Pub
I love the first night of a tour. Pain and Suffering - cool! We had played the backstage pub a couple of times when we used to be called Jar. The last time we were there, I had a stomach flu and was barfing all over the place. It was in the winter and Bryan would have to hold me by the back of my jacket so I could puke out the side of our van, going down the hiway at 110km/h. Anyhoo - the thing I like about the first couple of dates on a tour is meeting and getting a feel for the other bands.We had allready played with Endo in NY, and new that we would have a blast with those crazy mofo's. The first thing Corey(bass) from Stereomud says to me is "Do you guys drink? Good, then we'll get along just fine." So yeah, I figured that we would have just as crazy a time with these guys as well. Nice guys, the lot of 'em. This is going to shape up to be a rad tour...
I'll keep you updated.


Big dick daddy Tom here! (inside joke, kids.) How do you stop a dog from humping your leg? Pick him up and suck his dick! Sorry, thats my favorite joke. That and I'm feelin' kind of vulgar today. Going to Vancouver Island always makes me feel that way for some reason. No, it's not a bad thing, it's just the way it is. Vancouver Island is generally populated with hippies. There were none of those at the three shows we played! Nanaimo, Campbell River and Victoria - the people at those shows tore shit up!!! There was no "peace, love and happiness", just pure hard rock mayhem. Thats what I love about touring, you think a town will be a certain way, then the people there knock your perception on its ass! Almost always in a positive way. All three shows were packed! It's cool 'cause we havn't been over to the island in aboot a year. We weren't sure what to expect. Brian at Extreme 107.3 in Victoria had us over for a quick interview. Apparently they have been playing the shit out of us. Thanx, guys. The Voodoo Lounge in Campbell River was one of the coolest bars I've ever seen. All leopard print carpets and a cool lounge vibe. Most of Rob's family were at the show - always good to see his folks!!! Queens in Nanaimo is always a good time. Shout out to the guys in Feard, good to see you guys again! Also Nemesis Extinction Factor - good to play with you guys in Victoria again! Watch for these guys, they rock. Anyhoo, I'm off to go fishin' so see you on the flipside...


Hey - hey, kids!!!
I love Krusty the clown! I think after the three shows we played in Winnipeg, thats who I looked just like. At least I felt the way he looks. How much more can we say about Winnipeg? Three more shows, two bar shows and an all ages - the 4th, 5th and 6th of May. The shows were real cool. Boobies! The main reason we played the shows in the 'peg was to celebrate the release of Dick Rivers' new comedy cd. You have to pick it up - it's hilarious! Misery, a pretty good Metallica tribute band opened up the Friday and Saturday shows. You could almost close your eyes... The band everyone's eyes are on in Winnipeg opened up the all ages show on the Sunday. LOCO!!! Those guys ripped a hole in the Sabbath day, it was great! Look for their new cd this summer. It will be produced by the dynamic duo of Mike Plotnikoff and Rob Theissen from Noise Therapy. For our old friends, these guys also produced our indie release "Knottskull". Now, everyone is always pumping me for drunken Flybanger stories. I'll just give you a little statistic about Sunday that will let you imagine how crazy it got that weekend. We drank @120 beers, a bottle of Jagermeister( Of course!!! ), a bottle of vodka and a bottle of Jack Daniels. Now, this was the band, three or four friends and some of the bar staff on a Sunday. Got liver? You know what's the coolest? We got to meet some of the people who post on our guestbook and keep the fire alive! People like Mattrix, Fuckedupntrashed, Headtrip-rob, the list goes on... Keep it up, guys!!! On a serious note, I'd like to thank everyone in Winnipeg - not everyone anywhere who gets what we do and continues to support us. Keep the pressure on Power 97, they'll crack eventually! I know that I've said it again and again but we recognise that people who "get us" really do and its starting to feel like we have a Fly - family that is getting bigger and stronger every day. Thanx, YOU GUYS FUCKIN' ROCK!!! Ciao for now...
-unkle tombanger


Prince George, eh? The last time we played Prince George was three years ago! I remember, it was a Tuesday night, we were on tour with our buds Nickleback, and we had a blast! Bryan, our guitar player was deathly ill and we had to take him to the hospital before the show. Turns out he had caught some kind of virus. The doc put him on an iv to rehydrate him and said that he definately wouldn't be playing that night. We were bummed! Now, I'm not sure that I beleive in miracles, but when we returned to the bar it was full. Bryan, feelin' the vibe in the bar, makes a full recovery!!! He went from having a puke bucket on his side of the stage, to rockin' like Dokkin! I couldn't beleive it! After the show, it was like he was never sick - amazing. That brings us to this show, on the 26th of April - day two of the b-day debacle. Apparently every person who saw us last time waited the three years we were gone and came out that night. Brings a tear to one's eye. The Generator rocked like it did last time - and then some! I can't beleive how fast our merchandise was getting snapped up. A fun time was had by all yet again - Prince George rocked! See you soon, Prince George!!!


What the fuck is up? Big daddy Tom here with the road report from Thursday, the 25th of April - MY BIRTHDAY!!! We celebrated the coming of the antichrist in beautiful Banff, Alberta this year. IT ROCKED!!! Banff was oficially taught how to tear it up - Flybanger style! Our friends Suzi Star and Big Fuckin' Steve were our accomplices on this little four day jaunt... or should I say bad influences! We drank so much Jagermeister that I thought that I would start peeing green. No, seriously, the staff and our friends at Out Of Bounds made us feel right at home for bieng the first band to ever play there. We de-virginised Out Of Bounds!!! A fun time was had by all - thanx to everyone for making my birthday so special. See ya'll at Banff again soon...

4.10.01 - Valentine's - Albany, NY

It's sure nice to pull into a gig, have NO idea what to expect, and then get our asses kicked by a nutty fuckin' crowd. Albany was rockin' tonight. It's also nice when the more local bands playing with us are as stellar as they were tonight. reaching foreward.......and endorphin......both were a pleasure to watch and they certainly got the crowd goin' "thrashzone". We had a good show also and basked in the glow of our new crazy fans. Skrape kicked some serious ass and all who attended the furious festivities left HAPPY. Thanx to our streetteam reps for hangin' out, MICKY for fighting traffic to get some "downtime" and the staff and crew at valentines, TOM and especially all the people that showed up.

4.09.01 - Huntington, West VA

Well, well. If it ain't the tooth fairy! Huntington in the motherfuckin' house! Want to know one of the weirdest things that I have seen on this tour? Brian from Skrape washing his hair with the power wand at the car-wash. Hilarious - caught it on video tape. Only on the road I tells - ya! Second show with the Skrapers. Really thought that the show would suck. Wrong! The really small bar with the really weird stage ended up being full and rowdy on a Friday night. Killer! Does anybody else ever wonder what the hole in men's underwear is for? I got nothin' - see you soon,

4.09.01 - Columbus/Cincinnatti

Wassup? Bender (Tom's drunken other personality) here. I'm putting in the word from Al-Rosa's in beautiful Columbus, Ohio. Tonite was our first show with Skrape, from Orlando, Florida. Judging by the ratio at the bar tonite, there must be more girls than guys in this town! Maybe its 'cause we are touring with Skrape, who are all cuties!! Naw, these guys are cool shits - their music is really cool too. Sorry it's been a while, but Tom has been busy doing Tom stuff. Mostly shaving Garth's back and neck. Our record company tells us that the album is actually selling - thanx, mom! Naw, seriously thanx to all of the mofo's who bought the album! This is our second time in Columbus in one month. Streetteam support here is hardcore! Thanx, guys! I have to shout out to our homeboys in Cringe - a good band who won't be unsigned for much longer. Hey, to all of our old and new friends here too. We are all pretty homesick right now, but we will be home for vacation in just under two weeks, so its not unbearable. Smell you all later,
- tom

4.05.01 Columbus, OH

Al Rosa's
Hey, wassup! This is something new for me (it's Bryan) so bear with it. We've hit Columbus several times and there is always a decent vibe in Ohio. Cringe was in the house last night(yo T keep on rolling baby....HUH), kicking ass as usual. I can't for the life of me remember the names for the groups but it was a stellar bill. I have to give a shout out to Dave and company for always being cool and hanging out!! Moving on to Huntington, see you soon Columbus.


Well, we've come to the end of another tour and happy to say it was an awesome stint for the Flybanger. Both Texas shows kicked ass as did the whole tour.. However, when a band ends a tour there's always the possibility of sabotage. During the Dallas show, members of Hatebreed, Puya and Sepultura and their respective crew said their goodbyes by visiting us onstage during a couple songs. They took the cymbals off the drum kit twice, showered us with beer and danced around the stage....nude and ugly I tells ya! It was soooo funny, I could hardly play, I thought I was gonna piss my pants. But we made some new friends in Sepultura, hatebreed and Puya, as well ... became new fans. The next shows will be with Skrape starting April 5 in Columbus. Hope to see all you out there.....later.


Orlando,Florida - HouseOfBlues
Hey what up? First off the H.O.B downtown disney world is fuckin'awesome. The sun was shining, man we love florida. The place was packed bye the time we hit the stage and the boys and I were in fine form, we met tons of people, hi and thanx to the bandbitch streeteam members who came out and passed shit around, as always the wonderful staff at h.o.b (mmmm...gotta love that catering),Puya, H.B& SEP. all kicked ass, we walked around Pleasure Island after the show, very cool.

F.T Lauderdale,Fla.

Wow an outdoor show, we love this shit...kinda had the same vibe as the corpus christi gig we did with U.U. last summer. Anyways lots of people showed up, it was our first time playing this market and it was STELLAR! I so dig performing outdoors in the warm weather,our show fuckin wailed, lots of new people got into the F.B. experience. After the show we all hung out at the bar next door, brian and I were in fine form (not!) but we all had a blast. Thanx to all our sony/columbia reps/streeteam members who came the shows.

P.S thanx/hello to the ENDO guys, they were at the gig chillin' with us all. GO SEE THESE GUYS PLAY, THEY KICK ASS!



Myrtle Beach
Hey what's up? Well we drove through three states to get here but is was all worth it. HouseOfBlues is always a pleasure to play especially this one. Besides it's amazing decor and staff, just across the road there is an alligator zoo that we all visited after sound check, pretty fuckin' cool. The crowd was great, lots of flybanger fans in the HOUSE. Also the sound in any H.O.B is killer. Puya kicked some serious ass as did the other bands tonight.....lovin' the warm weather ......Lookin, forward to atlanta, see yaz tommorow
Myrtle beach rocks


For our second time in Philly,the crowd was pretty fuckin' good. Yes they were diggin' the FlyBangin'ooooooooooh yeah mamma! We managed to churn out a few more fans. We also hooked up with KIM from jagermeister and the jagerettes who were hangin' out PUYA H.B & SEP.....all kicked some serious asssssss! Once again Tom got up to sing with PUYA (He was a little less drunk this time) It was all goood. P.S thanx to all our sony reps who came out.....
Pretty cool place, I am sitting in the dressing room right now listning to HATEbreed play some old tunes through the practice amp, PUYA is on stage RIGHT fuckin' now. This tour is getting to be pretty cool, the crowd here is pretty crazy,I like new places that are real receptive. Anyway it's proving to be another legendary night. seeeyasoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey Cohoes NY , the show tonight kicked ass, Puya kicked ass, HateBreed kicked ass, Sepultura kicked ass, my ass was kicked, now I go to sleep :) -R.

3.17.01 - Birchhill, NJ

Wassup, yo? New Fuckin' Jersey!!! Tombanger here. I don't know what was in the New Jersey air last night, but I count it as one of the coolest shows of the tour. Now I know you probably think " Tom's allways so positive " but how can I not be? Life is great! Honestly though, it was a kick-ass Saint Patrick's day on the east coast this year. I found out last night that one of my puny dreams will be realised soon - I get to sing 'Oasis' with Puya at one of our next shows!!! I know - I'm such a nerd. Its an awesome song by a great band - check 'em out. Its kind of cool, kids are coming out to see us now. I know that sounds weird, but I'm starting to see 'Banger shirts and people are coming from other states to see us. Like I say - life is good! Seein' lots of streetteamers - thanx Jon! Sepultura and Hatebreed - destroyed the place as usual. Great guys! See you on the flipside, eatshitfuckplaydie

3.17.01 - Worcester, MA

ok, here's the real deal. you might think that we would tell ya that every show is great and all, but tonight, it weren't.we played Worcester, MA, and ya know what? it sucked. there are nights, and there are going to be nights, that things are NOT what you ecpect. And I quote: "the worst band i've ever heard in my life". you know why i know that? cause as i was walking across the stage during guitar changes, it was SO quiet that when that guy shouted it, i couldn't help but hear it...and laugh. any hoot. there are going to be shows like this now and then. that's rock n' roll. we can't hope that this will never happen. i don't wanna slag the worcester audience, but we probably weren't what they were expecting on a bill like this. bottom line is, the boys played a great show, everything went smooth as melted butter on the stage, but the crowd just didn't get it. we all found it so funny, we got drunk. ok, i'm out. and i am drunk. c-ya.

3.16.01 - Hartford,CT

Well, well... if it ain't the tooth fairy! Yeah, I know, it's been a long time but I'm back to let you know how our show went in Hartford, Ct. Tommy the cat here, if you didn't guess allready. Last night was our first show with one of my favorite bands - PUYA!!! Man those guys kick-ass! They sure lit a fire under all of the other bands asses. I couldn't beleive how many people knew us and were diggin' the songs - kinda brings a little tear to the eye. HATEBREED - crazy mofo's. Thats all you can say about those guys. Almost a hometown crowd for those guys and it showed. You won't see many pits as crazy as a HATEBREED moshpit. Watch for them on this years Ozzfest - beautiful. SEPULTURA!!!!!! I don't think I have seen these guys tear it up like they did at the Webster Theater last night. Jesus its awesome to play with guys that we allways looked up to when we were coming up. Every night they show everyone why they have the big name on the bill - THEY KICK MAJOR FUCKIN' ASS!! Anyways, Its been a slice talkin' to you again...

3.13.01 - New York City - Irving Plaza

Boy i love coming back to this place.Tonight we had a bit of a treat cuz on the bill tonight is VisonOfDisorder a band i have wanted to see for some time now. Anyways back to F.B we were first up and bye about 1/4 way through set the line up from the street had piled in, we had a good show.oooohyeeeah!!!!!!!!! OK thanks to all our faithful N.Y fans for comin out, all our wonderful drunk label people(heh,heh) THE big apple was shining bright&so were all the metal bands at irving plaza TONIGHT N.Y FUCKIN,ROCKS


DETROIT ROCK CITY...This was one of the stops that the boy's and I were especially looking foreward to.HARPO'S is just that kind of kick ass venue that is specifically designed for METAL..Flybanger hit the stage at 9:oo what a fuckin, stage man from a singer's point of vue on that high ass stage looking out at a packed room...it was almost euphoric. HateBreed kicked some serious ass(fuckin' crazy pit) SEPULTURA comanded the room with an all out assault....YEAH!
Thanx to all the staff,streeteammembers and WRIF for the help and support
- F.B

3.10.01 - Columbus

Hello Columbus and Sepultura. The first show of the Nation tour (Record in stores Mar20)and a good look into many more good ones to come. We were welcomed with open arms right off. I believe the quote was "our home is your home mutual respect and welcome". ya that was it, but he might have been drunk. did we mention that we love coming to Columbus? special thanks out to Mamma Dee and her crew. kick ass.

3.5.01 - Montreal, Rochester, and Cleveland

Ok kids we are gonna do a threeshowinone report seen as we have not been in one spot long enough to write in for awhile......so here we go. We arrived in Granby, Quebec in the evening before the show and found a hotel.Garth's parents stopped by briefly to say hi and whisked him away to the country. The rest of the boys proceeded to the famous STUDIO SEX strip club for some french adult entertainment....Judging by the look on everyones faces the next day they all had a good time..especially DAN TANNER. OK, sound check, we met up with the boys from AMEN, found out they got hit with some heavy ass snow on the way to the gig. 5LL were all geared up to play their home town, also on hand was local heavy hitter's RAID.The show was great, the staff and all were real cool at the "nouveaux CLUB SODA" thanx to all who attended the crowd was awesome......... "Vive la montre`al" Next up ROCHESTER....Surprisingly enough the border crossing was smoooooooth as glass. It was our first show with HatebreeD and our first time at the famous "penny arcade" The guys in h.b are cool as fuck..... their show....let me just back up a bit..Being a heavier listener type crowd in the audience we did not now what to expect but we did not care, we hit the stage with usual F.B fury and won the new crowd over, I think rochester is going to be good for Flybanger. Hatebreed SLAMMED. everything I heard about this band was backed up after witnessing they're crushing set. REPRESENT. AMEN were great as usual we will miss them after this stint of the tour is over. SOULFLY.............. CLEVELAND ROCKS......the day started by visiting our friends at CRL.com we did some online interview\chatting, very cool Hi to jack and sarah and the rest of the staff YEAH Ok The Odeon is no stranger to us seen as we were there not long ago with C.O.C\ Clutch Saw some familiar faces, thanx to Jason from Sony for helpin us out, all the streetteam kids,Jen&Jeanette for doin' merch (and just showin, up) Ok that was a liittle backwards. We opened the show to a BIG crowd and for an early start the crowd was pumpin' pretty good I think we slammed harder than the night before...wheeeeeuuuuuuh! sweat sweat sweat. CHIMAIRA kicked ass HATEBREED got the crowd to do the WALL OF DEATH ..need i say more? And Soulfly were beyond PRIMITIVE...........see ya

2.28.01 - Toronto

ok, so here I am, we just finished the show at The Opera House, and, guess what...everyone's drunk. Ripper, that magnificent bastard tour manager of ours came into the room where Rob, myself and Craig (the guy that directed the 'Outlived' video) are partaking of a few cocktails and mentions that it's been a couple days since our last road report.now I know you guys want to hear from the band at these little junctures, but last night, we played my home town of London, Ontario, and I'll be damned if that wasn't the best show we've ever played there, so I volunteered to take this one! Now, there is something of pre-amble to this. Winnipeg, as you know was utterly amazing, but that show was quickly followed be a THIRTY-SIX HOUR DRIVE!!! Did I shout just then? (believe it or not, i did just shout, and i will every time i think about that drive). Anyway, our new friends in Amen didn't make it to the london show thanks to the treacherous conditions in lovely Northern Ontario. You may say to yourself, "But you guys made it...what's the problem?" there are actually some of you out there that know...well. we're kinda nuts. so we plowed through what any sane people (like Amen's driver Jerry) would have said 'f**k you' too, and did the show. We missed Amen, but it was a cool show in the end! We hooked up with 5 Line Legacy for the first of 3 shows, and they kicked some serious ass. Shouts out to everyone at Call The Office. After a brief pit-stop at Solid Gold, a...uh...dance...ya, dance club in London, we split to Toronto. Just so ya know, do NOT try to find hotel at five thirty in the morning in Toronto. A'ight? then it was the Opera House. Damn, if it wasn't a great show! Things are getting really cool for us now that places we didn't really think that we did that well, we have people coming out to see us! You may not understand exactly how cool that is, but when we pull into a place that's relatively new to us, and even before we play, there's people wearing shiny new Flybanger swag, that's f**king cool! any way, here i am rambling in something of a drunken stupor, so I'll wrap it up. I need to send thanks out to Joe, George, Brian, Nicola and Heather for helping reunite Ripper with his cell phone. OK, ok, Rob just gave me shit fer goin on and on, so...C-ya!!!

2.24.01 - Winnipeg

Ripper and Garth.The only 2 hangin at the hotel. The rest of the crew are off at the zoo getting properly schalacked. As they should be for tonight was our first all ages show in Winnipeg, but boy was it worth the wait. Over 300 Winnipeg crazied Flybanger fans were at the West End Cultural Center. We told Amen that this was gonna be the craziest crowd of the trip. After they were done their blistering set any doubts of were erased. For Flybanger I gotta say the last few days everyone has been pretty burnt but as we walked up the stairs to get to the stage we could already hear the eager chants of JAR JAR JAR. Winnipeg is our second home and again they proved to us there are no holds barred to the appreciation for our show. It was our first time playing at this venue and the vibe was killer. I dont think there was 1 spot in the set where the crowd settled down. Thanks to everyone at the center.George from sony..and breach of trust (It was their lst show with us) for a good night. It was exactly what we needed . Winnipeg you are truly the Rock-N-Roll town of Canada.........We love you.

2.23.01 - Regina

Wow talk about a face to The State(The inside that is). It was a typical cold day in Regina but the fans braved the weather. Amen kicked ass as usual.getting everyone geared up for our walk onto the stage. Again we saw many familiar faces (the Hard Core fans). Breach of trust also had a great set..glad to have them along. Can't wait to come back hopefully it wont take as long as last time.

2.22.01 - Edmonton

Oh my god.My Head..!@last night was unbelievable and the 14hr. drive we had to do to get to Edmonton was unbelievably gay but, we hauled our asses up on stage tonight and kicked the shit out of Edmonton(the show was awesome we definitely have some hardcore fans here). Thank you very much)..Oh and it was about time we had an all ages show.......Thanks for the Bear support, and to Kim from Sony thanks for taking care of us.. we'll see you next time.

2.19.01 - Vancouver

Hey from Garth,Rob and Rip....Um...First off Lyle from sony..THANKS..... and everyone else that was involved in this kick ass CD release. and thats rock-n-roll for you.The place was sold out and saw a lot of the usual old friends and made some new ones.Now go buy our @#@#ing record ..( from Rob heeeheee).Amen.... (congratulations to amen for making it across the border)they introduced themselves to a rowdy and responsive Vancouver crowd...I think they had a good time.......---()*&^%.....(Brainfart sorry)....It's been a long time coming but the CD is finally out,Now we can all rest. Thanks to our home crowd for being so F&^$in cool through the years.Thanks to everyone..See you soon.

2.15.01 Pound - San Francisco

Upon pulling up to the venue which was pretty much in the middle of industrial land at pier 96, our thoughts were kind of ..uh..uh? Needless to say the show was great San Fran. people are cool and gave us some serious appreciation. Gammera& Altemont were cool, AMEN kicked ass. A good night had by all, thanx to all the staff and a hey WHAT UP to all the columbia street team and sony mem- bers who were out WORKIN' it yyyyyyyeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhh SAN FRANCISCO
p.s hi to myke and james & the rest of the boys keep on rockin !

2.14.01 The Whiskey - L.A.

Hey Rob here just filling ya in on tonight's show and festivities. Tonight was the first show with Amen and they seem to be pretty freakin cool guys. It was probably our best show in L.A. so far. The crowd was great, what can I say ya'll kick ass. The festivities after saw the demise of one innocent bottle of Jag (thanks Rick) and blah blah blah the rest is unclear. System of a Down, UPO and Slipknot in the house......Shout out to B. Squier from Columbia and the rest of the team that came down!!!!!! I'm out!


Hey, hey! Tombastard here! Holey moley! We just played our first show in six freakin' weeks. My neck is killing me. The guys in Soulfly had us open their show in Pocatello, Idaho on one of their days off of the Pantera tour. Talk about a kickin' show! Hemlock, from LasVegas opened up the show - cool band, awesome guys. This band should be signed any time, watch for them. Rob says "hi" to those crazy fuckers in Pocatello!! We are in LA right now, where our tour with Amen kicks off on Wednesday. I've said it before, I'll say it again - I can't wait! So, I have to agree with Rob, Idaho rocks!! Its kind of weird - I never heard of Pocatello before, but you all ripped it up!!! I'll get back to you soon,
boobies( . )( . )


Hey, hey! Tommy the cat here. Just writing in to keep all y'all up to speed on whats happenin' in Flybanger-land. Tomorrow we have a photo shoot at the Riverview mental hospital near Vancouver. It sounds kind of fishy to me... do you really think that there will be a photo shoot?? I think that they are just lookin' for a way to get us there without a fight. Its all good though - I WANNA BE SEDATED!!! Having said that, I realise that it doesn't seem like there has been much activity in our neck of the woods lately, but believe you-me there has! The album, our album, HEADTRIP TO NOWHERE comes out on Feb. 20th. I don't know how excited you are, but I'm peeing my pants! Its like Christmas in February! Ho, ho, ho! Besides preparations for that, your intrepid 'bangers have been preparing for our next tour. WE ARE GOING TO BURN DOWN YOUR FUCKING TOWN! I feel so METAL. Oh, a little Bandbitch tells me that this fabled tour will start very soon, so watch closely for us. Our cd release here in beautiful Vancouver B.C. is happening on the 19th of Feb. at the beautiful Starfish Room. We are very happy to report that Amen will be playing with us, a truly kick-ass band. Streetteamers!! You magnificent bastards! We love you. Y'all have been the jam in our sandwich. Keep up the awesome job. There will be info. posted on this website for anyone wishing to be a part of our super Flybanger S.L.U.T. team. Spread the gospel! Well, thats enough ranting for me, till then...
What happens when you sit around waiting to hit the road? well, you realize that there's something missing and that'd be getting out and kicking some freakin ass. So what happens in 30 day's?...No it's not rent try again. Whoever figures this out wins the latest contest!!
"An exquisite night out at the nearest Waffle House in the winners area." WOW can you believe it!! only Flybanger could pull off a stunt like this.(price cap at $10)
Doesn't that sound exciting boy's and girls. AAAAAAll the boys are home now so we can get on the rehearsal train to prep for touring. Gotto go now....
bye from R and G, see yah out there!!


Hey all it's Garth again writing from the country again, yeah I think this vacation has lasted just a wheeeeeeeeeee bit too long don't ya think? Anyways I'm looking fore ward to getting back to VAN and making some serious heavy shit with the guys again (yeah i miss them) catching up with some friends only to turn around and say goodbye because we be hitting the road again for sure in FEB no shit I can't say with whom or where but we have some great tours to choose from so you will know soon enough . I'm looking foreward to all the crazy adventures in the new year especially all the cool people we will meet on our travels, cant wait to kick some shit up on the stage again. see everyone soon
Garth F.B.


Hey all, Garth here checking in with the outside world again. SNOW,SNOW all i see is SNOW hoping our next tour is somewhere nice & HOT. Thanx to all still sending hello's ,I know there hasn't been much happening lately personally I'm ready to make some serious fuckin' noise again. Can't complain too too much though once our record comes out FEB20th. NO IT HASN'T changed there won't be a break for a long time. Looking forward to some festival touring this summer. Anyone out there who owns a four wheeler should try this one for kicks. Get some heavy duty rope & tie it to the back, on the other end one of those kids G.T three ski racers & let ER RIP. I know time to get out of here & back to the sanity of the road ..............ok then.
Garth FmuthukanB
Hey Tom heard you got a new dew give me a buzzzz sometime @ home


Hi all, it's your fan neglecting vocalist FINALLY writing into our fan interaction web site. I hope everyone had a great holiday+ a happy new year. I'm taking a little break at home (mont.queb) + as much as i love the serenity of the country I'm already missing the stage. Our last tour with clutch + c.o.c was amazing, it was great to be around some experienced road dogs.I suppose we will be back on tour by mid january but don't quote me on that, probably in the states. I hope our canadian fans aren't too bitter with us for not playing in our homeland but just be patient with us OK! Also thanks for the patience on our album release FEB 20th yeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaa hoooooooooo! anyways, talk to y'all soon.
P.S look out for a band called SixtyWattShamin from Maryland they kick ass................


Hey! Wassup, everybody? Tom here to wish all y'all a hap, hap, happy new year! I just got back from the Dracula 2000 movie... pretty cool! If any of you have the patience, sit in the theatre right 'till the end of the credits - you will hear our song "Blind World." It's kinda cool hearing our tune in Dolby THX surround sound (say that five times fast!)Any way... Happy new year, again.
See you soon,


Greetings, earthlings!! Tombanger here. First, let me start by saying merry f**king Christmas! I hope you all got lots of loot from the "Fat Man." I'm hoping that 2001 will be a kick ass year for all ya'll; I get the feeling that it will be THE year for Flybanger. So let's get down to BIDNESS... This is the forum where yours truly (AND the band) get to rant and rave about the price of rice in China, running with scissors, standing in canoes, and those pesky little crabs. So here is a little recap from the last tour with Clutch, COC, and 60 Watt Shaman. First, let me say what an awesome bunch of individuals to work with! 60 Watt Shaman, a kick ass band from Baltimore, Maryland, drank as much (if not MORE) than the Flybanger crew- IMPRESSIVE! Pick up their CD- it rocks! Clutch, an amazing group of musicians, stunned me with their musical prowess every night. I have to shout out to their drummer John Paul, who just might have inherited John Bonham's ability, for the kick ass Clutch hoody. Corrosion of Conformity, what can I say? Some thrashin' southern rock at its best.

The tour kicked off at the always-lovely Whiskey in L.A. (Check the photo gallery for pics.) and ended in the bitter cold of Philadelphia. It lasted 23 days and we played 17 shows in total. After all of the touring we have done, its funny how you can tell who farted-just by the smell in the van. For those of you who dont know, the new album comes out on Feb. 20th, and we will start touring again as soon as we can after the New Year. Oh! Let me tell you about Flybangers coolest (in this reporters opinion) Christmas gift. A brand spankin new Jaegermeister endorsement!! Im so exited! I should be dead within 6 months just kiddin- drink responsibly kids. Can you sense the sarcasm?

So, for anyone who is interested, here is Tom and Dans little Christmas story. It was a crap, crap, crappy evening in Philadelphia on the 23rd of Dec. after the last show of the tour. The boys were all on their way to the airport to fly home to spend Christmas with their families. Your two young heroes were getting ready to drive the van for three days home. If you do the math, they would be in the van the 24th, 25th, and 26th of December- Merry Freakin X-mas!

Four o clock in the morning, Sunday December 24th, Christmas Eve, the trailer the kids were towing blew a bearing, destroying the wheel hub on the passenger side. So, we pulled into a truck repair center in Pennsylvania where they told us nothing would be open (if anything opened) until 9 in the morning. Needless to say, we slept in the van until they told us that nothing would be opening and we wouldnt be able to get the parts until December 27th. Guess what? That trailer is still sitting in Pennsylvania. We moved the seats forward, loaded the gear in the van, and made like trees. So fast-forward to the dreaded border crossing. AMAZING! UNBELIEVABLE! They waved us right through. No retarded questions, No unloading the van, No rubber gloves- Flybangers second coolest Christmas gift!
FAST, fast forward to Winnipeg, Flybangers third awesome Christmas gift. It was Christmas day and your young Canadian bucks had landed at the Zoo in Winnipeg for some shuteye. After calling our friends in Winnipeg to say hi and Merry Christmas, our lovely friends Terry and Carol decided that it wouldnt be Christmas day if Dan and I didnt have some Christmas dinner. Braving the weather, (Minus 40 degrees Celsius) our Winnipeg friends delivered some of Terrys moms kick ass turkey with all the trimmings. Thank you Terrys Mom!!! Thank you Terry and Carol!!! Now without incident, the young, good looking explorers made it to Calgary on the 26th of December where my mom, Toms mom, who happens to be a saint, made another Christmas dinner for us on the 27th. Thanks Saint Anne!!! That brings us to where the stuffed, virile, happy campers separate; leaving Dan to drive home with his (and Flybangers) good friend Dave Pribbin to return the van and gear to always lovely Vancouver, BC, Canada, EARTH; And leaving Tom to celebrate New Years with his family and his lovely girlfriend in Calgary, Alberta. The other boys in the band had separated to the three other corners of the earth, being Montreal, Edmonton, and Powell River to participate in crazy, pagan rituals that we cant talk about here.

In parting, from me (Tombanger), the band (Flybanger), Dan (Drumbat), and the captain, have a Merry, MERRY Christmas and a horny New Year back home, on earth. Oh yeah, dont stand in canoes, run with scissors, or pick your nose, but drink lots of Jaegermeister! Back in reality, thanks for the support in 2000. You make us strong. I hope that everyone who has crossed our path, or will cross our path, has a kick ass year to start off the new millennium. Smell ya later!


Merry Freakin Christmas ya'll!!
This is the first of many entries that myself and the band will be making. Sorry we haven't been on top of things...bad Flybanger!!..... So, your gonna get up to date road stuff and a lot of just plain ol nonsense from us, so stay tuned, this will be cool.

Well, we just finished up with Clutch,COC and 60 Watt Shaman. I have to say the tour was awesome for us. As I sit here on my worn out ass in Vancouver stuffing my face with leftovers from Cmas dinner I have to say thanks to all you that came out to our shows along the way and there was a lot of you too!
Shout out's to all you S.L.U.T.'s that braved the weather to come to our shows, especially those two young brothers in Cleveland who stood outside in home made Flybanger t-shirts, damn!!! Hope you made it home ok......Andrew from Phoenix who came to 3 or 4 shows and dressed up as Dracula to help promote the D 2000 soundtrack hope your holidays kicked dude........ How you liking the cd Daniel J from WV,? another friend of Flybanger that came to 3 or 4 shows, YAHH!

All the college and street reps that put up our promo thanks for helping put Flybanger in the minds of many, And to all the label people that came out, thanks for supporting the Flybanger, hope to see ya'll in the new year.