M y O n l i n e J o u r n a l

Dec. 29th, 2002

OK today I'm bumbed out and I don't know why. Maybe it's because tomorrows New Year's eve and I don't even want to go out anywhere there is a party. Maybe I should just head into Winnipeg.

Anyway, it's 10:00 I think I'm going to go drink, nighty night all


Dec. 29th, 2002

I'm in a historical mood today so I've been in frount of the history channel all day watching "history's lost and found" I learned all about Clyde Barrow's Death Shirt; Oliver Cromwell's Head; Merry Prankster Bus; Jackie Kennedy's Bloodstained Dress; King Herod's Bathtub; Paul Revere's Lantern and the African man-eating lions. VERY COOL. If anyone know's where I could find any other info on this shit tag me w/ it.

Last night was an easy night I was supposed to go out with my buddie Albert but I couldn't find him when I was about to leave so I visited my little brothers, Mark Terry and Randy (who had one of there frinds over) and we played Rumouli (I think that's how you spell it, I have no idea). I lost 15 cents.

I've decideded for my New Years Resilution I'm going to find out what it is about me that makes little girls want to fight me then stop that behaivor. I don't know how to go about doing that, but I'll figure it out. There's nothing more annoying in the whole world than sitting there drinking your beer when some 17 year old decides she should fight you I JUST WANT TO FINISH MY BEER. (losers) Anyway you'd think I would bne used to it by now I mean this has been going on since I WAS A 15 year old girl.

Did you know In 1957 Great Balls of Fire - Jerry Lee Lewis Was top of the charts. Yea, people who marry there cousins are sick.

Funny post of the day

Cochese Subject: It tastes like burning -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have this burning red itch on most of my crotch. I think it might be some kind of VD . It must be those damn hippy chicks I've been sleeping with. I figured before I seek medical attention I would ask you guys cuz you're rock stars and you should know a lot about this type of thing.

P.S. Please hurry, my pain is only surpassed by the fact that I don't have a lot to lose down there. Speed is of the essence.

Intellegent/thoughtfull post of the day

Gun control is hitting your target with one shot.

The DemoncRATS should rename the party what they are, the American Socialist Party. With the latest plane crash it seems God is killing off the liberal idiots who are in office

. Maybe the rest will take flight as well. Teddy K.......wanna drive a plane?

Dumbassed post of the day(aka: see what happens when you marry your cousen)

33% of fags ADMIT to minor/adult sex (7). There is a notable fag group, consisting of thousands of members, known as the North American Man and Boy Love Association ( NAMBLA). (Note: this web site is sometimes down). This is a child molesting fag group whose cry is "SEX BEFORE 8 BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE." This group can be seen marching in most major fag parades across the United States. Fags commit more than 33% of all reported child molestations in the United States, which, assuming fags make up 2% of the population, means that 1 in 20 fags is a child molestor, while 1 in 490 heterosexuals is a child molestor (19). 73% of all fags have had sex with boys under 19 years of age (9). Many fags admit that they are pedophiles: "The love between men and boys is at the foundation of homosexuality" (22). Because fags can't reproduce naturally, they resort to recruiting children. Fags can be heard chanting "TEN PERCENT IS NOT ENOUGH, RECRUIT, RECRUIT, RECRUIT" in their fag parades. A group called the "Lesbian Avengers" prides itself on trying to recruit young girls. They print "WE RECRUIT" on their literature. Some other fags aren't as overt about this, but rather try to infiltrate society and get into positions where they will have access to the malleable minds of young children (e.g., the clergy, teachers, Boy Scout leaders, etc.) (8). See the DC Lesbian Avengers web page. Also, see AFA Action Alert.

OK, that's it for me today.

1. full name - Leslie Jacklynn

2. date of birth - Oct. 15,

3. age - 23

4. sex - grrrl

5. height - 5'4''

6. location - My appartment is in Winnipeg, but I'm not alway's there, usually I'm somewhere in Manitoba though.

7. hair color - the tips of my hair are usually blond then it get's darker depending on how much sun it's been exposed to, unless I die my hair.

8. eye color - Brown

9. sexual preference - I like boy's sometimes

Now onto the questions...

1. what do you think of cheerleading - To each his own

2. favorite disney character - Sleeping beauty

3. what brand of deodorant do you use - What ever's cheapest

4. of the people you've kissed, who was the worst kisser? Ian (but that was a really long time ago) or his brother Allen

5.do you know anyone who you think is homosexual but say they aren't - not sure, probably

6. do you know anyone who is homosexual - yep

7. do you know anyone who is bisexual - yep

8. do you know anyone named leroy - no 9. do you like pickles - yes 10. do you have a website - yes, if your reading this your probably on it

11. do you watch porn - Gotta love porn

12. are you black - Nope

13. are you an ocean lover - Never thought about it

14. who are you gonna vote for - Anyone but Al Golden

15. do you have your own phone line - I have my own appartment, So I'd hope so

16. your thoughts on abortion - It's not a method of birth control.

17. do you like britney spears - I have no oppinion on her herslef, don't listen to her music though.

18. do you wanta britney doll - a what?

19. what do you want for christmas - My cat to be better

20. do you have your 2 front teeth - yes

21. what do you want to do with your life - be happy have kids grow old

22.ever been butt naked bangin' on the bathroom floor - huh?

23. would you ever get plastic surgery, if so, on what - no, unless my boobs get really saggy then I might get a reduction

24. biggest redneck you know - My entire family

25. last time you went to a skating rink - yesterday

26. last time you went to a bowling alley - Month ago

27. what perfume / cologne do you wear - I usually smell like oil/fuel, food, or lemon pledge.

28. do you think foreign accents are sexy - I love certin one's other's just make a person sound 'slow'

29. do you like jell-o - love jello, exp. when I'm hung over

30. do you like hot dogs - love hot dog's, the cheap kind cooked on my car heater the most *lol*

31. brand of toothpaste - Whatever's cheapest.

32. last time you went to the doctor - last month

33. do you think ricky martin is gay - don't care

34. do you think tractors are sexy - Mine is

35. do you have a credit card - for emergencys

36. do you love your mom - of cource

37. do you love your mom as much as norman bates did in PSYCHO - huh?

38. ever taken ballet - Nope

39. favorite juice - Rye?

40. last time you used the restroom - This morning

41. most attractive person you know - I know lot's of sexy people

42. do you have any diseases - Nope, healty as a horse

43. last book you read - I' reading the Vampire Lestat, a book on Rock, this Dinosaurs(b/c my little cousin keeps asking me questions)and I think that's it.

44. dark, white or milk chocolate? Dark milk?

45. ever dyed your hair - yea,

46. what brand of shampoo and conditioner do you use - What ever's cheapest

47. favorite holiday - Thanks giving

48. thing you hate most about your body - Ummmm, I like my body

49. do you still play with barbies - Only when I'm drunk. (Teenage pregnancy barbie rocks)

50. last thing you rode in or on - sled

51. are men really from mars - How should I know?

52. do you have chores - I have shit I have to do or else I'll get rat's in my appartment if that's what you mean

53. last time you smoked a cigarette - Not to terribly long ago

54. last time you smoked pot - long time ago

55. are you depressed - when the mood is right

56. what do you wear to the beach - Not much

57. do you believe in angels - I am an angel

58. would you ever join the army - Don't know, I have a problem with athority

59. do you want a puppy - I have a puppy

60. ever had a kick me sign on you - probably

61. how about a lick me sign - Yea

62. favorite icing - Ice cream icing yummy

63. are you a flirt - yea, I am

64. last time you were scared - don't remember

65. last party you went to - Last night

66. do you do your own laundry - Duh!

67. what detergent do you use - what evers cheapest

68. what fabric softner do you use - ditto

69. are your nails real or fake - fake nails? what's that

70. do you get jiggy with it - huh?

72. what do you wish your name was - I like my name, but if it couldn't be leslie it would be arial

73. favorite actor - That elf off of LOTR.

74. favorite actress - Drew Barrymore

75. are your parents divorced - no 76. would you ever wear a waterbra - Not in a Canadian winter

77. do you work out - My job takes care of that

78. are you muscular - for a girl

79. are you flabby - My tummy's a bit flabby

80. are you fat - no

81. are you skinny - no

82. do you take lots of pictures - tons

83. favorite tv show - Law & Order or Angel

84. do you want a baby - I want a million

85. ever thought you were pregnant - I was

86. last time you were sick - Summer

87. butter or margarine - Butter all the way baby

88. your feelings on mcdonalds chicken nuggets - yummy

89. favorite movies - Shawshank, Pretty women, League of there own, Breakfast club, Dazed and confused.

90. Do you believe in santa clause - Sure do

91. do you go to a tanning salon - No, I work outside

93. do you have a car - yeah

94. do you have your license - yea

95. how do you get around - car, Sled, ATV, bomadeer what ever's handy

96. favorite rugrats character -never watched it, my fav. fraggle rock charicter was red though.

97. Favorite line in a movie - Get busy living or get busy dieing

98. Favorite line in a song - the blinded eyes that see the Chaos.

99. are you dissatisfied with your hair color - not really, it would be nice if my hair picked a colour and went with it though.

100. what kind of jewelry do you wear - Not a jewlrey person

101. what do you think of *//\\//SYNC - SYNC?

102. have you ever modeled - Not intentionaly

103. do you shop from catalogs - only when I'm ordering CD's

104. what do you like the preferred sex (or sexes) to wear - Something clean

105. do you have a cell - nope

106. what do you think of eminem - I like smarties better

107. favorite kind of gum - whatever's cheapest

108. would you ever get a tattoo - I have a butterfly on my back for my son. I'm gonna get 2 more at least I just don't know of what, maybe just names. 109. do you think lil bow wow is cute - who?

110. have you seen charlie's angels, the movie -I love Drew

111. what magazines are you subscribed to - Don't

112. do you believe your horoscope - I beleve in the power of the mind

113. what's your sign - Libra

114. do you like coffee - no

115. pen or pencil - Colourd gel ink

116. are you ghetto - No, I just live there

117. favorite lip gloss - whatever's cheapest

118. do you wear a watch - Only when I need to know the time

119. sunglasses - when it's sunny

120. ever use nair - probably

121. ever been to the mall of america - no

122. do you want a leather jacket - yea, sometimes, like my fur one best

123. ever ridden a motorcycle - yep

124. do you think justin timberlake and britney spears had sex - who?

125. what do you think of the backstreet boys - I'm sure there nice, don't listen to the music

126. do you read the chicken soup books - They make me cry

127. have you seen the exorcist - yea

128. are you online a lot - if I wasn't would i be doing this?

129. do you have an old navy performance fleece - no

130. are you getting tired of doing this - It's fun talking about me

131. do you buckle up - usually

132. do you have any siblings - Yes, one brother, a few more I just call my brothers

134. what are their names - Mark

135. what are their ages - 21

136. do they wanna fill out our great survey - Mark can't type

137. do you know how to yo-yo - I think I still can, it's been a while

138. what color are your panties - I have panties of all colours and bra's that match them.