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Well according to Dr. Keller MP1 is not as stringent compliance as most HIV/AIDS meds, missing a dose is not really a problem.  MP1 is also just one capsule four times a day.  We are working on making it a BID or once Daily dose.  But I have to admit I've gotten to the point that I don't think my HIV research will continue due too lack of funding.  Every charity I've written has denied my requests for funding.  Even our own community seems unwilling to help.  I have sent 1897 e-mails and all have been denied.  Bellow I have included copied of the responded to the few Charities that were goodly enough to even write me back.  I really wonder if the world wants a cure to be found.  If you like please feel free to contact Dr. Keller directly.


      In regard to your request for funding, I can only repeat that Lilly weighs a number of       factors in all of our funding decisions, because every decision may save or improve lives,      but also uses resources that may be essential for other ongoing projects that have similar     hopes.  Considering our resources and research priorities, we are not currently in a     position to fund your research.

                                          Daniel Mytelka, Ph.D.


                                          Head, Infectious Diseases Research

                                          Lilly Research Labs

                                          Eli Lilly and Company


      Not writing any story...its too complex and toop confusing....sorry

                                          Ted Fleischaker []


      Thank you for your email and for your interest in the American Foundation

      for AIDS Research. I anticipate that amfAR's next RFP will be issued at the

      end of this month.  I'll put your name on the list to receive RFPs in the

      mail. Open RFPs are always posted on the Foundation's website,; you might try checking there after March 25. 

                                          Kent Cozad

                                          Grants Administrator

                                          American Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR)

                                          120 Wall Street, 13th Floor, NY, NY  10005-3902 USA

                                          Telephone: 212.806.1696   Fax: 212.806.1601


      Thank you for writing to the Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report.  The primary mission of the       report is to provide the public with a summary of the HIV/AIDS-related news of the day.  We    are not a grant agency.

                                          Alyson Browett, MPH


                                          Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report

                                          600 New Hampshire Ave. NW

                                          Washington, D.C. 20037

                                          (202) 672-5952  phone

                                          (202) 672-5767  fax


      Thank you for your letter.  Unfortunately, The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund       (U.S.) does not provide funding for medical research.  I wish you much success in your       endeavors.

                                          Lisa Hoffman


                                          Senior Program Consultant


      Your e-mail to our executive director was forwarded to me. Although you

      don't come out and make a funding request, I assume that is what you

      were seeking. I'm sorry to let you know that our HIV funding guidelines

      specifically exclude biomedical research. We concentrate our limited HIV

      funding to prevention within the behavioral change models and national


                                          Matt Patrick

                                          Program Officer

                                          Gill Foundation


      The UU Funding Program does not fund any kind of medical research.  For a

      copy of our funding guidelines go to

                                          Cara Wilking

                                          Grants Administrator

                                          UU Funding Program


      Sorry, but the Foundation does not support research projects.  For more information on our   interests, please visit our website at

                                          Larry Kressley []


      Mary Shannon:  You have responded to this pain in the ass splendidly.  Don't worry about it    another minute.  If he persist, tell him I am very eager to speak with him upon my       return....but that you cannot offer him any assistance or any more advice until then.

                                          Again, good job.


                                          Tom Viola

                                          Executive Director



      Classical Action: Performing Arts Against AIDS is a fundraising program of Broadway       Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, and we therefore distribute the funds we raise through their       grantmaking process.  This process (and our mission) is focused primarily on funding AIDS       organizations that provide direct services to those living with HIV/AIDS.  Projects       typically funded include those providing case management, food, housing, transportation,       emergency financial assistance, emotional support and non-reimbursable and emergency

      medical expenses. In some cases, BC/EFA will also fund advocacy organizations whose public      policy work has a direct effect on the scores of AIDS service organizations we assist.     BC/EFA does not fund publications, travel or registration for conferences, reimbursable or   ongoing medical expenses, capital investment, educational services or medical research.

      Unfortunately, we are not in a position to fund your research, but we wish you the best in    your endeavour.

                                          Mary-Shannon Ryan, Program/Projects Manager

                                          Classical Action: Performing Arts Against AIDS

                                          (a program of Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS)


      Thank you for your interest. Stonewall does not fund research or projects

      outside of the 5 boroughs of New York. Best wishes.

                                          Bill Mattle

                                          Executive Director     



      Thank you for your note and the information on your research.  Unfortunately we are not a       foundation and thus cannot be helpful to you.  I might suggest looking at the Foundation       Center's publication on funders of HIV/AIDs for potential foundations to fund your work.

                                          Nancy Cunningham


                                          Funders for Lesbian and Gay Issues


      If you are interested in applying for a grant, please visit our web site at to determine whether or not your work fits within the

      foundation's program guidelines.  From your description below, I don't

      believe it's a good match.  We wish you good luck!

                                          Carolyn Koo


                                          Grants Manager


      Thank you for your email. Unfortunately as a not-for-profit agency, we

      cannot assist you in this matter. Best of luck with your project.

                                          The GMHC Hotline

                                          hotline []


      Thank you for your message which has been brought to the attention of

      staff in the relevant UNAIDS department.

                                          UNAIDS Information Centre    


                                          tel:  (41 22) 791 3666


      On behalf of Governor Jeb Bush, thank you for your recent email describing your HIV/AIDS       research and your need for funding to continue these efforts.  Unfortunately, the state of    Florida does not provide funding for research activities.

                                          Sherry Riley


                                          Program Administrator

                                          Bureau of HIV/AIDS


      Thank you for contacting the AIDS Clinical Trials Information Service (ACTIS). This message     is in response to the 2 emails sent to ACTIS.  ACTIS does not offer funding or grants.

                                          ACTIS Information Specialist




      Your information has been forwarded to the foundation for review. In the future, please do    not forward email to my personal account.

                                          Monica Wallace


                                          Executive Office of Bill Gates


      Thank you for contacting the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. We fully concur with your       selection of HIV/AIDS research as a priority in efforts to improve the health of       populations in developing countries.  The Foundation has made a major commitment to       investing in this area through support to a variety of activities ranging from HIV vaccine     development to youth prevention activities.  In addition to the Foundation's investments in    these existing initiatives, we are in the process of evaluating our HIV/AIDS strategy so       that we make sure our efforts keep pace with an ever evolving epidemic.  We expect to   complete this process soon, but in the meantime will not be making new   commitments in    this area.  Therefore, the Foundation is unable to fund the proposed program.  

                                          Stephanie Jones


                                          Grant Inquiry Coordinator

                                          Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation






      We are not a research organization, may I suggest that you talk with Am FAR at

                                          Paul Akio Kawata, Executive Director

                                          National Minority AIDS Council, 1931 13th St. NW,                                                 Washington, DC 20009-4432

                                          Tel:  202.483.6622; Fax: 202.483.1135; Website:                                       


      Thank you for your message which has been brought to the attention of staff in the relevant    amfAR department.



                                          120 Wall Street, 13th Floor

                                          New York, NY 10005-3902

                                          (212) 806-1600 (tel)

                                          (212) 806-1601 (fax)


      I just wanted to personally thank you for your endeavors.  Your mail to UNAIDS has been       forwarded to me for a reply. I regret to have to inform you that UNAIDS is not set up to do    or to support research, for more information about UNAIDS please visit our homepage at I therefore have forwarded your request to colleagues at the WHO.  To be       honest I don't believe American AIDS charities really want a cure for this disease to be       found.  But I again wanted to solemnly and wholeheartedly thank you for your time,       consideration, and help in this fight.

                                          Calle Almedal

                                          Senior Adviser

                                          Partnerships Unit UNAIDS

                                          20 Avenue Appia

                                          CH 1211 Geneva 27


                                          tel + 41 22 791 45 70

                                          fax + 41 22 791 48 98





What you have read is just a small list of the litterly thousands of rejections that I have recieved in request for grant monies in the past month.  But I honestly think that Calle Almedal of UNAIDS summed it up best, "I don't believe American AIDS charities really want a cure..."  If you like I can forward a copy of research and resume for your consideration and review.




Benjamin D. Sanders R.Ph.D. Int.

Doctoral Pharmacist Intern

Bachelorret Computational Biochemist

(954) 462-2289 - home