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tables and rowspan tutorial

tables part 5 about 'rowspan' in a td tag

a quick word about rowspan
lets use this code to make a new table
<TABLE border=1> <TR> <TD>my first table</TD> <TD>my first table</TD> </TR> </TABLE>

the code above gives us this
my first table my first table

now lets add another table row and put a single table definition in it
<TABLE border=1> <TR> <TD>my first table</TD> <TD>my first table</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>my first table</TD> </TR> </TABLE>

the code above gives us this
my first table my first table
my first table

again we have a 'ghost cell' so we will add rowspan=2 to the first table definition in the first table row
<TD rowspan=2>
my first table my first table
my first table
<TD rowspan=2>
my first table
my first table
my first table

below is the same table with rowspan=2 added to the second table definition in the first table row
my first table my first table
my first table
my first table
<TD rowspan=2>
my first table
my first table

this is the same table with some colors added because thats what we'll be doing soon
my first table my first table
my first table

as part of this rowspan tutorial you can use this example table to see if you can work out the html source code
left top right

did you work it out? here's the source code

here's another rowspan example for you to try and work out
left top top middle right top
center right bottom
left bottom bottom middle
bottom table row

here's the source code

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