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 Deep Fritz - GM V. Kramnik; 
 "Man vs. Machine" Match, (Rd #7) 
 Manama, Bahrain;  2002. 

Deep Fritz {7.0} (2650) - GM Vladimir Kramnik (2807) 
 Man vs. Machine Match 
Manama, Bahrain, (# 7);  17.10.2002

 [A.J. Goldsby I] 

Click  here  to see an explanation of the symbols that are used. 

An important encounter between the contestants in this match.  Game # 7.


1.d4 Nf62.c4 e63.Nf3 b6{See the diagram just below.}     
(Kramnik lost to the in this opening in game # 6. Is he now trying to force 
 them to show what the best line is?)

   Kramnik plays the Queen's Indian. Psychology, or just good strategy?  kram-vs-df_rp7_pos1.gif,    KB)

  {Diagram.} The position after 3...b6. Black tries the Q.I.D.  


The Queen's Indian Defense  is a very hyper-modern opening. Black tries to solve 
the problem of his problem child by placing it on the long diagonal. But the second player 
must exercise extreme caution that he is not crushed behind a wall of White Pawns 
during the initial phase of the game.  

4.g3 Bb7;  {Diagram?} 
Hmmm. Apparently Kramnik wants a completely different type of game. 
(The computer used 4...Ba6!? in the previous encounter.) 

     [ 4...Ba6!?; - GM A. Nimzovich. ].  

5.Bg2 Be76.0-0, {Diagram?}  
Obviously there is nothing wrong with simple development here. 

     [ Another book I have gives the line:  6.Nc3 Ne47.Bd2 Bf68.0-0 0-0
        9.Rc1, "+/="
{Diagram?} I'd stop here and say White has a slight edge here.  

        This line has been played literally hundreds of times at the Master level, (about 500 
        times according to Chess Lab!); but probably first occurred in the encounter: 

        GM V. Smyslov - GM F. Olafsson;   Alekhine Memorial Tournament, 
        Moscow, Russia; 1971. ].  

6...0-07.Nc3 Ne48.Qc2!?, {Diagram?}  
I like this, it seems to be one of the most steady and flexible options at White's disposal. 

     [ The move 8.Bd2, {Diagram?} could very likely transpose to the note given 
        after White's 6th move, - see just above.  8...Bf69.Rc1 c510.d5 exd5;  
12.Nxd2 d613.Nde4 Be5!; {Diagram?} 
        The end of the column. 

        (In the game,  Karpov-Salov;  Linares, 1993 ...  ...  ... 
         Black got into trouble after retreating the Bishop to e7.) 

        14.f4!?, {Diagram?} Seemingly the most aggressive. 
          (Or 14.Qd2 Ba6; 15.Rfe1 g6; "=" and the game is equal).  
        14...Bd4+15.Kh1 Ba616.Rf3, {Diagram?} 
        White seems to be a tad better in this position. 

        GM A. Yusupov - GM Z. Almasi;  Germany, 1994.  
        "Now 16...Qe7; gives Black equal chances."  - GM N. de Firmian.   
         [ See MCO-14; page # 566, column # 19, and note # (d.). ]  ].  

8...Nxc39.Qxc3 c510.Rd1 d611.b3 Bf612.Bb2 Qe7 {See the diagram just below.}    
A nice central square for the Queen in this position.  

   The game position after 12...Qe7. The position is relatively balanced.  (kram-vs-df_rp7_pos2.gif, 10 KB)

 We follow a standard, book line.  
(The actual position in the game after ...Qe7.) 


     [  MCO  gives instead: 12...Qc713.Qc2 Nd7;  The end of the column. 
15.Qe2 Rfd816.Rd2 cxd417.Bxd4 Bxd4;  
a6; "~"  {Diagram?} (Maybe - "+/=") 
         "White has a minimal edge in a hedgehog-like position." 
          - GM Nick de Firmian.  

         Grivas - Z. Almasi;  Moscow Olympiad, 1994.  
         [ See MCO-14; page # 566, column # 22, and note # (n.). ]  ].  

13.Qc2 Nc614.e4, {Diagram?} 
White grabs the big center ... BUT!!!   

I think - since computers obviously play closed positions so poorly, I think it might 
have been wiser for the box to keep the center of the board more fluid. 

     [ Maybe wiser was: 14.e3, "=" ].  

Now Black virtually forces White to close the center.  
14...e5!15.d5!? Nd416.Bxd4 cxd4!?; {Diagram?} 
Black plays a safe move. 

But this looks like blind adherence to principle. 
("Always capture towards the center.") 

     [  I think a superior plan is: 16...exd417.Qd3 Rae818.Re1 Qc7; {Diagram?} 
         with a very elastic position for Black here. He can play a slow, waiting game. 
         The second player can prepare various ideas such as ...a6; ...Bc8-d7; ...g6; ...Bg7; 
         and then double his Rooks where appropriate and break with f5. Computers are 
         VERY bad at handling such long range plans that are primarily strategic in nature. 
         This is why I am certain this would have been a much better way of handling the 
         game, than what was played in the actual game. (- LM A.J. Goldsby.)  ].  

17.Bh3 g6; {Diagram?} 
Black prepares a safe retreat for his Bishop to g7, keeps White's pieces off the f5-square, 
and even possibly prepares a pawn break with the move, ...f5.  

18.a4, {Diagram?}  
According to ChessBase's website, this was the computer's last book move in this line. 

   White seeks to open a few lines on the left-hand side of the board ... perhaps thinking to make progress. (kram-vs-df_rp7_pos3.gif, 10 KB)

  The actual game position after 18.a4.  
(White is looking to make some inroads on the Q-side.)


  Up to this point, this had all been played before, in the (stem) game:    
  GM Lev Polugaevsky - GM Boris Gulko;  
  The 44th U.S.S.R. Championships.  Moscow, RUS; 1976.  

     [ I prefer: 18.Qd3!?, "+/="  {Diagram?} with a very small advantage 
        to the first player in the current position. ].  

  18...a5N; {Diagram?}  
Black continues his strategy of blockade. 

This is also (apparently) an improvement over existing Master practice. (TN) 

"It seems wise to block the a-pawn." - GM Danny King. (Chess Life) 

      [ Maybe 18...Qc7!?; "~" with unclear play. 

        In the stem game, Black allowed: 18...Bg719.a5, "+/="  {Diagram?} 
        and White had broken through on the Q-side and won a very nice game 
        in 41 moves. ].  

19.Rab1 Ba6!?; {Diagram?} 
Black plays as if to confuse the computer. But this move seems too slow to me. 

     [  I would have liked to seen the mighty Kramnik play a line like: 
20.Qd2 h621.Qd3 Bc822.Bxc8 Raxc823.Nh4!? Kh7;  
Qd725.bxa5 bxa526.Rb5 Rc527.Nf3 Qg4; "~"  {Diagram?} 
        Black has counterplay in a very unclear position. This is another type of game 
        that most computer programs handle do not excel at. ].  

Now Black maneuvers, seemingly without any point. But he is slowly gaining 
the upper hand here.  
20.Re1 Kh821.Kg2 Bg722.Qd3 Rae823.Nd2 Bh6;  {Diagram?} 
Now Black seems all set to play the pawn break, ...f7-f5. And then maybe even ...f5-f4. 

Seeing the position is growing critical, White grabs some space. 
24.f4! Qc7; {Diagram?} 
Black cannot afford to break down the pawn structure. 

     [  Bad for Black is:  24...exf4?!25.Qxd4+ f626.Qxb6, "+/=" {Diagram?} 
        and White is better. ].  

Now both sides seem to be forced to accept a repetition of moves.  
25.Rf1 Kg826.Rbe1 Qd827.Kg1 Bb728.Re2 Ba6 {See the diagram just below.}     
Draw agreed


   Both sides quit the game as drawn - we were headed for a repetition of moves, anyway.  (kram-vs-df_rp7_pos4.gif, 10 KB)

 The final position of this game. 



Neither side could find a way to significantly improve their position. 

A good game, and not a bad defense for a mindless machine. 

  1/2 - 1/2  

  (Code initially)  Generated with  ChessBase 8.0   

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This is a game I annotated especially for these web pages. I eventually plan to annotate - in a similar 
manner ... all of these games. If you would like a copy of this game to help you study,  contact me


  Page last updated:  January 15th, 2003.  


  Copyright (c) A.J. Goldsby I  

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