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 Kasparov vs. Deep Blue I, (Game # 5) 
 ACM "Man vs. Machine" Match 
 Philadelphia, PA; (USA).  1996 


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  KASPAROV vs. DEEP BLUE I.  (The FIRST match.)  

 Click  HERE   to go to, (or return to); my main page for the game,  
  KASPY vs. DBI;  Game # 5.  (parent page) 

 Click  HERE   to go to, (or return to); my page  for the game: 
  KASPY vs. DBI;  Game # 5(The Re-play page.)  


  Page first posted, .   Last up-date:  _____________, 2003.   

  Copyright (c) A.J. Goldsby I  

  Copyright (©) A.J. Goldsby,  2002 - 2004  &  2005.  All rights reserved. 
