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all pages on this website were coded by hand on notepad by KC Carter, with the exception of the gw adoption table below (c. mousy).

Hello. I'm Quatre Raberba
Winner. Since Tria was
kind enough to adopt me,
I have promised to always
watch over her site
and guard her from sorrow.
Are you satisfied?

Adopted at Dragon Tears
Hey, Duo here.
This is my
sister Tria's site, and
even though I'm
all grown up,
the God of Death
will still protect her.
So don't go
making me angry...
Code Name: Heero Yuy.
Status: I have been
adopted by Tria.
Mission: In return for her help,
I must protect Tria's website
Mission Accepted.

Adopted at Dragon Tears
I am Chang Wufei.
I have been adopted
by Tria, and I am
bound by honor to
protect her and her website.
All those who harm her
shall feel the wrath
of the Solitary Dragon.
I have no name.
If you must call me something,
call me No Name.
I am Tria's friend.
Even though I wear a clown suit,
I am no one's fool.
Anyone who brings harm
to her or her website
shall not live to tell about it...

"because aliens really REALLY SUCK at sex" - Sue-chan     archives

Computer's back at Compaq HQ, so... yeah. Damn, damn, damn.
   - Tria  ^*_*^



my drawings

my Chrono Paiges

The Kagetai Home

Worship the Comic

This Lotus Flower

My Gundam Wing Paige


this is a lynk 2 my good friend shawn's syte; warning: tis a bit... strange



the Official Gundam Wing Syte


my neopets!!!

Communities i belong 2

a poetry journal/"ezine" type-thing, edited by sue + moi

Ongoing Projects

my friend rick's syte... (flickin ferret 2x4...)

paul's videogame nostalgia website
(paul's the brains behind the whole CTZ game idea)...

Keitei-chan's art

Keitei's blog

lynking grafix

brandy's webring and poetry syte

Keitei-chan's syte!! ^~_~^

my sailor moon paige
(kinda still under construction)

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