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AKA Fondly as J4J4
A Condensed History by Kay Lee

Houston to Austin
March 22, 2000
6 days - 180 Miles
Lead Patient:  Kathy Jordan

Organizers Jodi James and Kevin Zeese

TX Journeyers

From Texas

Tiffany Landreth
Lead Patient, still Illegal

Zeal Stefanoff
Lead Patient/Ex-prisoner

Joe Ptak
Patient, Texas Radio Station 


From Florida

Jodi James
Coordinator, Ex-POWD, Patient

Kevin Aplin
Legal Assistance, Coordinator

Scott "Bullhorn" Bledsoe
Patient, Activist

Kay Lee
Patient, Prisoner Advocate, Great-grandmother

Cathy Jordan
Lead Patient, Activist

Patient, Photographer


From Kentucky

Eddie Smith
Lead Patient, now deceased

Cher & Bryan McCullough


From Rhode Island

Ann McCormick
Mother of P.O.W.D. Todd McCormick


From Arizona

Mary MacKenzie Crow
Patient, Arizona NORML


From Virginia

Kevin Zeese, Esq
Common Dreams

Michael Krawitz
RN and Patient


With Support from

Mike Marco, Photographer


Arlo Stefanoff 

Jerri Stam

Kelsie Fielden

Dean Farrell

Brian Palmer
In Association With NFN Enterprise and
Mississippi Marijuana Movement

Tommy Brandenstein
Arizona NORML

George McMahon
Patients Out of Time

All the Wonderful Members of
DPF Texas

It is likely I've forgotten some of the journeyers.  If you know of someone who should be on this list, let me know at

Organizational friends of the journey were, Common Sense for Drug Policy, Drug Policy Forum of Texas, Media Awareness Project, November Coalition, Lindesmith-Drug Policy Foundation, National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws [NORMl], AZ 4 NORML, Houston NORML, Texas NORML, Atlanta CAMP, FL CAN, Kentucky CAN, Making The Walls Transparent [Florida Prisoners], Coalition Advocating Medical Marijuana (CAMM), North Florida Shroom Guide

This was an exciting week long trip with a lot of participants.  Jodi James and Kevin Aplin of Florida Cannabis Action Network (FLCAN) with the help of the Drug Policy Forum of Texas organized events for us all the way across Texas.organized many more events than we had participated in on previous journeys, including a hemp fashion show, a voter's drive with the Daughters of American Revolution; hiring a plane with a banner to fly over the capitol in Austin trailing a banner which read, "End The Drug War"; and who could forget the memorable final march with the bus load of folks from Tulia Texas and lots of cops on motorcycles. 

Our lawyer for the 4th journey was Kevin Zeese of Common Sense for Drug Policy. I was impressed because he was the first 'suit' I knew in the movement to actually put on Bermuda shorts and a straw hat and rode the entire journey with us. Not only that, but he kept up with us who were more used to street theater.

Much of our trip was through the Huntsville Texas stretch of prisons, stopping at every prison along the way.  After the first day, a car began to follow us.  At the hotel that night we walked up to the fellow in the car and asked if he were there for us. He said that, yes, the prison had given him orders to stay with us until we left the area.  So we bought him breakfast.

It was a busy and exciting trip in very hot weather.  The finale included our march on the capitol, Eddie Smith's smoke in at Al Gore's headquarters, our visit to Governor Bush's offices, and our demonstration in front of his home while his security officers watched from the driveway. All in all I think a beneficial trip: We exercised our rights and shared lots of education. I was impressed. Jodi and Kevin did an excellent job. Kay Lee

Expanding on the themes and spirit of earlier Journeys for Justice in Florida, Ohio, and Wisconsin, the Texas Jubilee Journey for Justice took place between September 22nd and September 29th. A gaudy caravan of vehicles and protestors wound its way from Houston to Austin, stopping along the way to visit some of the numerous prisons that dot that Central Texas countryside, as well as holding impromptu dialogues with bemused law enforcement officers and garnering media attention along the way.

Cosponsored by Journey for Justice and the Texas Drug Policy Forum, the journey had its finale at the Texas state capitol in Austin, where caravaners were joined by a busload of relatives and friends of drug war victims in distant Tulia, Texas, hours away in the Texas Panhandle, and the ACLU of Texas, which announced its lawsuit against law enforcement officials in Tulia.

The Drug Policy Forum of Texas web site contains a comprehensive diary of the journey, as well as high-quality photos of the Austin rally, links to archived news articles about the journey, and much more. Visit or Kay Lee's Journey for Justice homepage at to read about the Texas Journey.

TEXAS: Medical Marijuana Screenplay Journey For Justice
Journey For Justice. - The Traveling Rally for Medical Marijuana -. The true story of Kay Lee, Jodi and the "Journeyers" in the effort to legalize medical ..

TEXAS: drugwarnews : Messages : 201-300 of 1747

TEXAS: MAP: Journey for Justice
US TX: Tulia Drug-Bust Critics Taking Journey For Justice, Thu, 28 Sep 2000 ...
'Journey for Justice' group must follow pedestrian laws, Tue, 27 May 1997 ...

TEXAS:  Texas Journey for Justice Beginning Today (9#22)
Texas Journey for Justice Beginning Today (9#22) 9/22/00. The "Journey for Justice, Texas Style" is set to begin today in Houston (Friday, 9/22) traveling ...

Texas Journey for Justice Beginning Today (9#22) 9/22/00

The "Journey for Justice, Texas Style" is set to begin today in Houston (Friday, 9/22) traveling for a week through the Lone Star State to conclude at the Governor's Mansion in Austin on the afternoon of September 29.

Based on previous Journeys for Justice in Florida, Wisconsin, and Ohio, the Texas event came together at the thirteenth annual Drug Policy Foundation conference in Washington in May.  There, the Drug Policy Foundation of Texas teamed up with the Cannabis Action Network and the November Coalition to plan the march.  The journey has two primary purposes: to call attention to the huge number of non-violent drug offenders imprisoned in Texas and to emphasize the continuing need to make medical marijuana available to those who need it.

The journey will make several stops on the 180-mile route between Houston and Austin, including prison vigils and a memorial for victims of prohibition in Hempstead.  Visit for further information.

TEXAS: Journey for Justice in Texas
The official newspaper of The November Coalition. The voice of America's prisoners of the drug war.

Journey for Justice in Texas
Week long march calls for cease-fire in the war on drugs

The Journey made presidential style whistlestops, beginning in Houston en-route to the Capitol in Austin. Costumed "prisoners" and "police", and wheelchair-bound medical marijuana patients dramatized the tragic injustice of the war on drugs. The Journey highlighted the overwhelming incarceration rate of nonviolent people, police and prison guard abuses in the name of the drug war, and the need for medical marijuana for the ill.

"The Journey is occuring in Texas because Texas highlights what is wrong with US drug policy," noted Kevin Zeese, President of Common Sense for Drug Policy. "The state recently became the nation's incarceration leader and 21% of the Texas prison inmates are nonviolent drug offenders."

The Journey encourages everyone to ask tough questions of all the candidates on Drug Policy issues. "While public officials admit to and the media jokes about 'youthful indiscretions', thousands of Americans who are now imprisoned have lost property, the right to vote and have been fired from their jobs." said Journey Director Kay Lee. "The Drug War has damaged and destroyed millions of Americans, the credibility of our representatives, and the future of our children."



TEXAS:  Texas Journey for Jubilee Justice Ends in Austin
Cosponsored by Journey for Justice and the Texas Drug Policy Forum, the journey

... Visit  or Kay Lee's Journey for Justice ...

TEXAS: DPFT Texas Journey for Jubilee Justice
Day 0 -- The Eve of the Journey for Justice in Texas, First UU Church, ...
Day 3 -- The Journey for Justice Takes a Federal Prison for Women in Bryan, ..

TEXAS:  Tulia Drug-Bust Critics Taking Journey For Justice
The Tulia citizens plan to participate in a rally Friday called Journey for Justice coordinated by the Drug Policy Forum of Texas, a Houston-based group ...

TEXAS:  Houston NORML - Journey for Justice
Journey for Justice Posted on Sunday, July 17 @ 22:12:13 PDT by stv · Legislation
The Journey for Justice is coming up next month. ...

TEXAS:  DPFT Day 8 Message from Kevin Zeese, rev. 5-Oct-00
Jodi James ended the Journey for Jubilee Justice in Texas urging people to continue
to fight ... Many people along the way joined the Journey for Justice. ...

TEXAS: Journey For Justice In Texas - NORML
Journey for Justice, a caravan of family members of drug war prisoners, ...
The Texas Journey for Justice will stress three critical points: the large ...

TEXAS: Journey for Justice Texas
Critics of the Drug War from Texas will be joined by people from around the
country for a weeklong march to call for a cease-fire in the Drug War.

TEXAS: Amarillo Globe-News: Texas News: ACLU files lawsuit in Tulia drug ...
The group joined a "Journey for Justice" rally coordinated by the Houston-based Drug Policy Forum of Texas, a group that wants drugs legalized and regulated ...

EMAIL  Kay Lee

Condensed Version of the Journey For Justice

Kay Lee's Cannabis Research