Foods and Drugs to Stay Away From/List of Tools/Control

Below is a list of foods and drugs that may cause or accentuate your panic attacks.

Alcohol in any amount shape or form.

All street drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, uppers, downers, LSD, PCP, etc.

All prescribed medications for weight loss.

All over the counter drugs for weight loss.

Caffeine, found in coffee, sodas, tea, and many other beverages.

Tea also contains Theine, which can excite like caffeine.

Chocolate - contains some caffeine and theobromine which like caffeine can trigger panic attacks, although not as frequently and consistently as caffeine.

Theophylline - which is contained in many asthma medications.  Consult your physician because you may not be able to stop using it.  Theodur is a brand name medication that contains theophylline.

Most OTC (Over the Counter) nasal sprays such as Afrin, Neosynephrine, 4-Way, Sinex, and many others. Use instead Ocean Nasal Drops or Spray which is a physiological salt solution.

Ibuprofen - contained in Advil, Motrin, etc., may in some patients trigger or exacerbate panic attacks.  Doctors do not know why, but they do.

Many cold medications sold over the counter that contain phenylpropanolamine, pseudepherine, may and often will trigger or exacerbate panic attacks and cause palpitations.

All diet sodas that contain Aspartane may trigger or accentuate panic attacks in most patients. Aspartane is also know by its trade names: Nutrasweet, Equal, Crystal Light.  Saccharin or Sweet and Low may be used.

Foods that contain Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) may trigger or exacerbate panic attacks. MSG is present in many T.V. Dinners, salad dressing, and of course in Oriental food preparation.  Another name for MSG is Protein Hydrolysate.

Bananas - very ripe bananas contain a substance chemically similar to Hydroxyquisoline that can trigger panic attacks.

Ripe Avocados - contains some tryptophan and as yet an unidentified substance that can, in sensitive individuals, cause panic anxiety attacks.

Many of the FDA approved food coloring dyes are coal tar derivatives, that are known to cause hyperactivity in children. These can also trigger panic attacks in sensitive individuals.

Some Amino Acids sold as food supplements can trigger panic attacks. Examples: Phenylalasine, Tyrosine, Lysinc, Orsilhine.  Phenylalanine is the one most prone to cause anxiety reactions.

Barbecue Sauces - may contain MSG.  Read Labels.

Try to cut down on red meats.  Red meats contain proteins such as Purines that can cause anxiety as well as depression, not mention the worsening of  gout.

In short, try to eat a well balanced diet and drink plenty of water.

Water is still the best and healthiest drink of all (provided it is not polluted or contaminated.)

I know when I stay away from the above mentioned drugs and food I do feel better.  I hope this list helps someone else the way it has helped me.

List of Tools

Whiffle bat and ball, rubber band, (put on wrist and keep snapping it),  safe place (retreat), count backwards by 3's starting at 100, ground yourself...touch, have support person get phobic to say their name, address, etc. get stuff out of your purse or pockets and feel items and say the names of each item, ice ... rub it around neck area, verbalize a lot, cry, write all your feelings down, talk into a tape recorder while at a high level of anxiety, later listen and dispute all of it, in grocery store read tabloids, count cans, slow down .... the faster you go the higher the anxiety will get, dispute, dispute, dispute.  Fallacious beliefs are just that.  Not true! Use a stop sign and shout ... "Stop!" It works! Ask for a hug, eggs (break them), so what instead of what if, exercise.

 When It's in Our Hands    When It's in God's Hands
I try to control I Trust
I don't notice my blessings I appreciate
I need I Love
I am insensitive I care
I am in turmoil I am at peace
I am blocked I am creative
I repel I attract
I make A - difference I make A + Difference
I take I give and receive
I am bored I am involved
I am empty I am filled up
I am filled with self doubt I am confident
I am dissatisfied I am content
I have tunnel vision I see big
I wait and wait I live now
I am helpless I am helpful
I never enjoy I am joyful
I am always disappointed I go with what is
I hold resentment I forgive
I am tense I am relaxed
I am a robot I am alive
I am being passed by I love getting older
I am weak I am powerful
I am vulnerable I am protected
I am off course I am on the path
I try to control I let go
I am poor I have so much
I am lonely I am connected
I am afraid I am excited

Please help yourself to anything you see on these pages.  They are free for your taking.  If I have taken anything from some one who objects please tell me and I will immediately take it off,. I am also not a doctor, so please see your own doctor to be sure it is panic disorder/agoraphobia/depression you have.

Panic Disorder and Brain - Back

Making Yourself Happy By Helping Others- Forward