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I Wish For You

I wish for you
Happiness..Deep down within

Success...In each facet of your life.
close and caring friends.

Love...That never ends.
Special memories ...Of all the yesterday.

A bright today....With much to be thankful for.
Dreams ...That do there best to come true.
And appreciation....Of all the wonderful things around you.

Once in every lifetime
there comes someone who opens the inner door,
and speaks to the heart and soul.
who touches you so completely, so exquisitely
it changes your life completely.

I wish as you walk through
the wonderous journey of Life,
it takes you to whatever it is you desire....

And last but not least,
I wish for GOD to Bless,
You And Your's Always...

Dedicated to our Daughter and her husband ...
( Ernie and Vicky)
With Love
Mom & Dad ....January 31, 2003



Pictures By SusieQ2U

Megys Index

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