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For years people told me I should write books on romance and recipes. These webpages are the results of many years of research. For your convenience, I have some of them, the romantic ones, divided into specific courses. I hope you enjoy them all! You will find thousands of free recipes ranging from being very frugal to elaborate in meals. Be sure to read my suggestions for the perfect romantic evening. After reading these pages I am sure you will be able to come up with some wonderful ideas for romance.

Most aphrodisiacal recipes tend to use herbs and spices. Herbs and spices are very healthy to cook with in recipes. Whether or not aphrodisiacs really work seems to me to depend more on how such recipes are presented to the senses. After all, the most powerful aphrodisiac of all is your mind. If food smells good while cooking, looks appealing when plated, and tastes absolutely delicious when eaten, then it is more apt to put people into a romantic and relaxed mood after the meal, provided they don't overeat and feel miserable. People's tastes vary. So what works for one might not work for another. It's all about what you enjoy.

You can enjoy these recipes even if you are alone or live with your family. No one ever said that you have to be a part of a couple to enjoy nice things in life. Why save that nice china just for special occasions? Use it to show yourself or your family just how much they mean to you today. And if you live alone, all the more reason why you should enjoy life right now while you still can. Don't wait for someday to happen. Enjoy your life right now, just as it is, creating delicious, healthy meals and a home that you can enjoy every day. Your home is your castle! Even the smallest spaces can be made to feel comfortable, cozy, and romantic. There is a special beauty and appeal to living alone because you can eat what you want when you want to, and do everything you want when you want to do it, without having to please anyone else, take care of others, or be on someone else's time schedule.

Always make sure your home is clean and smells nice. Use your best dinnerware, silverware, and table linens. Add some soft and relaxing dinner music and lit candles for ambience. May I suggest Jackie Gleason's Music For Lovers Only? The ambience is the mood your setting creates. Don't be afraid to use your creative imagination. You just might be surprised and well pleased with all the wonderful ideas you get from my websites. Feel free to change any of the recipes to suit your own tastes. That is what makes your recipes your own.

A good cook needs to have ten to fifteen recipes that can be easily adapted to use in different ways. I am sure you can find at least enough recipes on my websites to fulfill your recipe collection.

I am all for simplifying your cooking time in the kitchen by using as many semi-homemade tips as possible so that more time can be spent with your family or friends, or doing things that you want to do. You don't have to trade off tastes or flavor when you do this, and you can save a lot of time. In fact, your meals may taste even better when you use herbs and spices. You just need to learn what herbs and spices go with certain foods, and what foods can be combined to make winning combinations in recipes. Once you do that you can create your own recipes from scratch then simplify them with semi-homemade tips. The sky is the limit to your creativity!

Make yourself, your family, and your friends a copy of these recipes if you want, and put them into a vinyl three-ring notebook. It makes an excellent gift for either gender for any occasion. Why pay for something that size when you can get it here free and without any hidden agendas? It makes a six-inch notebook full of recipes for any occasion.

Don't forget to save these websites to your Favorites so you can easily find them again.


Easy Candy Creams Recipes

Casseroles Recipes

Chinese Recipes

Chutney Recipes

Southern Recipes

Culinary Lavender Recipes

Super Bowl Recipes And Suggestions

Valentine's Day Menu Suggestions

Chocolate Buffet

St. Patrick's Day Recipes

Fourth of July Recipes

Fried Chicken Recipes

Labor Day Menu Suggestions

Halloween Recipes

Festive Holiday Recipes, Tips, and Gift Ideas

Marinades and Mopping Sauces Recipes

Miscellaneous Recipes

Muffin Recipes

Quiche Recipes

Souffle Recipes

Tea Party Recipes

52 Lunch Suggestions For Soups And Sandwiches

Menu Suggestions

Recipes and Tips to Help You When Sick

Low Carb Recipes

Low Carb Tips

Beauty Recipes

Household Tips And Cleaning Recipes

More Household Tips And Cleaning Recipes


Romantic Appetizers, Dips, and Spreads Recipes

Romantic Non-Alcoholic Beverages and Mocktails Recipes

Romantic Flavored Coffees And Teas Recipes

Romantic Bread Recipes

Romantic Soup Recipes

Romantic Creamed Soups Recipes

Romantic Salad Recipes

Romantic Fondue Recipes

Romantic Vegetable Recipes

Romantic Entree Recipes

Romantic Dessert Recipes

Free Music Midis Index

The Art Of Romance

Suggestions For The Perfect Romantic Evening

Is Your Man A Prince Or Frog?


Frugal Menus 1

Frugal Menus 2

Frugal Menus 3

Frugal Menus 4

Frugal Menus 5

Frugal Ramen Noodle Recipes

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How To Live on $25.00 Food Budget

How To Live on $50.00 Food Budget

Tips On How To Correct Recipe Mistakes

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