Prince Shane jr, Son of Shane the Warrior
Princess Erica, Daughter of Shane the Warrior.
Grandmother Fae's oldest son.
We gather there with many other families of Evles and Faries. We attend these gatherings to remind ourselves and our children that there really is magic and peace in the world. Christmas and Halloween are our favorite holidays. For on those holidays we are accepted for what we become, for they know not what we are. Everyone says they love our makeup(hehehe... little do they know.. hehehe)we give them a friendly wink and a nod.
Magic is a wonderful thing to believe in. As children we all believed in magic and fairy tales. And as adults we day dream from time to time. We day dream of untouchable loves, money, happiness and other desires.
I do believe those day dreams are forms of fairy tales we create to achieve a feeling of joy if only for a moment. And for the moment the magic of a smile will appear.
Prince Brandon is the son of Corey the Warrior Grandmother Fae's sonPrincess Fae Jackie is the wife of Warrior Shane
Jim The Elf King
As you can see is the oldest and is the seer of all the families.
We dare not even ask how old he is he gets a little grummpy!!!
And this is me.. Grandmother Fae... Grandmother Fae already sports a fae nose so mine does not grow!!! LOL... I have the magical power to keep it from growing!! Just can't make it any smaller!! Just my luck!!Yes even our pets are magical creatures!!
D-O-GEE is our warrior.
He stands beside my side through thick and thin!!
Heidi fae is our oldest member of out pet family. She is 13 years old.