TKA Copyright ©2008 All rights reserved. DISCLAIMER FOR Graphics: Please be aware that the design of this site is something I have made from my heart and my mind. I have used all resources available to me. From researching what I would like to project from cyber space. I have not intentionally stolen, pirated, plagarized, pilferred, or any of the other "bad" things that could be thought of. I have not removed anything from a site that "strictly forbids" me to do so. I am not selling any of these particular graphics to make money. Although, I believe an artist deserves not to have a "creation" stolen, I do believe they should take care to either watermark it or not display it in a way that it could be taken. In closing, I hope we can at least show a little consideration for all, regardless which side of the fence your on. Me? I'm in the comfortable and peaceful middle. If you are the artist of any of the items please email and let me know. TKA |