High Search Engine Ratings |
95% of all searches performed on the internet occur on the top nine search
engines: Infoseek, Alta Vista, Excite, Snap, Hot Bot, Lycos, MSN, Netscape,
and Yahoo. If pages from your site rate highly on these eight search
engines in your keyword categories, your target audience will most likely
find you.
Each search engine has slightly different criteria by which to rate each web page. Our team of researchers has spent thousands of hours studying how each search engine rates web pages. We put the benfits of that knowledge to work for our clients by building in "findablility" into all of the web pages that we design. Having high search engine ratings is one of the most important website marketing methods. |
New Site |
As a part of Location Power's website design service, our thousands of
hours experience with high search engine placement techniques is applied
to creating your industry specific website rich in keyword categories
to give your new website favorable search engine ratings. There is no extra
charge for building in "findability" into each page or for submitting your
new pages to the top eight search engines.
As you may imagine the work we do in this area is a foundation or beginning place as search engine ratings fluctuate in response to constant changes in the criteria by which high ratings are obtained. To keep your pages high in the ratings after the site has been completed, post-completion site maintenance is provided by the staff at Location Power. This site maintenance is also useful to reflect product and service upgrades and changes your company may experience as well as personnel and contact info. changes. |