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search engine ratings rankings

Picture your web site as a store.  It has an entrance way, an exit, and people (you) waiting inside to service customers with products and services.  You've got a nice store.  Nice colors, good products, impeccable service, and you feel good about it.  You want a lot of people to see your store and you would like to generate a lot of traffic by and through your store, because you feel that once they come in, a high percentage of these people will buy from you.

What should be the most important feature about your store now?  Location, location, location! You need to be in the publics eye to reel them in.  You need prime real estate for your store.

It is no different with the Internet except with the Internet you are in a unique position in having the potential to be able to create real estate for your store.  Thats right, you don't have to pay rent for it, you don't have to worry about crime (for the most part) or disasters ruining your location, you have the easy potential to create it ..... poof! ...... out of thin air.  Best of all, its not hard at all to keep that location from others who want it from you.

Oh, from time to time you may get bumped out of that prime real estate because there is a lot of competition and a lot of smart people out there who want your spot, but you won't be bumped off very far or for very long.  Within a couple of days you'll be right back in that prime real estate.

Location power is in the business to create virtual prime real estate on the eight or so major search engines for your business.  We have our pulse on the best information and will get it many times before our competitors.  Look at our pricing structure, it is very simple.  We do not get paid at all unless we perform and we get paid very little unless we perform consistently.  Our clients in semi-competitive fields are receiving between 10 to 15 e-mails a day.  For very competitive fields, well over 100 e-mails a day is not uncommon.  Give us a call today and let us put you on the map . . . the virtual map where the slogan is still LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION!

Call today! Let us know your company's we promotion needs and we can begin to match our skillset to your project! (580) 436-2299 or E-mail your questions and comments.

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Location, Location, Location

809 East 17th Street

Ada, OK  74820