When I was young - say three or four - I was visited by two gaurdian angels. They were sent to me to be my knights - so to speak. They are warriors and fought in the recorded battles between the light and dark. Evidently - or so says my numerology - I spent time in Hell and there are two ways out of Hell and it's a lot like prison. Either you stay your time or you can risk your immortal soul and come back to prove yourself worthy to the Lord. If you do not succeed your spirit fizzles out with your life in death and you sieze to exist on any level. Apparently I took the risk and the angels were sent to me because in a previous existance I was a warrior myself and deemed worthy by the Lord, therefore He had a partculair affection for me. My task was to conquer "The Demon". Which became the household nickname. I couldn't translate the actual name into words.
I had been prepared for the years of my childhood and when I turned 11 years old I was confronted. Three years of "spiritual warfare" passed and it was physically bloody. I was beaten and starved and mutilated. But, I conquered in which my soul and spirit were taken out of limbo and relinquished by Lord.
However, during my spiritual training my gaurdians taught me to pray. Most people pray because they feel it's the proper thing to do and they talk into the air. God can hear everyone at once, but unless you talk directly to Him He is not going heed it. Also, it has to be a righteous prayer and not selfish. I learned focused prayer as a form of meditation, in which I have been able to learn how to open to gateway between the mundane and celetial, therefore breaking into other planes of existance and dimensions of space and time. I cannot physically teleport as of yet, but I don't believe it is beyond my grasp. Right now, I can communicate with those "pass on" and with angels. Most spirits, including demons. At this moment I am dealing with one particulair demon who has been haunting me. He's pretty benign, though.
I point is to pray, and to focus on praying to God. It will only work if you KNOW He is there. You can't just believe. You have to KNOW and then speak to Him as if he were a person standng in front of you and open yourself, mentally, just as you would open a door. Fear repels them. They can sense your fear and will stay away. You have to become comfortable with Lord and with spirits and not be afraid of what you don't understand, because you have one advantage ovr any spirit: your body. Not only that, but demons and St. Luthifer himself are only angels and angels are servants to humans, so they must do as you say. They are not to be feared, they are to be implimented.