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King's World

To Understand The Story Of Roland We Must Understand His World. Not Roland's, But King's. King Believs In The Unknown, And Bases A Large Part Of His Fiction Upon The Unexplained. Stephen King Believes What I Believe, All The Strange Things That Happen In Our World Must Have Some Sort Of, Meaning, Or Purpose. Everything He Writes Could Be A Plausable Explination, Many Things That Happen In Our World Are Unknown. He Ponders The Wonders Of Our World, Allows His Mind To Wander And Writes About It. Maybe That's Why He's Such An Effective Fiction Writer. Judging By The Way King Writes, And The Clues He's given Us We Should Be Able To Understand His World And Tell What's Going To Happen In Future Books. The 5th Is To Be Titled "The Crawling Shadow".

King Has Already Mentioned In The Afterwords Of The Gunslinger Novels That There Will Be 7 Books (The Number Of Devine Perfection BTW), One To Be Set Almost Entirely In "Our" World. Now In My Personal Opinion, I Think They're Already Written, But Probably Not Perfected Or Edited. A Least He Know's The Way It's Suposed To Go Anyway. Notice I Said, "SUPOSED TO". Many Times King Has Said Books Sometimes Write Themselves, He Was As Suprised About The Ending Of Book 3 As His Readers Were. There's No Way He Could Have Written And Published "The Gunslinger" Before The Drawing Of The Three. (How Could He Know Roland Would Never Meet Jake If Book Two Wasn't Already Written?) He Wouldn't Have Remembered The Jaw Bone.

Time & Tower

All Worlds Are Contained Within The Tower, Or At Least Accessable. We Know There Are Different Levels, And Time Holds No Barrier There. The Beams Support The Tower, (And All Existance) And The Guardians Protect The Beams. As We Heard From Ted, From Hearts In Atlantis, Marten Wants The Beams Shut Down. We Also Know Ted Is A Breaker, And Has Been To The Future, He Knows About Books In Our World That Haven't Been Written In Bobby's When.

It Seems As If Rolands World Is In Another Dimension, But I Tend To Think It's Another Time, Like The Future, But Still On Earth. All Things Are Possible At The Tower, Time Is No Exception. I Think It's Possible All That Roland Has Sacrificed, All The Lives Lost May Be Redeemed At The Tower, So Expect To See Cuthbert, Alain And Jamie Again.

To Understand The Tower We Must Understand How Time Works. There Are 2 Types Of Time. Constant And Relative. Constant is Always Constant, You Do Age Reguardless Of Travel and Relative Time Passes. Relative Time Is Relative To How We Perceive The Passage Of Time.

Time Is Like A River, And Flows. If You Wish To Change The Flow, You Must Go Back To The Point You Wish To Change And Block The Ebb. The Blocked Ebb Will Create A New River For Which To Exist In. But Should You Chose To Go Back To The Original Tide, You Must Go Back To Before You Changed The First One And Alter The Intended Action. Only If You Are Successful Will You Change Back The Original Purpose. If You Are Unsuccessful, The Second Reality Will Become Reality As You Know It.

So You See We Now Have 2 Realities, But Only One Is Prominent With Constant Time. This Is How Things Are Possible With Time Travel. If There Was An Alternative Outcome Created By A Negative Force, It Needs To Be Corrected By A Positive One. The Tower Is The Mother Of All Portals. It Holds All Possible Outcomes With Both Time And Location. Where And When. And The Tower Is Beginning To Crumble. And All Realities Are In Danger.

Other Interesting Points

I Have Also Noticed King Has Occasionaly Mentioned "The White" In His Writings. This Is Very Mysterious, And If You As Interested As I Am, Then You'll Enjoy Reading This. He Rarely Hints About This But I Have Found Traces Of It In Wizard And Glass, The Talisman And Also The Eyes Of The Dragon. It Goes On To Say That The White Is Natures Way Of Clensing The Earth, And Has Happened Several Times Throughout History. You May Also Find It Interesting That Flagg Has A Magic Crystal Very Similar To Marilyn's Rainbow In Eyes Of The Dragon. This Could Very Well Be Before Roland Had A Chance To Have Stolen It In W & G. It Also Mentions Rhianon, The Dark Witch Of The Coos. Rhea??? Probably.

Oh, One More Thing... Written Within The Gunslinger, It States The Conversation Between The Man In Black And The Gunslinger Continued, Although Roland Remembered Little Of It Later On. King Did Not Write It And Leaves It Open For More Speculation At A Later Date. The Second Thing Is There Were 7 Tarot Cards Drawn By Walter. The Hanged Man (The Gunslinger), The Sailor, (The Boy), The Prisoner (Eddie), The Lady Of Shadows (Odetta), Death (Yet Not For You Gunslinger), The Tower (Placed Over The Hanged Man), And Life (Yet Not For You). We Do Not Know What The Sixth And Seventh Cards Mean And Leaves This Open For Further Consideration.

Black House And Story Developments

With The Release Of Black House Comes New Information Into The Dark Tower Saga. Black House Tells Us The Core Story Behind Roland's Purpose And The Intentions Of The Crimson King.

Now I warn You, If You Have Not Read Black House This Will Contain Spoilers In The Book. So You've Been Warned.

So We Know Now Ted Brauttigan Is The Cheif Of The Breakers. (And Presumably The Only Adult) And We Know The Crimson King Is Pent At The Top Of The Tower. And What Of His Other Physical Manifestation? Well, This Is The Theories Section, So I believe It Is The Ageless Stranger, Or Randall Flagg, Or Marten. We Also Know What Breakers Are, And He Intends To Use Them To Break The Beams That Support The Tower. 3 Have Already Been Broken, 2 Are Weakening And Only 1 Still Stands Completely.

And We Know Ty Marshall Is One Of The Most Powerfull Breakers Of All Time. Luckily The Crimson King Did Not Get Ahold Of Him. (Yet) Although I would Have Enjoyed Such A Meeting Between The Two. We Know There Are Burning Caves Beneath The Tower, And The World Where Gorg Comes From, Nights Plutonian Shore.


So What Of These Other Worlds, And Breakers? Only Time And King Will Say. But I can Deduce One Thing, Taken From The Prologue Of DT 5. Roland And Company Are VERY Close To The Tower. If You Notice 2 very Important Things On The DT 5 Prologue. (1.) Father Calahan Has Maerlyn's Rainbow. It Says He Appears At The Conversation Because He Saw Them. From The Thing Under The Floor Of His Church. And If He Didn't Get Rid Of It Soon. It Would Kill Him.

And (2.) Andy Mentions Northwest Of Town, Along The Path Of The Beam, Strangers From Out World Approach. And Near The End, Father Calahan Speaks About Gunslingers. Except They're Coming Along The Path Of The Beam. Not From The Northwest, But From The East. The Beams Are Converging.
