The First 12" Little Ones
The very first Heidi Ott Little One's Catalogue showing the babies.
Top row Baby Mike (11), Baby Resli (13)
Bottom Row -
Baby Bunny (12), Baby Fipsi (14)
M Series Little Ones M1 - M50
The Early M series were very
similar to the first catalogue as the series progressed they became more ornate
and many still did not have shoes - dolls of different cultures were also
The Later M Series - Children M51-M100
Many of the later M series dolls
are ornately dressed and some have been given shoes. The clothing is exquisite.
Some of these dolls included clothes made from real hide, silken dresses and
traditional swiss costumes.
The SML Series - Children
Here are some snap shots of the
more recent dolls by this wonderful artist - innovations have included the
of mohair wigs as well as the more traditional human or painted hair.
Anniversary Dolls - The H Series
These dolls were produced specifically to celebrate the anniversary of Heidi
Ott's Dolls. The ones I have seen are
about 19" High and have the prefix H.
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