"Note at the bottom says: “STICKERS” ARE NOT PERMISSIBLE”.
Maybe they meant "strikers" because me and my lawyer both know better than to include stickers."
~Jillian O'BrineThe following is an FDOC Mail Violation for returned mail containing Hunger Strike Alerts sent to Ronald Clark Jr. Below D. Combs erroneous denial of the mail is a link to the actual court decision on a prisoners' right to grieve conditions, including the right to stage a hunger strike without fear of retaliation.
RETURN RECEIPT (Form DC2-521 (Revised 12-02)
INMATE NAME: | Ronald Clark |
DC NUMBER: | 812974 |
DATE: | 6/22/04 |
MAIL RETURNED TO: | Jillian O’Brine |
Your correspondence is being returned for the following reason(s):
Contains correspondence that is dangerously inflammatory in that it advocates or encourages riot, insurrection, disruption of the institution, violation of Department or Institutional Rules, the violation of which would present a serious threat to the security, order or rehabilitative objectives of the institution or the safety of any person.
“Stickers” are not permissible
D. Combs Mail Room Personnel |
NOTE: There were no stickers in or on the letters.
They’ve turned more of the mail back today, with 50 more of the Hunger Strike Alerts. I was so mad and I couldn't hold it in... I hit the wall and broke my knuckle. I just get sick of these people breaking their own laws.
They had no problem with me getting in copies before. Now all of a sudden they want to change it up. That’s total nonsense and just cost me a lot of postage.
I’m not taking the Wellbutrin anymore. I refused that because it’s not helping. I just need to lay down and relax. This mail thing has stressed me out big time!!
See this unauthorized mail receipt? They’re trying to do everything they can to stop this Hunger Strike so I need you to hit the media hard.
What the department and some of the guards they employ fail to understand is now they have done no more than motivate me. Now I’m going to come down harder than ever on all their wrong-doing.
Take this slip, copy and send it to the media, letting them know that some of these guards have taken the law into their own hands and are doing everything they can to conceal this Hunger Strike from the media. I need you to push this thing because they have my hands tied. So go get 'em.
This D. Combs, I’m going to sue that mailroom person because censoring my mail is a First Amendment violation. I’ll send a notice out tomorrow to inform them.
Well last night they angered me again messing with my Hunger Strike alerts. So here’s my newest idea. Do you have a fax machine or how about the use of a fax machine?
I’d like for all the hunger strike alerts faxed to the media about every 3 days to keep it fresh in their minds. I’m going to handwrite a little piece that I’d like for you to fax to them every few days. I’m going after more than just the fans. You will see once you read it.
This morning I sent out a copy of a letter that also went to the Governor’s office. What you could do is copy that letter, sending a copy to the Governor from the streets . Just to make sure he gets it.
Also, I’m enclosing a rule on the use of chemical agents. As you can see from the way the rule is written they’re trying to make it where no videotaping is done so they can continue their abusive ways.
I've got a big pile of returns:
~"Security Risk" (strike alerts)~"Threat to Security" (strike alerts)~"Contains Stickers (Strikers)" (strike alerts)~Some just say "refused"
BUT also have:"Does not meet criteria for legal mail" (SASE - envelopes), blank envelopes - large & small, copies of his writings (Unamerican), (Abuse, Corruption & the FDOC), priority mail envelopes, copy of Chemical Agent lawsuit, copy of ruling Furman v. Georgia, his "Ineffective Assistance of Counsel" motion, his "Motion to Dismiss Counsel" memo, his writing on the Death Penalty, and more & more and more...I've got all the returned envelopes & mail violation slips right here, dated & with the name of a mailroom person!""I'd say the case law Furman v. Georgia & Chemical Agent lawsuit qualify as "legal nature", minimally. His "Ineffective Assistance of Counsel" and "Motion to Dismiss Counsel" qualifies. His writing " Death Penalty" is a legal document, citing case laws. "Abuse Corruption & the FDOC" also. His Letter to Judge Wiggins to fire Westling too."
(6) Inmates shall be permitted to receive only legal documents, legal correspondence, written materials of a legal nature (other than publications) and self-addressed stamped envelopes through legal mail. No other items may be received through legal mail.
You would think that the mail room there in Florida, if their goal is to mess with people's mail, would be better and better at it, as they have so much practice.
Apparently not!!
My latest fun and "ball games" from them was a legal motion that I typed for Ronnie; it was 5 pages long, and he needed 9 sets to file with the court. He sent me a set back, where the mailroom had very carefully cut along the top fold, right-hand side, almost 1/2 way across the page, perfectly cut, with a paper cutter. My friend said that all 9 sets were exactly like that.Quote from Ronnie's letter, dated Friday, July 2, 2004:
"See this motion how it’s cut in two. You sent them through regular mail and the mail room has cut everyone of them in two. So I need you to send them through legal mail.
Ronnie"I'm supposed to buy this b.s. as a "coincidence"??
Not only is it a total waste of 45 sheets of paper, 9 envelopes, ink, $3.33 in postage, but it is stalling his case even further, which has been stalled for years and years.
The FDOC is full of corruption from the bottom to the top and all the way back down. This type of thing goes on daily, even hourly, but especially to the inmates they don't like, either they cause problems by violence, or assert their rights. Ronnie stands up for his rights, not only for himself but also for the ones that either don't know how to be outspoken or because of fear of retaliation, which is sadly a very real fear.
It's sad that there are people who work at a job where they spend all their time on petty crap to try to mess with somebody's mind, mail, rights, privileges. How sad! Personally I'd rather look in the mirror at the end of the day and say, what positive difference did I make in the world today, rather than wow, I really made it difficult for so & so to get their mail. I'm not impressed!~Jillian
"The courts have clearly established that a prisoner has a first amendment right to hunger strike in protest of prison conditions. A prison official cannot retaliate against a prisoner for the prisoner’s redressing of grievances. If an official knowingly violates a prisoner’s constitutional right, he loses qualified immunity. the FDOC is being notified through email as well as through request, US mail and this website not to violate the inmate’s constitutional rights." ~Ronald Wayne Clark Jr.
Hunger Strike Day Two