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Just yesterday I read on a Dutch forum the message of a Dutch lady (who is a pen-pal of an inmatein Florida) about the heat and not having ventilators. She asked the Dutch people to write to Governor Bush about it. I was glad to see how many people are willing to write! Can this make a differnce?


Groeten (greetings), My son is currently at Cross City Correctional  in F dorm.  The air circulation within the dorm is poor to none at all.  The exhaust fans rarely if ever work.  The majority of the inmates in this dorm sleep directly on the metal bed frame and are only able to get a couple hours of sleep each night.  He has written an informal grievance complaining of the above as well as a few other things which include:  sight depravation within the dorm as the windows are illegally fogged over; sleep depravation due to the cruel and inhumane environment within the dorm.

My son has a long history of asthma and anyone with a medical background knows that the symptoms of asthma are exacerbated by the heat.  He went to medical to request a transfer to another dorm with better ventilation.  He was told he didn't need a transfer since he hasn't had a full blown asthma attack yet.  He has written a request to security for a transfer with no response. I am asking for just a few moments of your time to either call or e-mail Cross City on these inmates' behalf.   Any help is so greatly appreciated.

Info:  Dorm F dorm.  Cross City phone number 352-498-4444.  Cross City e-mail

Please help, S

Wednesday, June 23, 2004 11:00 PM

Florida heat

I think air quality is bad in every prison in Florida, My husband is at Quincy, up near Tallahassee and he told me there are no fans, nothing. He said he hasn't felt even a slight wind in the dorm. He as well has severe asthma. All are guys are suffering...I have a question about the death row inmate going on the hunger strike to get fans put into the canteen, would that be just for death row or for everyone? It reached 103 up there last week...I think it's inhumane to make people suffer, he can't even sleep at night because he sweats sooooo bad. N

My husband is an inmate at Columbia Correctional in Lake City FloridaOne thing I did forget to tell you regarding fans.  I did find out that in the dorm where my husband is they do have big exhaust fans in the ceiling and ceiling fans.  He still says its so hot you can't stand it.  "Tis the season for tempers to start flaring."  He said all the exhaust fans do is draw the hot air from outside and pushes it out.  I guess its better than nothing. 

Wednesday, July 14, 2004 4:05 PM

Subject: called FSP

Dear  Kay Lee

I called this afternoon to speak to the chaplain, but was told he was unavailable.  I asked the lady, without giving her any info, if fans had been provided in confinement yet.  Instead of answering my question, the lady transferred me to a captain, who needless to say was very rude.  
The captain wanted to know who told me the fans were not working down there.  I said I saw it on the internet.  He asked, "No, who called you?"  I explained no one called me, that I found info on the internet.  He wanted to know the web site.  I told him I didn't remember.  He said it was all bad info and that the fans were working right now.  He then wanted to know the inmate's name.  I refused and he got very hostile.  I told him I would never put my loved one in danger.  That he can't use the phone, obviously didn't call and doesn't even need to be brought into this conversation. 
Needless to say the captain did not like it that I would not stand for him treating me like dirt. He stated, "Well the inmate can write you."  I told him that had nothing to do with anything.  I told him that the inmates are human beings and need to be treated like they deserve to live.  Honestly even the local animal shelters require that air be provided for the animal, well in this case we are talking about human beings. 
The captain finally hung up on me because I would not give him any info.  I felt I was treated like a prisoner also during our conversation.  Something has to be done about this situation. 
I got a letter finally last night and even though I was somewhat relieved by it, he stated that it is very hot in there, that the heat is driving him crazy.  That he sits in bed and sweats all day long.  This is my loved one.  There has got to be something I can do for him and all the others that are being treated like non-human beings.

Right now my loved one is in confinement in H-wing. This is not only my loved one in there, but thousands of other peoples loved ones.  Unfortunately I did not get the captains name, only that he works in the confinement area.  I did ask for his name, but he avoided my question.  I will start logging all my info from now on.  I feel my loved ones life is in my hands and I myself wouldn't be much of a human being if I wasn't willing to fight for him.

Mr. Ronald W. Clark Jr.  #812974
Florida State Prison
7819 N.W. 228th St.
Raiford, FL  32026-1160

Saturday, July 3, 2004

Dear Ronald,
 I have just heard, from our mutual friend, Jillian, that you are about to begin a protest against the inhumane living conditions in Florida prisons.  I am writing to tell you that I applaud your efforts and I wish you resounding success.

As a retiree from the Michigan Department of Transportation, I was formerly a union steward for over twenty years.  I know the sinking feeling when you are all alone and you go up against some of those unyielding bureaucrats.  For many, it takes a special kind of courage, to get things started.  But, once others see that courage, a spark takes hold and soon there are many: voicing a common cause.  That is the kind of success that I wish for you.  Along with some major reforms in the inhumane way that human beings are treated.

For what it is worth, prisoners in California are currently staging a hunger strike, in protest of their living conditions also.  I have also seen that prison reform, in regards to the treatment of prisoners, is becoming more and more prevalent among the issues between  our two main contenders for the Presidency of the United States.  Especially in light of the scandal that has hit the headlines in regards to prison abuses in Iraq.  I hope to see this continue.

Our friend, Jillian, has indicated that she has become involved with a small group of activists, who share her views toward the humane treatment of prisoners.  I have suggested to her that one of the best ways to get a bureaucrats attention, is to put his name right on the front page of the local newspaper.  She is enthused, with that idea, so hopefully she and her friends can pull it off and begin a ground swell of public support.

It is very unfortunate that things have come to this.  There are two famous quotations that I think are applicable. The first is the golden rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."  The second is: "There, but for the grace of God, go I!" This is the one thing that I would like to see sink in with the governor, the director of DOC, the wardens, and the guards.  For any one of them, tomorrow could be their last day as a free man.  They might want to think about how they would like to be treated.

It sounds to me like this is an issue that needs to be addressed in every state.  But, it has to start somewhere and this is as good a place as any. 

You have my permission to post this letter and to use my name and e-mail address. Good luck, best wishes, and best regards,



'You miss the point.  In the minds of the FDOC, Clark and the other 300 logs on death row have no soul, feel no pain, have no rights (to complain) and deserve everything they get.  Actually the heat is just a preview to the place they are going ...later.  Who cares if a prisoner slowly boils in a concrete cage?  Make it as tough and harsh as you can, they all deserve it.  These criminals are not human but animals, and vicious ones at that.  The guards should beat them, and gas them and otherwise think up ways to humiliate, torture and otherwise make their stay on death row as miserable as possible.  Maybe some will save the taxpayers money and volunteer, or commit suicide.'

That is the prevailing opinion of the FDOC, and it is repugnant to all "good" people, it it a reality south of St Mary's River. And the sadistic Goons just love it.




Americans do not understand how this is seen overseas, particularly when it is combined with everything else America is doing at the moment. Most see it as absolute barbarity practiced by a lying barbaric state. And that's exactly what it is.

I note there is constant reference to 'bad apples' in the system. Don't be fooled. Certainly some are more  sadistic and evil than others, but the entire system is innately evil, and all those who work for it, or support it, are willing accomplices.

I headed a group that successfully eliminated the death penalty in Australia. I have seen what it is, and what it does, and how it degrades the entire nation. Only barbaric societies that worship revenge and the sadistic pleasure of torturing their fellow human beings keep it on their books.

Even when we had the death penalty, it was recognized that justice had to be swift, and all appeals had to be completed within six months. If it went past that time then the sentence was automatically commuted to life, and the appeals continued without time limit.

Socially I believe America is at the crossroads. It is either going to clean up it's act or it will simply plunge further and further into the pit of greed and human degradation.


Ø To Whom It May  Concern:

It has recently been brought to my attention that the Death  Row unit located at Union Correctional Institution is not equipped with  an air conditioning system nor are there fans available for purchase  through the inmate store. Having been a resident of Central Florida for nineteen years, I am aware of the temperature during the summer months  that sometimes exceeds one hundred degrees. Heat stroke can be a  problem during the hot summer months and can lead to  disorientation, hallucinations, aggressive and combative behavior, coma,  and death.

According to the Center for Disease Control, approximately  three hundred people die of heat stroke every summer throughout the  United! States.

The problems that lead to heat stroke are aggravated by  living conditions that have poor ventilation and inadequate cooling  systems. I realize that equipping the Death Row units with air  conditioning would not be a plausible nor cost efficient solution.  However, the Department of Corrections has an existing duty to provide  suitable housing for its inmates. This duty is not being met during the  summer months, when the health of the inmates is being jeopardized by the  extreme temperatures that make their living conditions less than  suitable.

The simple act of adding fans to the inmate store's list of  purchasable goods would meet that duty of providing adequate housing for  the inmates. Thank you for any consideration given to this matter.

Rick Halperin
7th June

Saturday, June 19, 2004

QUESTION: I've been hearing a lot about the heat problem...there was a suit I heard? Can we do anything about getting fans on DR? You probably have already researched all this, but just curious. D< /b>

ANSWER:  About the heat...

You are right, there is a suit against the heat, and we were expecting a decision this spring before the heat would set in again, but nothing happened, so the assumption is, that the whole thing will be send back to the original court in Jacksonville,- with new "headlines' and in front of a new judge as the previous one who denied it, has passed away.  and about the fans. we are working on it - but I cant say much more as it is still just on the talk/planning stage...H

Originally we were told that fans will be purchasable through canteen, until we later found out that fans will not be available for Death Row. We have inquired about this to DOC, but havenīt heard a response yet. A

Thursday, June 24, 2004
Columbia Correctional Inst

My husband is an inmate at Columbia Correctional in Lake City Florida.  He like a lot of other inmates there does not have a physiological problem and he doesn't understand why he is there.  He has told me of the things that go on at this facility.  He told me just last night that an inmate died while in confinement.  He's not for sure but thought it was heat stroke.

Dear Kay Lee

I was writing in reference to the letter that was posted on your web page angel fire.  The lady that her husband is at Columbia C.I., said they didn't understand why he was there like so many other inmates because he don't have physiological problems.  Then answer to that question is for free work.  My loved one was sent to Columbia to work on the Annex.  Just because he has a skill he was put into that environment like so many others who have no problems.  Forced to work 5 days a week with no pay only to come back to their cell everyday after a long days work to no air.  Maybe that will answer her question.  No! It's not fair, but why pay outside help when they can use our loved ones and then still get away with treating them badly at the end of the day?

To Florida Support - originally we were told that fans will be purchasable through canteen, until we later found out that fans will not be available for Death Row. We have inquired about this to DOC, but havenīt heard a response yet.


So it looks like the inmates will NOT be able to purchase fans for right now anyways.  After my email was received at Tally I was notified by a few inmates at FSP that the new warden Rathmann did come around with a Lt. and they did check the windows etc. but that does not help because the air is not being circulated.


What they are asking for isn't unreasonable but putting a person in a cell that small with no means to cool themselves is!!! I also never understood why they can only have black and white TVs??? Why not color ones??? But the issue we need to deal with NOW is the fans, not the kind of TV they are allowed. That can come later. The chemicals used are another issue the hunger strike is addressing plus others. Read below and please help by writing to these people. I wonder if anyone has started a petition?:::

PMB 297
177 U.S. Hwy #1
Tequesta, FL  33469

Dear Prisoner Rights Organizations (in Europe):

Was wondering if you have any petitions for prison inmates in our own country to stop the abuse of these individuals. There are a lot of laws that should be passed to protect them from corrupt prison facilities and the facility guards. Some of those inmates don't have much money and were in the wrong place at the wrong time and are paying for crimes that they did not commit. That is beside the point, these inmates have done wrong and are being punished for their mistakes.

That's one thing, but they are still human beings and it is wrong to take revenge or abuse them for the simple reason that they that are in authority over them and can get away with this kind of inhumanity. To abuse or kill them or to encourage them to kill each other is so wrong and people just don't know about this or they don't believe it happens in our own country.

I know this person who is an advocate for them and she is trying the best she can to save lives, but as you know she could do a lot better with backing of many people.

This is an example of the work that she does for this one individual Ronald Clark who is a death row inmate at the Florida State Prison who is trying to get the word out to the general public. She helps many and can use the help of a group like yours.

Thank you.

Lost Angels

Kaylee and all,

I got a letter from a Death Row inmate that I write where my loved one is and he said it is 90 degrees on the tier he is on.  They only have fans. He said they have to wet themselves down and sit in front of the fan..... Holman is an OLD OLD prison and death row is housed in the old part. Holman is 30 minutes from Florida so it is like Florida there also:(  

Ronnie is making a difference for years to come.  Going to look at his site right now. 

Love K

Well this is striking an interest. Under Federal Mandate a Prisoner has the right to grievance and after all effort is exhausted then he can take his grievance to a higher level.

Yes the hunger strike is obviously a tacit used for awareness to a problem but he also needs to send in his grievances to the federal court system.

Also I would suggest more media hype concerning this matter as well. Contact a collation of people with fellow inmates inside of the facility and begin protest outside the gates. Contact television and radio media and let them know of the rally taking place. If there is more than 10 people, odds are they will be there with camera's in hand.

Also let this inmate know that not to release his demand until he has made contact with a member of his family and also let the media know the same. That this inmate wishes contact with a family member in the event that the prison staff violate his 6th and 7th amendment rights.

But always push for a rally. Seriously Kaylee there is power in numbers and if enough folks are outside the prison gates stirring up a mess of beans somebody will stop and take notice. See that is the main reason why inmates do not have a voice, because once they incarcerate you, nine out of ten family members give up all hope.

I also would suggest once again contacting the ACLU in your area about this. Also do not be afraid to look under Pro Bono attorneys as well as law students in any university. Heck they eat this stuff up and jump right in with both feet to investigate stuff such as this. I hope this has been of some assistance and thank you again for keeping me posted.

As you too know it seems when it comes to prison reform all of our hands continue to get tied. But yes please add me and I will do all that I can. Thank you for asking and I look forward to your continued postings here.


Walter J. Nunley

From: TB-petitions OHCHR
To: KayLee
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2004 3:16 AM

Dear Ms. Lee

After careful consideration of your communication, we sincerely regret having to inform you that the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights is not in a position to assist you in the matter you raise. USA is not a party to the Optional Protocol of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

For information about the procedures for the examination of individual petitions on human rights violations, please consult our website:; first click on ohchr programme, then on communications/complaints. If you have difficulty accessing our website, please write to the UNHCHR, Information Office, PW-RS-011, 1211 Genčve 10, and ask for Human Rights Fact Sheets Nšs 7,12, 15 and 17.
TB-Petitions OHCHR



The Florida Justice Institute represents the prisoners in the heat
lawsuit.  Contact FJI at 305-358-2081

Shiela Hopkins, Associate for Social Concerns at the Florida Catholic
Conference, has been repeatedly denied meetings on this issue: 
Contact the  FCC at 850-222-3803

Abraham J. Bonowitz, Director
Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (FADP)
800-973-6548    <>
PMB 335, 2603 DR. Martin Luther King Jr. Hwy
Gainesville, FL  32609

Abe Bonowitz: 561-371-5204 (mobile)
Hannah Floyd: 904-964-4303

Send Donations to FDRAG
137 N Walnut St
Box 10
Starke, FL 32091

or donate by credit card at
