Jason went From Apalachee to Charlotte but that
doesn't mean we'll forget Sgt. Grover!
"They are moving him - They said "he's not with us right
now" like he's - crazy. I am a firm believer in prayer & I
also believe that what goes around - comes around. -
Mary B
I'll tell you what convinced me that something bad is wrong around Jason and the department holds responsibility: Their guilt shows in their reaction to his mother's inquiries. When they have something to hide you can watch them barricading the doors and pulling the rug up to sweep the dirt under. I believe Jason's move is part of that cover-up and the fact that the picture is not new and the mother is forbidden to see or talk to him lends credence to the thought that they do not want us to see what he currently looks like. It is more normal than not to take a new picture every time they move a person in prison. We almost predicted that they would not want a new picture of Jason onsite in his current condition - whatever that may be. Kay Lee
From: Mary Buchanan [mrybuch@yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2004 10:25 AM
To: 'charlotteci@mail.dc.state.fl.us'
Subject: Attention: Mrs. Bocknor/ Classification OfficerRegarding Jason Buchanan V16601
I understand you won’t be in until 11:40 or so. I thought I’d get my questions out as I have a doctor appt soon. I need to know when I can speak with my son. I want to visit with him as well. Can you tell me what his condition is? Did he come in with stamps & writing materials?
Thanks you in advance for your time,
Mary Buchanan, Mother of Jason BuchananFrom: Mary Buchanan
To: publicaffairs@mail.dc.state.fl.us
Cc: 'KayLee' ; 'Rain49'
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2004 8:39 AM
Subject: Attention James CrosbyRegarding Jason Buchanan V16601
As of this morning the prison location is changed – I demand to see a current photo on that page -
My son – who has not received my mail since he alleged staff abuse on May 26th - & then “lost his mind” per your Apalachee Warden Solomon & other staff.
Since he hasn’t been aware of outside support for a good three weeks – perhaps you could update his location on your inmate finder site.– I already called Charlotte & spoke with Myer – he said he doesn’t have a 1st name - There are people that are writing to him & an attorney who needs to make contact.
It’s important to many – I am sure – to keep that site current.
Thank you -
Mary BuchananFrom: Mary Buchanan
To: 'KayLee' ; 'Rain49'
Cc: publicaffairs@mail.dc.state.fl.us
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2004 4:45 PM
Subject: Request for info from Charlotte CI - forward to James CrosbyJune 17, 2004
To: Classification Officer Bockner
Re: Jason Buchanan V16601Attention: Dr. Highsmith,
I am Jason Buchanan’s mother. I am requesting that you get a confidential information form to him so that I can get information on his condition.
I have had not contact with him for three weeks but I have received his letters & statements from Apalachee as of the 7th of June. He is asking for legal help & any help I can possibly get him.
I will include a statement that he mailed me on June 9th regarding the May 26th incident in question. As you will see – I have reason for real concern.
I want information on his condition & I want contact with him as soon as possible. Thank you in advance,
Mary Buchanancc: Kay Lee, Lost Angels Group, Angel Fire, James Crosby
BUCHANAN, JASON A | V16601 | WHITE | MALE | 12/18/2004 | CHARLOTTE C.I. | 10/04/1980 |