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...has proven thus far to be only groundwork for future action. The department has never appeared to care any more for the families than they do for the prisoners. Before her first contact with the prison, after the beating by Sgt. Grover, communication had already been cut off from her to her son. That was just a couple of days ago. Despite the mother's gentle approach when she first fearfully asked about her son's safety, the department's wall has already begun to solidify.

As usual the department first tried to mollify her, insinuating that her son was lying, stating that he was perfectly safe and everything was okay.  Now, following the department's routine efforts not to get at the truth, but to  protect their workers at whatever cost to the inmate, family, officers and public, they have begun to talk about her son in terms of mental illness, aggression,  and isolation.

As in the Archie Davis case and so many others, we feel very uncomfortable when, they block communication between the mother and son and begin making excuses for what is to come.   If you have further information on Apalachee CI, Sgt. Glover, or Jason Buchanan's health and welfare, please contact his mother Mary at, or me, Kay Lee at

Saturday, June 12, 2004 6:50 PM

My son, Jason Buchanan, V16601  is at Apalachee Correctional Inst. in Sneads, FL   He is doing 18 months for dealing in stolen property (due to drug issue) release date is in December.

He last called me on the 23rd of May – something happened right after that.  I didn’t hear from him & Jason’s dad called the prison & was told he is in administrative confinement pending an investigation.  The classification officer said this was because Jason made an allegation of staff abusing him.  The letters started coming right after that call.

The first packet was rambling & hard to decipher except he really sounded scared.  The next letter was calmer & neater but he is still saying the same things.  He also said he is encouraged to kill himself regularly.

Jason says a sergeant beat him & when he tried to report it he was taken to a captain & there with several officers in the room they called him  a liar & promised they could screw up his life.  Jason said they made threats against his family & refused requests for medical & psych help.

I called the chaplain on Thursday & he said he only saw Jason threw a small window but he didn’t appear to have injuries.  He said I could call him next week.  I was afraid to contact the warden – thought it might make things worse.

Jason may or may not be telling all truth – he’s always been a challenge.  But I know in my heart something bad has happened.

Yesterday I sent him one clear request for a rundown on injuries & exactly what happened & with who.  Not sure he will get it though.


Sunday, June 13, 2004 9:15 AM

I just read your letter – my knees are still shaking, as a matter of fact my whole body is!  I felt urgent about the email to the warden, even though it scares me.  I copied to you & James Crosby.

I need to hear more from Jason – I know I don’t have the whole story & no saying he didn’t have some hand in it.

I did send him a request for details – separate from a letter so that he will focus on that.  He may not get it till Tues with no mail Friday. Not sure what else to do yet -

Monday, June 14, 2004 1:24 PM

He was also told he would be locked down until December.  I’ve had no response from the wardens office yet.

Monday, June 14, 2004 1:17 PM

Kay Lee – he is talking about doing something stupid – I just got 2 more letters – one detailing that it was Sgt. Grover & he was thrown in a cell with pepper spray everywhere – no treatment – he said an inmate came up to him outside & told him he was paid to beat him up.  He tried & then 2 more followed him into the bathroom.  He said they didn’t hurt him & then Grover came in & beat him – he said he didn’t fight back.

I don’t think he’s getting my mail.  He’s in lockdown so I don’t think three are other inmates that could witness for him.

They won’t let me talk with him – I asked everyone today.  Guess I’ll have to put that in writing too.  I plan to follow up with the Inspector General re: the faxed letters I sent him.  It was a signed statement that Jason sent me.


Tuesday, June 15, 2004 12:30 PM

I sent the request to the warden this morning – nothing yet.  I just got a call from Doug Stephens – he says there was more trouble at the jail last night.  He said Jason was being moved to a medical unit & He said Jason struggled & tried to break away.  He also said he can’t consider the statement that I sent him - & you – because it has to be on the state form in the presence of the investigator.  I told him that’s not good enough since he told me he would use the letters & statement to refresh Jason’s memory.  He said he would have to wait until they decided that Jason is psychologically sound. The only time Jason acted out ever before was when he was doing drugs.

If this keeps up – I won’t be sound either.

He also said that the warden probably won’t respond to me since they are considering moving him to another facility with more psych abilities.

I have a really sick feeling.

Monday, June 14, 2004 1:17 PM

Kay Lee – he is talking about doing something stupid – I just got 2 more letters – one detailing that it was Sergeant Grover & he was thrown in a cell with pepper spray everywhere – no treatment – he said an inmate came up to him outside & told him he was paid to beat him up.  He tried & then 2 more followed him into the bathroom.  He said they didn’t hurt him & then Grover came in & beat him – he said he didn’t fight back.

Monday, June 14, 2004 1:58 PM

The warden wasn’t in yet.  I spoke with the classification officer – no info.  Then they gave me the Investigators extension.  His name is Harrison & says he just got word this morning to look into this from someone above him.  He plans to talk to Jason today. He also tells me that no one will be interviewing Sgt Grover as he was just shipped out to Iraq – Go figure.

My question is, does Jason have the right to have an attorney? Not sure if that’s a possibility.  Harrison assures me that he will conduct a fair investigation – only nobody’s going to Iraq to question Grover.  Sounds like he was having a going away party – ugh

No – they aren’t making me use a form. They are telling me that any statement from Jason has to be on their form while he is with an investigator.

I don’t think he’s getting my mail.  He’s in lockdown so I don’t think there are other inmates that could witness for him.

Monday, June 14, 2004 5:30 PM

They won’t let me talk with him – I asked everyone today.  Guess I’ll have to put that in writing too.  I plan to follow up with the Inspector Gen re: the faxed letters I sent him.  It was a signed statement that Jason sent me.

Chaplain Kleisure was the chaplain's name I spoke with.

Classification Officer is Scammacca

Investigator Harrison, investigator at prison I talked to.

They all said they didn’t have the authority to arrange for me to speak to my son.

The warden just told Jason’s dad that we can’t see him until he’s “calmed down” & no calls either.

Jason's dad saw him 5/22/04 & I got a call on the 23rd – he was having a problem with a cell mate – the beating happened on the 26th – the “investigations” started yesterday.


Tuesday, June 15, 2004 7:13 AM

I feel like I got nothing but lip service & lies yesterday from the prison – I plan to call the investigator in Tallahassee again & I really want to hear what his take is on the letters vs what his guy Harrison said about yesterday’s interview with Jason. Ironic that Jason got that to me yesterday – it was included with 3 letters asking me to get it to someone – anyone.

I have had contact today only from Doug Nelson. Nelson is an Investigator with Inspector Generals’ Tallahassee

Can you send mail certified to an inmate?

Tuesday, June 15, 2004 3:20 PM

In my first contact with the outside investigator Doug Nelson he immediately started asking about Jason’s mental condition. Then Warden Solomon, who called at almost the same time, had similar statements about a history of mental illness.  Jason’s letters are very sane and follow a common theme of abuse and fear.  Considering the two calls yesterday from the investigator and the warden, combined with the call this morning informing me that Jason has now been moved to a mental unit, and also resisted the move.  It seems like a decision was made to “call this one mental illness” after reviewing his medical history.  Jason was never crazy, he had a drug problem and knew the psych was a source of drugs, act crazy and get drugs. Things are not adding up and the events of yesterday and today seem well choreographed.  The investigator also blew off the statement Jason mailed me which I faxed him. He seemed to think the statement was either forged or forced from him, Jason has a mental problem, end of story.  He’s not crazy unless he has drugs in him.

I am considering the following actions:

1) Contacting the FBI, I understand they are investigating the Florida DoC regarding the Valdes case.

2) Contacting CNN about information on a guard that was sent to IRAQ immediately after an alleged inmate abuse incident. (Sgt. Grover)

3) Obtaining council for Jason regarding the pending investigation, at least it may provide some form of contact.


Tuesday, June 15, 2004 4:48 PM

I have a message in to Randy Berg, Attorney  – he will be in in the morning.  In the meantime – let’s use my Lost Angels email as contact that’

If I need to come up with something else I will.

God help us –

Tuesday, June 15, 2004 5:28 PM

We go public – I’m ready – never cared for lip service.  I am going to use the yahoo account for contact.  I can’t think enough to work. Jason is in danger – I can feel it.

I have a message in to Randy Berg, Attorney, he is out till the am – I would just ask you at this point to ask for prayers in the group – my gut says we are in trouble here.

Mike – my love – has a message in to a journalist – Going for broke here. Mike called a lot of press people today & I left the message with the attorney.  They said they sent the guard to Iraq that Jason just said beat him – did they have a shortage over there or what?

Okay - I am breathing - my gut says all the people I spoke with in the system have a prewritten dialogue--- I can't begin to express what I am feeling & it really scares me that I can't access that email for the 1st time. - so - what do you think?  I think Jason is an easy mark - He's really a good kid - when not on drugs.

[Surely he's not on drugs inside the prison!?! kl]

Tuesday, June 15, 2004 8:08 PM

Scared is not in my vocabulary - sick, gut feeling - I have these senses- I feel my response from all at the prison & the inspector general office is drone like??

Kay Lee, It's the facts here that are scary, not anything you said.  I actually think you were too soft in what you said.

Fact is yesterday the inspector and the warden called at the same time and started talking mental illness when nobody had mentioned it.  Stranger than that, one calls the cell and the other the home at almost the same moment.  Both are planting these mental illness seeds and voila, next morning we got Jason in medical with mental illness and resisting guards' 'Extraction Team'.  What's next, that is scary.  Why do that unless you are trying to cover up something, and just how far will the cover up go?

Jason has made bad choices in the past and I am probably his biggest skeptic, but the Warden and the Inspector made Jason's case for him.  Jason's letters are actually very sane and focused, he seems more scared than anything.

I'm not weak - Neither is Mike - This really sucks - If they take my son I will spend the rest of my life here going after them - the right way - God Bless

Mike / Mary







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