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Warden Rathmann on fans


Monday, July 19, 2004:

Warden Rathmann, sir, you made the statement in the emails enclosed below: "I and my management staff visit the wings regularly... and we have always found them to be properly ventilated."  You said that same thing to more than one worried family.

I would like to respond by sharing a letter I received this week from one of your very own officers:

"Kay, as a 9 year vet of DC,  I cannot in good conscience even think that these animals deserve anything but a bullet to the head.  They reduced theirselves to animal status when they committed their heinous crimes.   If one of those death row inmates had killed your Momma or daughter/son,  would you be still inclined to think that that terrrible person deserved anything but the worst?  I cannot imagine so.

But speaking of the heat,  is there any sympathy for the officers who have to spend their 8 hours in that hot, humid wing?   I just spent 8 hours on the 4-12 shift doing showers and processing in 4 inmates.  I was completely miserable, so I understand how hot it is.

If a petition is going to the governor concerning the heat,  why not include the working stiffs who have to stay there for a shift every day?   that is the truly fair and equitable way of thinking.  Officers are human beings, too."


From: Carol Leonard

Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 12:45 PM

I have responded to this "generic response!!"

"Rathmann, Michael" <> wrote:

From: "Rathmann, Michael"
To: "
CC: "Denman, George" ,
"Carter, Bradley D."
Subject: RE: Q WING AT FSP
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2004 10:58:30 -0400

Ms Leonard:


All wings at Florida State Prison have fully-operational ventilation systems.  These systems provide air flow that exceeds the standards of the American Correctional Association.  I and my management staff visit the wings regularly (at different times of the day) and we have always found them to be properly ventilated. [Emphasis added]


Michael L. Rathmann


Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 11:04 AM
Subject: Ventilation at Florida State Prison

Ms Valdez: 

In regard to your concern about the ventilation on "Q" Wing, please note that all wings at Florida State Prison have fully-operational ventilation systems.  These systems provide air flow that exceeds the standards of the American Correctional Association.  I and my management staff visit the wings regularly (at different times of the day) and we have always found them to be properly ventilated.

Michael L. Rathmann

From: "MRS. WANDA Valdes" <>
To: "Rathmann, Michael" <>;
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 1:45 PM
Subject: Re: Ventilation at Florida State Prison

I cant read this blue writing , but i presume this  is a generic message. Lets hope that no one else dies on Q wing such as ronald clark  .  and if anyone dies from heat , then you will be in court. Why Did the guards remove the fans. My husbands cell had no windows in it. The men strip naked  and lay on the cement to cool down/ Maybe I should release Franks letter in his own writing about  Q wing. Plus the guards are up to the same old tactics. Remove the fans and blame an inmate so he gets hurt. Trust me if they do not get fans back I will contact Mr Ashcroft. And turn some of Franks letters and voice tapes over to them also.  Give them fans and stop BSing me. I know the game,
Wanda Valdes  Wife of a murdered inmate  Frank J. Valdes B072791


From: Carol Leonard []
Saturday, July 17, 2004 12:02 PM
Subject: Q WING AT FSP

Carol Leonard <> wrote:

Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2004 07:42:07 -0700 (PDT)
From: Carol Leonard
Subject: Q WING AT FSP
California Prison Focus ,
Michael Anderson ,
Shirley Clark

Attention Gov.Bush:

I am writing concerning the issue of no ventilation on Q WING. Be assured that it IS a very big ISSUE that has not been addressed- the men there have had the one fan that was there taken from them. The temperature there is very uncomfortable- more so than we can imagine.  Why was the fan taken?? It was taken by staff in retaliation for a hunger strike to protest the conditions and other issues that go on in FSP. There are many of us who will not let this go unsettled or unresolved- until there has actually been some action-I am asking for the fan to be returned as well as a few more to be placed so there is cross ventilation. With the temperature and humidity soaring....there is no reason whatsoever why these men should not have fans. I will be writing everyday until this results in the placement of fans on Q WING. I will let the media know exactly what is going on and who i written I said before....THERE ARE MANY MANY TAXPAYING VOTERS WHO ARE VERY CONCERNED - AND PRO-ACTIVE . PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE-  MAKE SURE THE FANS ARE PLACED IN Q-WING.  I BELIEVE THAT YOU SHOULD CONDUCT A WALK-THRU SO YOU CAN SEE FIRST HAND THE CONDITIONS THERE- UNANNOUNCED.   PRISON IS THE SENTENCED PUNISHMENT FOR WHATEVER CRIME WAS COMMITTED- THERE DOESNT NEED TO BE INHUMANE TREATMENT AND A COMPLETE DISREGARD FOR HUMAN LIFE ON TOP OF THAT.



Carol Leonard

"We spoke to Assistant Warden Dixon at Florida State Prison today, 7/15/04.

He stated that until the ongoing heat lawsuit was settled, there was nothing that could be done as far as fans and ventilation. When the lawsuit was settled, they will do what they are told, in accordance with the ruling of the lawsuit.

He informed us that individual Assistant Wardens and Wardens had nothing whatsoever to do with decision making as far as what goes on in their facilities. They can provide input, but the ultimate decision rests with the Florida Dept. of Corrections, which is over all prisons, the Inspector General, and the Governor.

At this point, it is beyond even them, and is in the hands of the attorneys for the heat suit, the Florida Justice Institute and the ACLU.

It seems rather pointless to be putting pressure on the wardens, but the ones that are responsible for making the decisions should be on the end of the hook and made to wiggle."


Kay Lee
2683 Rockcliff Road SE
Atlanta, Ga  30316
Making The Walls Transparent
"With this top-down climate of lawlessness in this country,
no wonder the bottom of the pyramid has become as
pathologically addicted to sheer brutal power as the top."
~Peace activist, Presidential Candidate, Dennis Kucinich