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~ Ancient Legends ~



A miracle is an event beyond human power to

understand ~ so much that most people will shove

aside the thought as unreal. Miracles happen everyday

to the most common of us and at any hour. We tend to

call them a more acceptable name ~ coincidence ~ But

most of these supernatural events move in like the dawn

creeping across the land. It is so gradual it seems like it

has always been. What triggers a miracle? It is not outward,

but something that throws a switch within. It is a event

over and above anything we can explain ~

and why should we need to?


" Day and night cannot dwell together "

Chief, Suquamish, & Duwamish


by Joyce Sequichie Hifler




I would like to take this time to thank you all

that have viewed my pages that I have sent out

or have been forwarded to you by my friends, or

simply surfed in. The response has been outstanding.

My Goal, my vision has always been to make pages

that might touch some ones heart, to heal a spirit

of a troubled soul or to simply brighten your day.

I want to thank you all for your many compliments

that sincerely touches my heart.

~ Joseph ~



~ Smoke in The Wind ~

by The Walela Group



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Creations by Joseph

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The Spirit horse will come for you my friends


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