RinkChat Userlist Capture: Homestar Runner and the Outlaws of the Sierra Nevadas

LaZorra, a regular in RinkChat, had made a new AGL game called Outlaws of the Sierra Nevadas. The proper acronym for this would be OotSN, but, in the long-standing tradition of such games as GOAT (Game of the Ages), POAT (The Perils of Akumos), OAT (Trail of Anguish), and SOAT (Starlight Sacrifice), I put '[SNOOT]' in my label. While LaZorra followed my lead in that, Wormwood put up '[TOONS!]'. Now, a bunch of us go to the Homestar Runner site, so seeing that, I followed up with '[GAMES!]'. About an hour later, we had the Homestar Runner main menu in labels.

Public Room  (15)

    Topic:    AGL, Smash, and Outlaws of the Sierra Nevadas

Henry [TOONS!] [0:06]
Monkeyman [DOWNWOADS!] [idle 0:21]
Leen [admin] [idle 0:30]
ahmoacah [0:01]
Nyperold [GAMES!] [0:07]
Sam [owner] [STORE!]
Mollie [0:02]
LaZorra [away] [SNOOT] [idle 0:23]
gremlinn [RANDOMLY SHOUTED WORDS!] [0:01]
Crystal109 [0:01]
Bryn [0:09]
Eric [E-MAILLL] [idle 0:59]
Mia [idle 0:37]
Wormwood [0:09]