RinkChat Transcript: Me Covered With Seventy Stuffed Rabbits

Tue Jul 5, 2005, 22:14:32 EDT - Tue Jul 5, 2005, 22:25:36 EDT

With so many bot games, it's understandable that commands would get mixed up, especially when they perform similar functions. Sometimes, this confusion can cause hilarious mistakes to occur. Witness WhoBot. In WhoBot, you pick a question when prompted, not using the "pick" command, but using "/b". Quark tried the former, then submitted his answer with "/b". This answer, of course, showed up as the question...

My answer and guesses for the second question have been removed.

Quark: pick 2 (7/5/2005, 22:14:32)
WhoBot: Quark asks (custom question): Me covered with seventy stuffed rabbits. (7/5/2005, 22:14:45)
Quark: Er. (7/5/2005, 22:14:47)
Quark: THAT WAS GOING TO BE AN ANSWER (7/5/2005, 22:14:51)
gremlinn: BEST EVAR (7/5/2005, 22:14:53)
Counterpoint: WOO (7/5/2005, 22:14:54)
Quark: To the question, "When you look at pictures from your childhood, what age is the most embarrassing?" (7/5/2005, 22:14:59)
Leen: oops (7/5/2005, 22:14:59)
Sam: LOL LOL LOL (7/5/2005, 22:15:00)
Quark: But I answered a little too soon. O:-) (7/5/2005, 22:15:05)
Leen: lol! (7/5/2005, 22:15:08)
* Henry answers in Jeopardy style. (7/5/2005, 22:15:12)
* Sara is laughing too hard to type. (7/5/2005, 22:15:14)
* Sam laughs hysterically. (7/5/2005, 22:15:17)
* Leen pees in her pants. (7/5/2005, 22:15:41)
* Sara is scaring her neighbors now. (7/5/2005, 22:16:21)
Sam: That is so awesome. (7/5/2005, 22:16:32)
gremlinn: Q: you're single-handedly destroying the fabric of society. (7/5/2005, 22:16:38)
Quark: AWESOME (7/5/2005, 22:16:43)
Sam: I need to keep that question and put it in the regular database. (7/5/2005, 22:16:44)
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers. (7/5/2005, 22:16:47)
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: Oops. (7/5/2005, 22:16:47)
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: The end of Quark. (7/5/2005, 22:16:47)
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: Good idea. Then we'll all sit on top. (7/5/2005, 22:16:47)
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: what is BEING WEIRD? (7/5/2005, 22:16:47)
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: What is a scary picture? (7/5/2005, 22:16:47)
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: What is your idea of an enjoyable Saturday afternoon? (7/5/2005, 22:16:47)
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: Uhm.... Me Jane? (7/5/2005, 22:16:47)
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) Sam, (B) Leen, (C) Sara, (D) gremlinn, (E) Quark, (F) Counterpoint, (G) Henry (7/5/2005, 22:16:47)
Quark: LOL (7/5/2005, 22:16:47)
whitehelm: Gah (7/5/2005, 22:16:59)
Henry is back. (7/5/2005, 22:17:30)
whitehelm: I was going to answer "42..it's the answer to everything" then hesitated cause I wasnt sure if it was that or 47 (7/5/2005, 22:18:09)
Sara: 42. (7/5/2005, 22:18:17)
Nyperold: Oh my. (7/5/2005, 22:18:18)
gremlinn: 47 is the Claremont number. (7/5/2005, 22:18:34)
Counterpoint: I wonder what would happen if Whiz posted questions like that. (7/5/2005, 22:18:39)
gremlinn: Where I went to college. (7/5/2005, 22:18:41)
Leen: I am soooooo hungee. (7/5/2005, 22:18:47)
WhoBot: Quark (E) answered (1) Oops. (7/5/2005, 22:18:47)
WhoBot: Counterpoint (F) answered (2) The end of Quark. (7/5/2005, 22:18:47)
WhoBot: gremlinn (D) answered (3) Good idea. Then we'll all sit on top. (7/5/2005, 22:18:47)
WhoBot: Sara (C) answered (4) what is BEING WEIRD? (7/5/2005, 22:18:47)
WhoBot: Leen (B) answered (5) What is a scary picture? (7/5/2005, 22:18:47)
WhoBot: Henry (G) answered (6) What is your idea of an enjoyable Saturday afternoon? (7/5/2005, 22:18:47)
WhoBot: Sam (A) answered (7) Uhm.... Me Jane? (7/5/2005, 22:18:47)
WhoBot: Sam scores 6 points for guesses: E1, F2, D3, C4, B5, G6. (7/5/2005, 22:18:47)
WhoBot: Leen scores 4 points for guesses: E1, F2, D3, A4, G6, C7. (7/5/2005, 22:18:47)
WhoBot: Quark scores 4 points for guesses: F2, D3, A4, B5, G6, C7. (7/5/2005, 22:18:47)
WhoBot: Sara scores 3 points for guesses: E1, A2, F3, B5, G6, D7. (7/5/2005, 22:18:47)
WhoBot: Counterpoint scores 2 points for guesses: E1, D3, B4, G5, A6, C7. (7/5/2005, 22:18:48)
Counterpoint: GO SAM (7/5/2005, 22:18:52)
Sam: WOW! (7/5/2005, 22:18:55)
Quark: LOL (7/5/2005, 22:18:57)
Sara: DA-ANG (7/5/2005, 22:19:04)
WhoBot: gremlinn asks (custom question): How shall we punish Quark? (7/5/2005, 22:20:04)
Quark: ACK (7/5/2005, 22:20:34)
ThePhan has entered. (7/5/2005, 22:20:39)
* whitehelm is expecting some similar answers (7/5/2005, 22:20:45)
Counterpoint: This is going to be easy. (7/5/2005, 22:20:58)
Quark: I just noticed that the question I screwed up on said "What AGE is the most embarrassing?" (7/5/2005, 22:21:01)
Counterpoint: Or hard. (7/5/2005, 22:21:01)
Quark: I screwed up twice! (7/5/2005, 22:21:09)
Quark: Hey, ThePhan! (7/5/2005, 22:21:16)
Counterpoint: DOUBLE THE PUNISHMENT (7/5/2005, 22:21:17)
Sara: DOUBLE THE FUN (7/5/2005, 22:21:28)
Sam: Quark: How do you misread "age" as "photo"? (7/5/2005, 22:21:31)
Henry: I think he meant "page". (7/5/2005, 22:21:41)
ThePhan: Hey, Quark! (7/5/2005, 22:21:42)
Nyperold: Hello! (7/5/2005, 22:21:48)
Quark: Sam: I read "what age" as "which" or "what." (7/5/2005, 22:21:51)
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers. (7/5/2005, 22:22:05)
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: Contract him to WROK! Twenty games to life. (7/5/2005, 22:22:05)
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: Send him to that cave from MP&tHG. (7/5/2005, 22:22:05)
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: Cover him with 71 stuffed rabbits. (7/5/2005, 22:22:05)
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: Very lightly? (7/5/2005, 22:22:05)
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: Photograph his being covered with seventy stuffed rabbits. (7/5/2005, 22:22:05)
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: Lawnmower haircut. (7/5/2005, 22:22:05)
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: By covering him with seventy stuffed rabbits. Pink ones. With fangs. (7/5/2005, 22:22:05)
WhoBot: Answer 8 is: As my fourth grade teacher used to say, we should tie him up by his toes and beat him with a wet noodle. (7/5/2005, 22:22:05)
WhoBot: Answer 9 is: Flog him with a wet noodle. (7/5/2005, 22:22:05)
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) Nyperold, (B) gremlinn, (C) Counterpoint, (D) Quark, (E) Sara, (F) Sam, (G) Henry, (H) Leen, (I) whitehelm (7/5/2005, 22:22:05)
Henry: Or that. (7/5/2005, 22:22:10)
gremlinn: Two of you are classmates. (7/5/2005, 22:22:43)
Counterpoint: What's with the wet noodle? (7/5/2005, 22:22:48)
Nyperold: match 1f 4d (7/5/2005, 22:22:53)
Nyperold: Oops. (7/5/2005, 22:23:00)
Counterpoint: And what's MP&tHG? (7/5/2005, 22:23:09)
Sara: PYTHON (7/5/2005, 22:23:17)
gremlinn: Monty Python and the Holy Grail. (7/5/2005, 22:23:18)
Sara: Yeah, that. (7/5/2005, 22:23:27)
WhoBot: gremlinn (B) answered (1) Contract him to WROK! Twenty games to life. (7/5/2005, 22:24:06)
WhoBot: Nyperold (A) answered (2) Send him to that cave from MP&tHG. (7/5/2005, 22:24:06)
WhoBot: whitehelm (I) answered (3) Cover him with 71 stuffed rabbits. (7/5/2005, 22:24:06)
WhoBot: Quark (D) answered (4) Very lightly? (7/5/2005, 22:24:06)
WhoBot: Counterpoint (C) answered (5) Photograph his being covered with seventy stuffed rabbits. (7/5/2005, 22:24:06)
WhoBot: Henry (G) answered (6) Lawnmower haircut. (7/5/2005, 22:24:06)
WhoBot: Sara (E) answered (7) By covering him with seventy stuffed rabbits. Pink ones. With fangs. (7/5/2005, 22:24:06)
WhoBot: Sam (F) answered (8) As my fourth grade teacher used to say, we should tie him up by his toes and beat him with a wet noodle. (7/5/2005, 22:24:06)
WhoBot: Leen (H) answered (9) Flog him with a wet noodle. (7/5/2005, 22:24:06)
WhoBot: Sam scores 6 points for guesses: B1, A2, H3, D4, C5, G6, E7, I9. (7/5/2005, 22:24:06)
WhoBot: Counterpoint scores 4 points for guesses: B1, E2, I3, D4, F6, G7, A8, H9. (7/5/2005, 22:24:06)
WhoBot: Leen scores 2 points for guesses: B1, C2, E3, G4, D5, A6, I7, F8. (7/5/2005, 22:24:06)
WhoBot: Nyperold scores 2 points for guesses: F1, D4, I6, E7. (7/5/2005, 22:24:06)
WhoBot: Sara scores 2 points for guesses: F1, B2, A3, D4, C5. (7/5/2005, 22:24:06)
WhoBot: whitehelm scores 1 point for guesses: F1, C2, E4, H5, G6, B7, A8, D9. (7/5/2005, 22:24:06)
WhoBot: Sam wins! (7/5/2005, 22:24:06)
Leen: WET NOODLE!!! (7/5/2005, 22:24:29)
* Sam and Leen did wet noodle answers without being aware of the other one doing that. (7/5/2005, 22:24:34)
WhoBot has been dismissed by Sam. (7/5/2005, 22:24:37)
CaptionBot has been summoned by Sam. (7/5/2005, 22:24:39)
gremlinn: Nice. (7/5/2005, 22:24:41)
Quark: My fourth grade teacher told us she would hang us by our tows and make us gargle peanut butter. (7/5/2005, 22:24:42)
Counterpoint: Sam recognized my syntax. (7/5/2005, 22:24:46)
Leen is away. (7/5/2005, 22:24:50)
Nyperold: I knew it was gremlinn if it wasn't Sam. (7/5/2005, 22:24:52)
Henry is away. (7/5/2005, 22:24:53)
Sam: Q: Ooooh, that's a good one. (7/5/2005, 22:24:54)
Sam: I'm discovering that I can recognize Sara answers pretty well. (7/5/2005, 22:25:14)
Sam: That's pretty cool. (7/5/2005, 22:25:18)
Sara: Sam: I was noticing that. (7/5/2005, 22:25:36)