RinkChat Transcript: magicite
Wed Feb 2, 2005, 12:29:24 EST - Wed Feb 2, 2005, 14:29:41 EST
Matthew had found somebody selling Materia on ebay.
Nyperold: Materia. (12:29:24)
I promptly started looking for Magicite. The results of that search...
Nyperold: I'm honestly surprised that I can't find anyone selling magicite. (12:33:04)
Monkeyman: Mmmm, magicite. (12:34:08)
Matthew: Tasty magicite. (12:37:42)
Matthew: Shiva shavings. (12:38:06)
10Kan: Odinoes. (12:38:37)
Monkeyman: LOL (12:39:05)
Monkeyman: Ifrittters. (12:39:20)
Monkeyman: Oops, extra t in there. (12:39:36)
10Kan: LOL (12:39:37)
Matthew: And the healthy option, low-carbuncles. (12:40:25)
Matthew: Stopping would be good. Oh, wait, bahanuts. Now I'm done. (12:41:13)
10Kan: And the not-so-healthy Bahamut split. (12:41:21)
Monkeyman: LOL LOL (12:41:56)
Matthew: Curses. Why did I have to say that? I've got Chocolate/Log and tonberry cheesecake running through my head now. (12:42:31)
Monkeyman: LOL! (12:43:54)
10Kan: Chocolate/Log is the best yet. (12:44:21)
Monkeyman: We are such a bunch of nerds. (12:44:32)
Matthew: There's a market for it. (12:44:58)
Monkeyman: Chocolate/Log is good, but the Bahamut Split might be better. (12:45:02)
10Kan: Thanks. (12:45:46)
Matthew: It's a shame you're all foreign. (12:46:21)
Matthew: I was going to say that Yevon knows how they make it so creamy. (12:46:32)
Monkeyman: LOL (12:47:07)
Monkeyman: I don't have to be British to see why that would be punny. (12:47:20)
* 10Kan gets it too. (12:47:47)
Matthew: Man, I'm a geek. (12:49:01)
Matthew: In order to indulge in that painful conversation, I took time out from fixing my Al Bhed translator. (12:49:25)
Monkeyman: Ooh, Al Bhed translator. (12:50:39)
Matthew: http://www.eternal-legend.com/fun/albhedpanel.shtml - Enshrunked for your sidepanel pleasure. (12:51:12)
A bit later...
whitehelm has entered. (12:53:06)
nomie has entered. (13:07:15)
Nyperold: Hello. (13:07:33)
nomie: Hey. (13:07:53)
Monkeyman: I AM HUNGRY (13:10:24)
iwpg: Hi nomie. (13:11:24)
Maryam has entered. (13:13:37)
iwpg: And Maryam. (13:14:19)
Maryam: Yo. (13:14:23)
Monkeyman: I AM NOT MARYAM (13:14:35)
Maryam: Mm: I AM GLAD OF THAT SIR (13:15:02)
* nomie EATS YUOR BRAINS (13:15:27)
Monkeyman: I don't have any. (13:16:31)
wintermute: MARYAM! YAY! (13:17:14)
Nyperold: Hello! (13:17:36)
The topic, by the way, was Funs 'n' Roses.
Mollie has entered. (13:27:47)
Mollie: @-`-,--`,--`-,---- @-`-,--`,--`-,---- (13:28:01)
iwpg: Hi Mollie. (13:29:13)
Nyperold: Hello! (13:30:30)
Monkeyman: MOLLIE! (13:30:37)
Monkeyman: /fun Mollie (13:30:45)
* Mollie is given a @-`-,--`,--`-,---- by Monkeyman. (13:30:49)
Maryam: Why thankee. (13:31:02)
Mollie: :-) (13:32:15)
wintermute: MOLLS! (13:32:15)
Maryam: Not for the rose. Because I know I didn't get one. I'm just not that special. (13:32:50)
Maryam: :-( (13:32:54)
* Everyone is given a @-`-,--`,--`-,---- by Mollie. (13:33:25)
* Maryam is given a @-`-,--`,--`-,---- by Monkeyman. (13:33:44)
* Maryam is given a @-`-,--`,--`-,---- by wintermute. (13:33:55)
Monkeyman: I just gave Mollie a rose because last time I saw her, she was sad. (13:34:00)
Maryam: Gasp! Roses! For me! (13:34:05)
Monkeyman: But now you seem sad, so you get one too! (13:34:10)
EYE is the Rinkronym for The Early Years, a collection of 22 games programmed on an Apple by Sam when he was 11-17, and ported to the Smash language for Adventure Games Live. He intentionally left many bugs, misspellings, and weird logic intact, provided they were in the original. As a result, we probably accept more than we would for other games, and even our humorous misreadings might go unnoticed.
Mollie: I just misread something in EYE as saying "You see a sack of dinosaurs!" (13:34:12)
Mollie: I am less sad now :-) (13:34:19)
Mollie: Are you? (13:34:22)
Maryam: LOL! A sack of dinosaurs would rule. (13:34:32)
Monkeyman: I totally wouldn't find it hard to believe that that was correct. (13:34:35)
Monkeyman: I think I am less sad now. (13:34:42)
* monkeyman is given a @-`-,--`,--`-,---- by wintermute. (13:35:24)
Matthew: What's EYE? (13:36:05)
wintermute: Mollie: What did it actually say? (13:36:11)
Nyperold: The Early Years. (13:36:44)
Monkeyman: Matthew: You should go to the main page if you don't know what The Early Years is. (13:37:21)
Matthew: Ah. (13:37:26)
Mollie: "You see a sack of diamonds!" (13:37:37)
Matthew: I've seen it, but I did not know it was EYE. (13:37:45)
Matthew: Diamonds are crushed carbon, right? So it could have been a sack of dinosaurs. (13:38:12)
Carda has entered. (13:38:14)
Carda: j0. (13:38:28)
iwpg: Hi Carda. (13:38:30)
wintermute: Dinosaurs are better than diamonds. (13:38:56)
Nyperold: Hello. (13:39:02)
Maryam: wm: You won't find me disagreeing. (13:39:09)
James has entered. (13:39:10)
iwpg: Hi James. (13:39:34)
Matthew: I'm not sure how popular dinosaur rings would be. (13:39:50)
Matthew: Of the worn variety, that is. If they did them in the spirit of onion rings, they'd be great. (13:40:07)
Monkeyman: OOH (13:40:34)
Monkeyman: ACK EEP (13:40:40)
Carda: Okay, that's just WRONG. (13:40:42)
Monkeyman is away. (13:40:42)
Maryam: But oddly appealing. (13:40:50)
James: Dinosaur wings. (13:41:05)
Matthew: With some jurassic pork, perhaps. (13:41:18)
[RinkChat] User Matthew has been kicked from the room by Matthew. (13:41:31)
Matthew has left. (13:41:31)
James: >:o (13:41:36)
Maryam: I was just about to do that. (13:41:37)
Matthew has entered. (13:41:49)
Nyperold: They were making Magicite food puns earlier. (13:43:15)
Carda: Not asking. Don't wanna know. (13:43:46)
Maryam: Is that what Bahamut Split was about? (13:44:10)
Nyperold: Yes. (13:44:23)
James: :'( (13:44:37)
Maryam: Someone enlighten me about Chocolate/Log. What is that supposed to be? (13:44:53)
Carda: Choco/Mog. (13:45:35)
Maryam: Ahh.. of course. (13:45:43)
Carda: FF7 summon Materia, I think (13:45:47)
Carda: Although I don't know why they didn't go with Chocolate/Frog. A Monty Python reference for free. (13:46:40)
Carda: I think. Maybe that was Crunchy Frog. (13:47:02)
Carda: *is a little distracted today* (13:47:11)
Mollie: Don't they have Chocolate Frogs in Harry Potter? (13:52:15)
Travholt: Ah. (13:52:16)
Carda: That's likely where I'm getting mixed up. (13:54:55)