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Note for:   OF THRONDHEIM,   <0776> -          Index
DATE 3 Jul 2001
TIME 21:22


Note for:   Louis IV Transmarinus OF FRANCE,   10 Sep 0921 - 10 Sep 0954         Index
     Place:   Abbey Saint Remy,Reims,Marne,France

Note:   GIVN Louis IV "Transmarinus"
NSFX King Of France
ABBR Royalty for Commoners
TITL Royalty for Commoners
ABBR Royalty for Commoners
TITL Royalty for Commoners
ABBR Ancestral File (TM)
TITL Ancestral File (TM)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SAINTS
PUBL July 1996 / June 1998 (c)
TEXT Ancestral File is a collection of genealogical information take n from Pedigree Charts and Family Group Records submitted to th e Family History Department since 1978. The information has no t
been verified against any official records. Since the informat ion in Ancestral File is contributed, it is the responsibility o f those who use th file to verify its accuracy.
If you find inaccurate information in Ancestral File, use the F 3 Edit key to make corrections. Save the corrections on a disket te and mail the diskette to :
Family History Department
Attn: Ancestral File Contributions
50 E North Temple St
Salt Lake City UT 84150
Please Note:
Names and addresses of submitters to Ancestral File and those wh o have a research insterest are provided to help in the coordina tion of research. The use of this information for any other purp ose,
including commercial use, is strictly prohibited.
TYPE Ruled
DATE 936-954
DATE 16 Jun 2001
TIME 13:39


Note for:   Robert I OF FRANCE,   0866 - 15 Jun 0923         Index
Note:   GIVN Robert I
NSFX King Of France
ABBR Royalty for Commoners
TITL Royalty for Commoners
ABBR Royalty for Commoners
TITL Royalty for Commoners
ABBR Ancestral File (TM)
TITL Ancestral File (TM)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SAINTS
PUBL July 1996 / June 1998 (c)
TEXT Ancestral File is a collection of genealogical information take n from Pedigree Charts and Family Group Records submitted to th e Family History Department since 1978. The information has no t
been verified against any official records. Since the informat ion in Ancestral File is contributed, it is the responsibility o f those who use th file to verify its accuracy.
If you find inaccurate information in Ancestral File, use the F 3 Edit key to make corrections. Save the corrections on a disket te and mail the diskette to :
Family History Department
Attn: Ancestral File Contributions
50 E North Temple St
Salt Lake City UT 84150
Please Note:
Names and addresses of submitters to Ancestral File and those wh o have a research insterest are provided to help in the coordina tion of research. The use of this information for any other purp ose,
including commercial use, is strictly prohibited.
DATE 8 Sep 2000
TIME 20:38


Note for:   Beatrice OF VERMANDOIS,   ABT 0880 - Mar 0931         Index
Note:   GIVN Beatrice
NSFX Queen Of France
AFN 9G85-G6
ABBR Ancestral File (TM)
TITL Ancestral File (TM)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SAINTS
PUBL July 1996 / June 1998 (c)
TEXT Ancestral File is a collection of genealogical information take n from Pedigree Charts and Family Group Records submitted to th e Family History Department since 1978. The information has no t
been verified against any official records. Since the informat ion in Ancestral File is contributed, it is the responsibility o f those who use th file to verify its accuracy.
If you find inaccurate information in Ancestral File, use the F 3 Edit key to make corrections. Save the corrections on a disket te and mail the diskette to :
Family History Department
Attn: Ancestral File Contributions
50 E North Temple St
Salt Lake City UT 84150
Please Note:
Names and addresses of submitters to Ancestral File and those wh o have a research insterest are provided to help in the coordina tion of research. The use of this information for any other purp ose,
including commercial use, is strictly prohibited.
DATE 8 Sep 2000
TIME 20:38


Note for:   Emma OF FRANCE,   ABT 0894 - 0934/0935         Index
Note:   GIVN Emma
NSFX Princess Of France
ABBR Ancestral File (TM)
TITL Ancestral File (TM)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SAINTS
PUBL July 1996 / June 1998 (c)
TEXT Ancestral File is a collection of genealogical information take n from Pedigree Charts and Family Group Records submitted to th e Family History Department since 1978. The information has no t
been verified against any official records. Since the informat ion in Ancestral File is contributed, it is the responsibility o f those who use th file to verify its accuracy.
If you find inaccurate information in Ancestral File, use the F 3 Edit key to make corrections. Save the corrections on a disket te and mail the diskette to :
Family History Department
Attn: Ancestral File Contributions
50 E North Temple St
Salt Lake City UT 84150
Please Note:
Names and addresses of submitters to Ancestral File and those wh o have a research insterest are provided to help in the coordina tion of research. The use of this information for any other purp ose,
including commercial use, is strictly prohibited.
DATE 17 Jun 2001
TIME 04:05