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GedHTree HomepageIndex GedHTree HomepageIndex
1700 American colonies prosper
1720 Texas becomes Spanish possession
1735 Freedom of press established
1740 Colony population = 1.5 million
1754 - 1763 Anglo-French War
1607 Jamestown 1st permanent settlement
1620 Pilgrims to America on Mayflower
1638 Printing press reaches America
1664 English capture/rename New York
1681 La Salle explores Louisiana
1534 Cartier claims New France
1540 Spanish arrive in California
1540 Coronado travels through Midwest
1565 First colony St. Augustine
1584 - 1588 Roanoke Island Colony
 Richard Sanford
 b.1538 ENG
 Thomas Sanford
 b.1558 ENG
 b.          ENG
 Ezekiel Sanford
 b.1565 ENG