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Welcome to Psychopixie's Home

My Favorite Sayings: Click to View or Add Text.

Welcome to my webpage. Right now this page is really, really, really underconstruction. It probably will be for a while because I am some times a very busy person and can only get on the net for a couple of hours a week.

So far the only thing I have been able to complete is my posters page. You can visit it by clicking here!!!

Also don't for get to visit my links and sign my guest book!

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook

Thats all for now. Thank you for visiting my page. Please come back and visit again!

My Favorite Web Sites

This is My POW/MIA site (Please visit and show your support)
The Official Site of my favorite comic book writer/artist Roman Dirge
The Hollywood Stock Exchange (If you decide to join tell them Psychopixie sent you)
All the info you need on your favorite TV show on DVD
