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My Info

Heather Marie

Name : Heather Marie

Nicknames: Skinny Buddha, Quote Guru, Psycho Feminist B**ch, Perky

DOB: September 3rd, 1983

Height: 5ft 6in

Hair color: brown with red tint

eye color(s): green, yellow, orange

Personality Type: quiet around most people, loud around friends

Siblings & Their Ages: Madison 2 years

Best/Close Friends: Chris, Nia, Jill

Best Online Friends: Andrew (my monday night b/f,

Pets & Their Name: Kitten Marie (she has quite a few names)

Previous and/or Current Jobs: Pfizer, Babysitting, Work Study, Firehouse Subs, Telemarketing, Car Washp> Things you like to do: sleep, read, hang out with friends and drink, drive,go to clubs travel

Things You Collect: picture frames and candles

Best Advice Ever Given: The great pleasure in life is doing what others say you cannot.

Words Or Phrases You Overuse: Riiiight, Okey Dokey

Dream Car: F-150 (ok so its not a car) or *sigh* a stock car i can race

Coolest Experience In Life: Living in NYC

Special Skills Or Talents: writing, bowling, sometimes im a pool shark

Song That Couldn't Be Improved Upon: Dust in the Wind

Fav song: currently, "For You" by Staind

Special Awards You've Won: BCC presidents award, graduated with honors, bowling trophies

Character Traits You Look For Most In a Girl/Guy: caring, respectful, good sense of humor, mature

What You Want To be: social worker, psychologist, or sociologist

Future Goals: go to scotland, help abused children

Fave Music: rock/alternative

Groups/Singers You Enjoy: incubus, kansas, led zepplin, tool, limp bizkit, staind, sevendust, linkin park, ani difranco, basically any rock

Fave Color: dark green or maroon

Fave Food: ice cream or Chinese food

Least Fave Food: japanese food

Fave Vacationing Spot: Upstate NY

Fave Sport: Swimming

Book You Would Like to Read: All of "Portrait of An Artist as A Young Man" and more of the women's studies books at barnes and noble

Fave Actor/Actress: mel gibson/angelina jolie (shes hot)

Fave Movies: braveheart, gone in 60 seconds, matrix, patriot, american beauty, the fight club, crouching tiger,hidden dragon, the breakfast club, sixteen candles, pretty in pink, the truth about cats & dogs

Fave Animals: kittens

Fave Day: Friday

Fave Month: September

Fave Thing To Wear: jeans, tank top, and no shoes

The worst thing you despise: negative psycho people

Would you rather be blind or deaf? Blind because if I was deaf I would not be able to listen to music.

Do you consider yourself a good listener? yea

Would you rather be tall or short? Tall

Are you too shy to ask anyone out? well I used to be able to do it without thinking, but now I cant

Do you like to talk on the phone? Depends on who im talking to

Do you think boys or girls have it easier? Boys!

If you could go back in time where would you want to go? the 70’s.

If you were in a theater and someone was crying would you laugh? I would probably be the one crying, so no.

Have you ever gone skinny dipping? yes

If you could do anything this weekend what would it be? Go to Scotland

What's the best word you know? Love

Have you ever wanted to run away? Of course. I tried at least twice when I was little.

What's your worst fear? Bees, and getting hurt by other people

Have you ever felt you were in love?Yes, I am as we speak! :-)

If you could dye your hair one color, what would it be? I wish it would stay red!

If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be? A butterfly or a sun/moon design on my back

If you could meet one person in this world, who would it be? Raine Maida of Our Lady Peace

What's on your walls in your room? Pictures, scottish flag, pictures of cats, baby pic of me, ocean pics

What's your sign? Virgo

How do you eat an Oreo? Twist it apart, like the icing, give the rest to someone else =) Double Stuff Oreos rule!

Are you a righty or a lefty or ambidextrous (that means both)? Ambidextrous.

Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? No, but I can still type fast.

Which do you prefer, mud wrestling or Jell-O wrestling? Jell-O wrestling would be cool.

Nationality: American. But my ancestors were German, French, and Scottish.

Radio Station: 101.1 or 105.9

Smoker/Nonsmoker: Smoker

Best Lesson you've learned: to be whoever and whatever i want to be, and that i am capable of anything

4 Letter Word: this could call for some very messed up answers, but ill say eyes to be different

Candy: Anything sour and gum

Drink (Non-alcoholic): ice tea (even though im an alcoholic)

Flower: Any kind of roses.

Gemstone: Sapphire, my birthstone.

Magazines: Newsweek or Motor Trend or Jane

Perfume or Cologne: anything from Victoria’s Secret

Season: Spring and Fall

Shampoo: Herbal Essences

Habits: staying up too late and chewing too much gum

Piercing: 2 in each ear and a belly button bar

Bitter/Sweet: Sweet

Flowers/Candy/Poem: Poem

Gold/Silver: Silver

Kissing/Hugging: kissing

Land/Sea: Sea

Love/Lust: Love

Mountains/Prairies: Mountains

Smiling/Laughing: Laughing

I Always: Ramble

I feel like: I cant seem to get my life together

I Hate: psychotic emotionally disturbed immature people

I Love: family, friends,cat, my boyfriend, and fast cars

I see myself as: a person in the process of change

I've had days that are: absolutely wonderful and absolutely horrible

Do you want children one day & if so, how many? Maybe, if I do have kids, only 2 (raine and jeremiah or isaiah)

First thing you notice in the opposite sex: height and eyes

Least fave thing about the opposite sex: They get too arrogant and they are sex-obsessed, and a lot of them don't treat women right

Most important thing to you in a friendship is: Bonding and trust

Describe yourself in 5 words or less: smart, sarcastic, feminist, tomboy

Do you ever write your name with the last name of your crush? I used to do that all the time, used to carve into the side of my old desk

Do you speak any other languages? I can read and write some spanish

This makes me cry: When I am really happy or emotionally touched, or when I am emotionally hurt, actually I cry too darn much.

This makes me smile: Almost anything, I like to smile

Ticklish: everywhere (this is not fair)

What is your favorite physical feature on yourself: my eyes and hair (on some days)

Have you ever met people from aol? Yes, bad idea

Hotel or Camping: Camping

Snickers or Reeses: reeses

Football or Basketball: Football

If Someone were to create a movie about your life what would it be rated?: Probably R.

One word that describes my life: Crazy

Why: I have had an interesting past!

Where do you want to go on your honeymood?: New York City or Scotland

Number of people on your buddy list: 67

Ever have a medical emergency? yes

Beach or pool? Beach

Snooze button or jump out of bed? snooze many times in a row .

Sunrise or Sunset? Sunset

Morning person or night person? night!!

Indoors or outdoors? depends on what mood I’m in Elevator or Stairs? Elevator

THE END! :-)