What you looking at are a bones of the biggest
animals ever to walk this planet.
Long before the Man-they roamed the Earth.
Now we are digging for the remains of the past and
speculating about them.
What happened to those creatures?
How could they vanish?
What killed the dinosaurs?
Many speculations go toward a some kind of
A meteor hit the Earth and all life became extinct.
Did all life forms vanish or only partially and -
what was left of them - adapt to a new
Some say that the reptiles are direct
descendants of dinosaurs-or are they?
I will tell you a story and you decide if it is real.
Long time ago there was life on this planet.
Huge animals and plants ruled the Earth.
It was the time of the Dinosaurs.
The question remains - How did they develop to be so massive.
This planet was not big enough to support them
For that moment - they had a lot of food, but
they grew in numbers.
How longer could this planet have supported them?
The biggest mystery - what kind of life form
existed on the Earth before the Dinosaurs?.
Increasing gravitation forces could have forced the
animals to adapt.
Caused them to grow bigger and stronger, but what changed the
gravity on this planet?
Could a meteor hit the Earth and increase its
axis spin?
If you hit a ball on its side very quickly - it will
spin faster.
So it`s possible that when the Earth was hit by the meteor, its spin increased.
This could also, in effect, knock the Earth off its orbit around the Sun and increase its distance from it.
Lets assume that - before the meteor - the Earth was
closer to the Sun.
That means - no life form as we knowit, could exist.
It would bet too hot.
Then a meteor comes and knock the Earth into different
orbit - further away from the Sun.
As the planet moves away from Sun - it cools off.
Because of the high gravitation forces - ice begins to
form on the surface.
With time - the ice melts down and fills the
planet with water.
Life evolves. Plants and animals.
The Earth spins faster - at my calculation about 10
times faster that presently.
The life forms need to adapt to a higher
gravitation force and respond by growing
bigger and stronger bodies.
A few thousand years latter, another meteor comes.
This one brought death to the Dinosaurs.
Not all the animals became extinct.
Some of them survived - the smallest ones.
The meteor hit the Earth again, but this time
hit at a different angle.
It hit against the spin and in effect slowed down
the spin.
While remaining in its present orbit, the Earth slowed down
Massive bodies could not support themselves in such a
rapid change of gravity and collapsed under their own
Smaller animals were not affected and adapted to the
new gravitational force.
Some scientists said that the extinction of
Dinosaurs occured a few billion years ago - I think
that it was not that long; that it was only a few thousands years.
Some people said that "Ice Age" came after the
Dinosaurs - I say it came before.
Ice did not kill the Dinosaurs - loss of gravity did.
Let me explain the gravity issue.
We all know a book that was written a long time ago.
The book contains historical events that occurred thousands
years ago.
That book is the Old Testament.
No - I am not talking about Bible as a whole
At this point I am interested in the Old
Let me say this straight - I am not a
"God loving creature".
I have a different point of
view on creation and definitely do not believe
in Darvin`s theory of evolution.
I do not care how many years my come - monkeys
never will be man, but man can act like
We all see that around.
Lets go back to the book.
As a boy, I grow up in Catholic family and studied
the Bible from an early age.
Despite 2 years of "Bible School" - I did not understand that book at that time.
I was capable of reading at the age of 6, but not to understand it.
Sometimes at the age of 12, I began to understand the Bible
and as a result of that - I rebelled against the Church.
At that point I did not rebel against God (I do not think that I ever did - I just have a different definition of God).
I set the Bible aside and never went back.
That was a mistake - I could have learned more.
Twenty years latter, I become interested in Earth cataclysms and when they occurred.
I kind of doubted the "carbon dating" method and started
looking for more information.
"looking deep into my memory," I remembered
something about generations living at different
life span at different times.
It was significant.
People lived at some point from 600 years to
900 and then dropped to 60.
Some ethnic groups have a life span of 30-40 and
others up to 80.
40-50 years difference would not have gotten my
attention, but almost 10 times longer and then
in 2 generation it decrased so much?
How could that have happened and where did I get that information?.
Read the Old Testament, but not only read - understand it.
Up to two generations past the "Great Flood"
people`s life span were between 600 to 900 years.
Then they dropped down to around 60 years.
The only explanation I saw was that calendar changed.
Since people counted the days from Sun down to Sun rise - the axis spin of Earth had to be around 10 times faster.
That means the higher gravitation forces affected the people too.
They were bigger at that times and stronger.
There is some truth in every legend and according to Greek Mythology - giant man walked
the Earth, but the Earth was slowing down and
- with time - the giant slowly disappeared.
Human slowly begin to adopt to the changing
gravitation forces and grew smaller in size.
Did humans walk among Dinosaurs? - It is possible,
but most likely the human were created
after the Dino were gone.
The creation of the human is a different story.
As a result of another cataclysm, the Earth
slowed down rapidly.
Two generations past the "great flood" the
spin in axis decreased to its present speed.
And keeps slowing down.
Not to such significant level as to rapidly affect our lifes,
but does keep slowing down.
We will have to look for another place to live soon.
Human are populating this planet too quickly
and depleting the resources necessary to survival.
With increasing technology level - soon we my
be able to travel to other planets and lay waste to them
like we doing with this one.
The Dino did not had the option - we do.
I kind of like this planet.
Too bad that many people do not see it that way.
All what they see is the dollar sign.
In this story I give to you general idea about where
to look for some answers.
It was never my intention to glorified the Bible.
It could do much harm.
Just read the book like you never read before.
There are no secret codes - no hidden messages
as many people want to believe and looking for.
The Old Testament was written in simple form
and not intended to hide anything.
After then judge my story - and see if it does "hold