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Basic Everglades Info


"The miracle of the light pours over the green and brown expanse of the water,

shining and slow-moving below, the grass and water is the meaning and central

fact of the Everglades of Florida. It is a River of Grass"


                                                                            Marjory Stoneman Douglas



The lands of the Everglades received their first name from the Native Americans.

They called it, “Pa-hay-okee”, which in their language, meant, “grassy waters”, a perfect description of this beautiful place. 

As the early settlers came, they referred to it as a glade, thinking of the open, grassy, arias within some of their forests back home. But this “glade” seamed to go on forever, so, in the beginning, on their maps, this great land was called “The Forever Glades”, later to be shortened to the name we all know today, The Everglades.

This large, open land first appears to be so very empty and alone, barren of any wildlife. But in truth, this land is teaming with life.

The Everglades National Park has one of the widest diversities of life found throughout the world. 

There are different sections in the park, each offering the chance to view various verities of wildlife. 

Its southern ranges and western coasts boast the mangroves and oceanic life.

Everglades City

Both Everglades City and Flamingo offer boat rides.

One might hope to see anything from seagulls, eagles and osprey to crocodiles, manatee and bottle nosed dolphin.

(*The American Crocodiles are only found in the southern section)

Other parts of the park are so very different.

Otter cave trail inside a hammock in Shark Valley

Shark Valley, and Royal Palm offer trials through tree islands and sawgrass prairies.

Shark Valley offers bike rentals, and tram rides though its long 15 mile loop road.

Here you might have the chance to see herons, egrets,

limpkins and snail kites, to alligators and white tail deer.



In part of the southern end of the park, you see the pine lands, where you may be lucky enough to spot Florida Tree Snails, or even the very slight chance to view the Florida Panther!


There are so many wondrous places and beautiful creatures to see here in the Everglades National Park!

For more information or to view more photography, Click on the links below to begin your cyber journey through the Park.



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*© All photography on these pages is by Dimagi unless otherwise stated.

If you wish to use any photos for non-profit personal use, and/or for your local school,

 you are welcome to do so.

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Please notify me, and most likely it will be approved at no charge, so long as proper credit is given.

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(Links back to Shark Valley's Home page would be highly appreciated.)

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*On this page, no animated gifs belong to Dimagi, except the butterflies, and are believed to be public domain and free to use.

  However, the "bird on the branch" bar, gator head icon, butterfly animated gifs, and Everglades Park Banner do belong to Dimagi, and do apply to the © rules above.*





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